My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Poor Kramer having problems with his rods and cones!

"Jerry, these are load-bearing walls, you can't take them down!!!" Poor Kramer is seeing nothing but red since the Kenny Rogers' Roasters moved in across the street from their apartment building. The neon light shines so brightly into Kramer's apartment, causing him to not be able to sleep and making him even more "vibrant" than usual. It's a funny episode, because Jerry ends up staying in Kramer's apartment and becomes as spastic as Kramer. Hard to tell them apart!!!!
This episode is loaded with jingles, like "it's the wood that makes it good" and singing "Costanza" to the tune of "Buy Mennan" to keep his name rattling around in his new girlfriend's brain.
So, anyway, it was a lovely time at the pool this afternoon. When I got down there none of the tables had umbrellas since there was no cabana boy on duty. The only table not in the direct sun was occupied but I made my way to join the two ladies sitting there. Cheryl remembered me, having met me on July 26th! Now, how did she remember the day and time? You got me! But she remembered me from the cabana for some reason. Her friend, Debbie, was with Cheryl and we had a wonderful visit. Evidently I came at just the right time because they were starving and thirsty, and I was bearing spinach dip, crackers and 2 sodas. Debbie was getting the shakes from being so hungry and Cheryl appreciated the soda. They said God sent me to them, and I joked about not bringing the fishes with me, only the loaves!
Cheryl was interested in renting a unit in one of the condos so I gave her Pat's name and phone numbers. While waiting for Pat to get back to her, the two ladies went for a walk around the property, checking out the Capri and the River Suites. In their research, it came to light that the Gate House was available for rent, so Cheryl snapped it up. Perfection! According to Debbie, she's renting it for next to nothing but they didn't specify to me what the rental was going to be. There is a renter in there presently with no set date to move out, as he's waiting for his boat to be repaired. It is all going to work out.
She wants to live here at the Club because she finds it good for her soul to be on the river, even though she won't have a view from the Gate House. As a tenant, she'll have the full rights of the Club, including use of the pool so she'll be just fine! Cheryl is looking to ease her mind over some things but didn't really require much from me as far as steering her "in the right direction" as I gathered from our conversation that she is a religious person. Her dad recently died and other losses of late are causing her to feel the need for a bit of a retreat. I am glad to be able to help the little bit I did.
It's Saturday morning now and I've already been to breakfast with a small group of ladies from church, up at Honey B's. My original plans were to go to the pool when I got home but it has been raining most of time since getting back here. It's noisy upstairs as Travis and Jessica seem to be hosting a party for the UF Football game--Gators vs. Hawaii.
Justin is home watching the game with his friends, having become quite the college football fan since Jesse and Ron rubbed off on him. Justin had thought he'd be able to go to a Kenny Chesney concert tonight but,sadly, his plans didn't work out. This was a relief to me, not because I didn't want him to go to the show, but didn't want him to miss church tonight. Last week he didn't go Saturday night and then Sunday morning he didn't feel well, assuring me it wasn't because of anything he drank the night before. He made a promise not to miss church this weekend because of illness or any other reason and I'll trust he's a man of his word. He did mention something about instead of the concert they'd go to the beach to watch volleyball......this burns my biscuits, of course, but again, I'm trusting him to keep his word about worship.
After our breakfast I went to the bank, having to actually go in because only the inside of the bank is open on Saturdays. Nuts! After the bank I went to Sonic to get my morning fix (although I'd had about seven at Honey B's!!!) and then stopped at ABC Liquor. I got two jars of the pretzel dip I like, so I can share with my neighbors at happy hour. The nice lady, who quite obviously has to shave her chins every day (and I'm not being ugly about it, just sayin') offered to help me find the tea flavored vodka. She said it's flying off the shelf, and I said it's the rage in my building. Sadly the liquor store doesn't sell any lemonade but another clerk offered me lemoncello, which of course isn't even close to lemonade. I had to tell her about my friend at church who makes his own and shared some with us ladies who were familiar with it. I saw Dee's hubby there, and had to tease him about seeing him at all the finest places. We'd run into him at Publix last week when Justin and I shopped after being in Orlando. Justin is a bit shy about seeing Blair out and about because he's the doctor who fitted him with contacts, which Justin is not wearing.
" A George divided against itself cannot stand!" "She eats her peas one at a time!" "She's a close talker." "He's a high talker." "She's deaf, she can't hear!" I'm watching a Seinfeld clip show and am bombarded with funny things, faster than I can even burst out laughing! So funny!!! I have a question for Pete, though----assuming that Costanza is Jewish, why would Frank belong to Knights of Columbus?? Are they perhaps a mixed marriage or are they really Italian? Hhmmmm.....I need answers, Jerry, answers!!!
Last night happy hour flowed into Pat's unit and a bunch of us ladies enjoyed her porch. We had quite the conversations, from politics to foreign movies to learning to play bridge. Pat offered me diet Pepsi which I appreciated and then produced some Captain Morgan. The others all drink wine but I'm not a wine drinker but don't mind the occasional rum and diet! Can't say I'm all that excited about learning to play bridge but I'm always in for sitting around, talking!
"Look away! I'm hideous!!!"
Okay, so now tears are rolling as I watched the last part of this program, where apparently it's the end of their run. Thank God for re-runs!

Such excellent periodicals from our Synod!

As I sit here watching reruns, of course, of W.N.T.W. and see another poorly dressed woman shamed before all the world, I am also reading the most recent "Forward in Christ". On the back cover is an article written by a mom sending her son off to college and tears rolled. My little one, Justin, just turned 21 years old and is beginning his third year of being a college student. Notice I didn't say he was a Junior, though, just in his 3rd year. Evidently he doesn't have enough credits accumulated to earn the "Junior" designation. On the bright side, again today he reiterated how much he is enjoying his classes!

The mentioned article could have been written by me, or by any other mums who have to say "good-bye" to their offspring, whether they are going away to college or off to boot camp or simply relocating for the sake of doing so. Most of you know my son lives in the next county over and passes my street many times each week, although less now that classes have resumed. It's not the same as sending a child several states away and seeing them only on holidays and vacations, and even then, not so much. My own friend "complains" about her grandson coming home from school on occasional weekends and hardly being around to have a conversation. He's more interested in seeing his friends and doing "boy things" than hanging with Grandmaw.

I rejoice that Justin is NOT hesitant to hug me and plant a smooch on me, remembers his manners, and I pray, behaves himself when he's not with me. Lynn made a remark to Gabe about how nice Justin is to his mama. I hope I appreciate what a nice boy I have and not take him for granted. It bothers me when things go badly or sadly for him, but then also remember he's a big boy and should be developing skills for handling things himself. In my mind I'll compare where his father and I were at his age and furrow my brow at how simple his "problems" are compared to what we dealt with between working and remodeling and moving......

When I was 21 I was working full time at the old folks home and been married for almost 3 years. And I was so homesick when I first moved an hour and a half away from home and my peoples!!!!! In a year's time we'd remodeled our 4 family in Milwaukee, sold it, and moved back to Manty. Some people never go home again, in their hearts or with their bodies. This F.I.C. articles really hit the nail on the head about the conglomeration of emotions swimming around in a mama's head, and what a blessing this author could spill them onto paper for the rest of us to share with her!

The recent Mission Connection was awesome, too! Monday at Bible study I encouraged the group to be sure to read through it, because there was so much to absorb in that paper. Mom wrote to tell me my dear friend, Pete, wrote some of the Meditations in the recent edition and this made me regret not subscribing. I'll check on-line to see if it's available. I shared the Jerusalem website address with some ladies from church so they can give an ear to his sermons. They were wishing archives were available in our church library of recorded messages but only written ones can be gotten. They want something to listen to on their commute, and I thought perhaps they could record off the computer so they can listen on their long drive to work. Electronics!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

For those who feel the same way I do about these things...........

"Given that his speech may resemble a scene from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” with retro Greek architecture as a backdrop, it may be more difficult for Obama to persuade Americans he is ready to be president than if he were to climb the steep hill to the Acropolis." Cal Thomas, 8-24-08

(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple. 8-27-08 ABC News

"... a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama" - Barack Obama
Lebanon, New Hampshire January 7, 2008

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
-- Barack Obama

"We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."- Barack Obama, Super Tuesday

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
-- Chris Matthews MSNBC

Cue the theme music from "My Big, Fat Greek Wedding". I laughed my head off when I heard it yesterday!!!!

In that movie, Father Gus is upset because his naive daughter wants to go to city college....where? Chicago!! Go figure!! Gus says about his daughter, whom he thinks is too easily led: "Someone is going to give her a package and tells her to take it to the bus station......And she'll do it!!!!" Good for Tula for not being so swayed by those around her, swept up in the moment.

This is soooooooo cool!

In re-reading my most recent postings (I am my biggest fan!!!), I discovered that I now have two people named Ed who are my new best friends!!!!! One with a grille and tea-flavored vodka and the other with Packer tickets! I could do worse!!!!!

I have to leave the A/C running

Upon returning from the kitchen on a soda run, I saw and heard the A/C running, for some reason. The fact that it's 79 degrees in the house didn't occur to me....oh, of course it did. As I reached up to set the temp higher, I instead withdrew because yesterday morning it took both hands and one foot to try to open my kitchen door! It was swollen so badly from the humidity built up in the house, and I realize running the air conditioner will help to resolve the problem. I see some frolicking going on in the basin already this morning, too. No modesty, those manatees!
I figured something out----every now and again I see this flat-bottomed boat with two guys just sort of drifting around slowly in the basin area, with one guy steering while the other peers at something in front of him. They got close enough today for me to see they are apparently measuring depth, and the instrument in front of the one fella must record the readings. And I thought they were just fiddling around out there! An 8th Commandment issue on my part!
The most MARVELOUS thing happened to me after the meeting yesterday. I decided to stop at Publix (the one we refer to as Robbie's Publix, and used to call it Laurie's and Andy's Publix, since the Douglas kids all worked there!) to buy some soda and toilet bowl cleaner. Some seem to think it's the same thing! Anyway, more stuff made it into my cart so the nice bagger man insisted on taking it to my car for me. Originally I'd said I could take it but he wrestled it from my hands, so off we went. As he loaded my car he asked me how big a Packer fan I am. Not to miss a beat, I replied, "They don't come much bigger than me!" gesturing at my physique. He asked if I had tickets for the game and I knew he meant the Packer/Jaguar Game in December. I told him I was trying to get some from my neighbor but it was up in the air yet. He reached into his wallet and handed me his business card, which has a Jaguar logo on it. "Ed" works in the office of the Jags and promised to help me get tickets for the December 14th game!!!! He said to call him at home after 5:30 pm and he'd get in touch with sales to see what he could do. WOW! It's not what you know, it's who you know!!!!
Immediately I phoned Lynn at work to report our upcoming blessing and she's going to put in for her vacation at this time. I asked what her price limit was for tickets, in case we get Club Seats, and she said it didn't matter, she wants to see this game!!!! Imagine---going to a Packer game in December and not freezing tight to those metal benches!!!!!
Ed and I played a bit of ping pong back and forth with phone calls, as it seems the front office had switched their phones already, even though they were in the office last night. He called me back bright and early this a.m. and said he was sorry, but all the "cheap seats" were scattered ones, not grouped together. I told him Club Seats were a go, and he excitedly told me he'd found some just released and would secure them for us! Once accomplished I gave my credit card info to him and it was a done deal!
Ed called back once more and told me I'd better sit down, he had some news for me. I was sitting already so told him to go ahead with the "bad" news, assuming the worst, of course. Ed reported that "unfortunately" the only seats he could get for us were on the Packer side of the field, 8 rows up from the bench, in an excellent section. Oh, that rascal really had me going there for a minute.....can't wait to tell Lynn and Justin about our seats. I am going to call Mike Sholes at church to see if he'd like to go, too, as I have one unclaimed seat yet.
Ed and I talked a while longer after his big news, discussing Robbie and his church activities, etc. He knew Robbie had just been to church conference and such. Oh, another thing----I had told Ed that we'd formerly had season tickets for the Jags but don't any longer. He said he knew that because when he called the front office and he gave my name, the person asked, "Is that Kim?" They knew me there, but he doesn't know who he was talking to who recognized my last name!!!! And Ed is my new best friend!!!!
I'd explained about not going to the games now because of the time crunch between worship and kick-off time, saying we couldn't get there, park, and walk to the stadium before half time....sort of an exaggeration but not too far off. He said I could buy parking in the garage and walk only two blocks or 5 minutes to the stadium. It's something to consider but I really really like watching from home, too, and hate it when they are blacked out due to low ticket sales. This won't be a problem for us, though, on December 14th, because we'll be there, all do to my letting Ed help me with my three grocery bags and soda cases!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, so now I'm a sad girl!

I just went into the kitchen to get a soda from the fridge, and though it's now remarkably emptier than it was last week when company was here, I saw a few things which made me miss my family. I disposed of the baby carrots leftover from the dinner I made the other night when we still had electricity. And I thought they loved veggies!! The crisper drawer has a bundle of celery (don't know how else to describe it) not even cut into. Justin thought the boys would like peanut butter on celery sticks. There are two containers of six each mixed fruit and pears, not even cracked open. Only one of the dozen cups of "logurt" was eaten, but I can enjoy those even though they say "kid cups" on the outside. I am a kid, my mom's kid!
There is also a box in the fridge from McAllister's Deli from Sunday night when Justin and I went there before going to his house. I got a gynormous baked potato with cheddar cheese and bacon on it, barely, barely making a dent in it. I did take the liberty of embarrassing my son as well as myself, by spilling my soda when trying to put the straw through the lid! I cried and cried over spilled soda! The waitress had to stack the chairs and get the scrub bucket with mop.....a nice tip was left for her!
In less than an hour I have a meeting at church regarding the recent presentation by Greg Schmill about starting a Christian Day School. This timing works best for one of the members of the investigating team because she works in the preschool. I gave up scrapbooking and painting today to attend a 1:00 pm meeting.......the bright side is getting to spend time with Janet! Last time Karen and she came for scrapbooking which was a hoot!
Speaking of church----last night at Travis' victory celebration, his fiancee, Jessica, introduced me to someone as the social lady of the condo. Excuse me? She then went on to explain that although she has the "official title" of Social Team Leader, Kim is really the social person. Oh brother!!! I stomped my foot and declared for all to hear---"I am NOT the Fellowship Lady!!!!" Just kidding, of course. My work is generally behind the scenes, making the phone calls and designing the notices about upcoming events. I'm certainly glad my neighbors took it up themselves to invite us upstairs on our 3rd Thursday Social!
Time to mop my tears from the visit to the refrigerator, and get myself ready for the meeting. I trust no tears will be shed at the meeting, unless they are of frustration! By the way, Lynn, speaking of frustration, the cookies we got the other day are not really pecan sandies, your favorite. They have no pecans in them! Liars!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Travis won!!!!!!!

I just got home from Travis' celebration party at Holiday Inn and it truly was a celebration! He won handily over his Republican opponent and now has to gear up for the November elections. If he thought this battle was tough, well, it's going to get tougher yet! The Democrat running against him is a River Road dweller and most of those folks were rabidly against having the Poker Room added to the dog track, which Travis supported. This could be a problem and I hope "we" can overcome this arguement.
In speaking with Jessica, his fiance this evening, I told her if the battle gets ugly and mud starts to fly, or get down and dirty, I was out. She said they'd (the election committee) already decided not to stoop low and lower the standards, that it wasn't worth it. And this is why I love Travis!

Tropical Storm Fay

Here's a view of the river looking south from my river room. I am surprised they left the dredging machinery in the basin area, but removed the much larger barge from the area beyond the basin. You can see the wind whipping the palms furiously, and I can almost hear the sound they make when this happens.

This photo immediately made me think "here's the calm during the storm". Noah is enjoying his book, being able to read two and a half books during his vacation time in Florida. Just like on a cruise! Manny is just lying back on the sofa, watching the storm throw water at my new patio doors. I wish the doors would have been more resistant to water infiltration but this was not to be. I'll call Jack, my window guy and one of my fans, to see what he can tell me about this door situation.

Jack gave me a lovely black and white photograph his friend took of a cross on a mountain top in Switzerland. One day last year, Mom and I came home to find this wrapped present on my kitchen counter---a thank you from Jack. It got a bit wet when the water (during Fay)came down the walls from the unit above me. This picture hangs just behind my TV. The photo is fine, only the black paper on the back was wet.

"The sea was angry, my friends" but no golf balls or whales to be seen. This shot is looking down from my river room to the bulkhead below, as the waves are being tossed toward the patio doors of the first floor units. Gus, in one of the lower units, was out of town, so various neighbors kept an eye on things in his house, as well as checking on Mike, next door to Gus. Mike is in a motorized chair and all were concerned about him sitting alone down there. Especially without electricity to charge him up! He did fine, and in fact, became a bit annoyed that everyone kept asking him if he was okay......Is there such a thing as too much love? I think not!
You might possibly be able to see the streaks of water which are running down the wall where my TV usually stands. I'm glad it didn't short out my wiring and such which was behind there. Lisa put a metal cooking pan, also known as a kettle, to catch the drips. When the rain and leaking ceased, we moved everything back into place and I noticed my wall was rippled where water had gotten between the drywall and the paint. That's okay, it's not obvious, and hopefully mold won't be cultivated in there. The blue light which you see hanging there was purchased in Santorini, Greece, from Justin's and my friend, Jeanne, in 2006. It's blown glass, cobalt blue. When I saw it in the shop window, I looked at Justin and said, "That's for me!" Ta-da!!!

This view is looking north toward the Buckmann Bridge. It had to be closed during the height of the storm, not only because of the high winds but also because a sail boat, a sizable one, had broken loose at the marina and was banging against the sides of the bridge supports. Not good, for either the bridge or the boat! Since I don't normally hang off my porch railing, I hadn't noticed my new neighbors had placed a grille on their patio......I told Ed at the "Insteada Dinner" party on the 5th floor that I was going to be his new best friend! He said anytime I want to, I can cook on his grille. What a guy! He doesn't realize (yet) that I come with about 20 people!

This is the tree which stands just outside my patio doors. It's the tallest of all the palms near my windows and faired the best. The shorter two look quite squished down, as though giant birds tried to sit on them. The palms along the basin don't seem any worse for the wear either. I'd hate to lose the palm trees as they add so much to my view and enjoyment of the river. Thanks to all who remembered us in their prayers, asking God to watch over us "weathering" the storm.

Just look at how the waves are splashing over the breakwater! The river isn't at its high point here which is why the flat barrier rocks are still visible. During high tide, no rocks and no grass was showing which made for a creepy look. And now, it's as peaceful and calm as can be, as though nothing's happened. At least it's this way here.....other areas around Jacksonville are still using boats and/or waiting for their power to be restored. I am so blessed!!!

Various and assorted photographs

Gabe and Manny look like cool dudes, waiting for our table at Clark's Fish Camp. We are so glad we went on the very first day they were here as conditions deteriorated quickly starting Sunday!
The boys and Noah really got a kick out of the decor of the fish camp, totally surprised by what they found once inside the doors. Not what you'd expect at all. We were able to enjoy our meal on the open porch (a.k.a. 'fetid' swamp, as Lori called it) and Manny took great pleasure in throwing food to the turtles and alligator. Noah enjoyed his meal, the stuffed flounder, which Mom said is the best meal in a restaurant she's ever had! He didn't care much for my fried dill pickles but did like his alligator nuggets. Some like pickles, some like pencil erasers......

Looking like he's about to go up in the Space Shuttle, Manny is strapped into his car seat, ready to head to the airport. Gabe was on the other side of the car, trying to climb up into his seat, when it tipped and he fell backward from the car. All we adults were busy hugging and kissing good-bye and didn't notice he was on the way up. Gabe was fine but his clothes were wet so Noah and Lisa rapidly stripped him down and changed him just inside the garage, with no one the wiser. Some day he'll appreciate the adage about patience being a virtue.

Here is a great shot of the boys watching the storm from my family room window. Lynn and I put the glass back into place after moving it a couple days earlier--just in case! My left hand window was wiggling in the wind because it's not fully latched and we couldn't get it to lock in. A trusty piece of packing tape prevented it from making the noise of metal against metal. The shelf needed dusting anyway.....We ended up putting one candle holder back on the glass shelf because Lynn would forget it was there and hit her face on it when trying to look out. The candle reminded her head the glass shelf was there!

Gabe looks pensive as he rests his head on my foot stool. I was so proud of how the boys entertained themselves during our basic "lock-down" existence. I'd apologized to Tracy in the house below mine, explaining the boys need to run their little legs every now again. She thought I had a dance machine going up here.....right! Well, I could probably do that dancing now that I have my new bra! Justin's bringing them the Play Doh was absolutely brilliant, and I don't care one little bit if there was a mess on my glass topped table. Having no electricity allowed the boys to play using imagination and crayons, like in the old days when we wrote with chalk on a slate......okay, that's a bit of a stretch, I admit it!

At Gabe's recent VBS, the kids were taught to clap their hands when the talking and noise level got too high. It seems the clapping catches on and the kids realize they are to be quiet and applaud. Lisa and the boys demonstrated this for us Saturday when the noise level got a bit higher than we'd like. It shut Justin right up!!

It's such a lovely day today!

I didn't mention this in previous postings but when we woke up on Saturday morning, it was quiet outside. This was in stark contrast to waking three days in row to the wind whipping the palms outside my windows and the roar of water crashing and splashing against the breakwater. It was quiet!! It was weird!!
Saturday opened with clearer skies and some sun light but it didn't stay. By the time my family was about to board their plane, it was thundering and raining here at the condo. Lisa texted me to report all was dry at the airport and they were able to leave Jacksonville safely.
Well, today began early, again with sunshine and clear skies, and a phone call. Justin wanted to let me know he was leaving home so I could gauge my getting ready for the day according to his drive time. He suggested I think about him being like Dominoes and he'd be here in 30 minutes or less! Funny boy! We were going over to the polls to vote for "ole Travis" and the rest on the list. My friend, Diane, was also running for an at-large seat on the Board of Commissioners. She handles some of my finances for me, and we've bonded with each other (go figure!!). Bonded, a little play on words there!!!! Don't put much stock in what I say.......we have a mutual admiration for each other.....enough with the investment puns already!!!
So, back to Justin and me voting....there were no lines at the polls, sad to say. We marched right in, got scanned, voted, and then off we went, sporting our "I Voted" stickers. I saw one of the Art Guild members there voting also and we are both looking forward to Guild starting again next month. At least I think so now!
Since he had time, before heading to the polls, I had Justin go around picking up toys and putting things away now that the boys are gone home. I was too lazy to do it yesterday and the house keepers were coming today. He disassembled the Rokenbok game and put it back in the box plus gathered the assorted cars, trucks, and Legos to store away in the bins for our next guests to play with. I hope Lucas is coming in the Spring before Lent. Oh, and Grace will be old enough to play with toys by then also. Lucas will be four years old in September, on the anniversary of Hurricane Jeanne----a day which shall live in infamy---for many reasons!!!
Justin and I had breakfast at Grumpy's, where I received a hug from Mike Taylor, who is running for Sheriff. Lynn and I had seen his contingent and him there on Wednesday morning before I took her for the facial. This must be his headquarters, and I teased him that he'd have his victory celebration at Grumpy's!!! He did invite us to join his party at HoJo but I said I was going to Travis's party at Holiday Inn. I was also invited to Diane's party for tonight at Honey Bee's but I'm committed to "ole Travis"!! He gave me a thank you present last week, a gift card for Carrabba's. It burned a hole in my pocket so used it on Friday night already!!!
Justin had to head back to his side of town because he has classes during the day on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm glad he took the time and gas to come back over here to vote--I'd have felt quite badly not having my kid vote for "ole Travis" after he'd told me about 6 times about Justin being able to vote early at the Tax Collector's office!
I am also glad Justin is enthusiastic about his classes this semester, because he didn't do so hot on his summer class. He got a C which is just barely what he needs to keep his "scholarship" money, what his father and I pay for him to be a student. Of course, I'd love to see much higher grades instead of just making the grade, but........
Perhaps we should have stipulated his maintaining a solid B to keep his "scholarship"......It's a good thing he loves his subject matter so much, covering Romanesque and other types of art and history.
The basin is active with boats and leaping fish this afternoon. The dredging folks have located the floating barriers much closer to my building, which makes me think they'll be coming this way soon. I do so enjoy watching the mullet leap for bugs, as they are much easier to see now that the river is smooth. It's difficult to remember how rough it was not even a week ago!
Earlier I'd mentioned being lazy yesterday after I posted my blog. I answered all my e-mails and other communications and then went to the family room with my lap top in tow. Justin showed me how to "search" for non-secured Internet, floating in the air around my building. I watched a couple "What Not to Wear" episodes and then chatted for a bit with Mona, my sister-in-law in WI. Arno was home from the hospital as of that afternoon and was resting comfortably. He's not yet fully regained his strength after this hopsital stay and a physical therapist will be coming to their house to help him get stronger. So, I am still on schedule to go up and help out while Mona and John are gone to see JR at West Point!
There were several splash and dash rain storms yesterday which prevented the roofing guys from working on the edge of the building. Understandably so. It did dry enough for us to gather on the shelf (sun deck) to enjoy happy hour and each other's company again. We had so many people, we ran out of chairs! I told Jack he was wise to bring his own (a wheelchair). The new neighbors, Ed and Karen, treated us to some delicious tea-flavored vodka made in South Carolina. Ed picked up a case on a recent trip there, to their home in Charleston. Wow, it was wonderful, served with fresh-squeezed lemonade over ice. Yummm! A couple of the folks bought bottles off Ed as we sat there. Some one is going to look around locally to see if it's available. I can see that going over very nicely at some of my social gatherings!!!!! Oh, yeah!

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a blessed day!!!!

Oops, it's been so long since I used my own computer that I forgot just how it works! I accidentally posted a blog with nothing written in it.....sorry!
We are currently up and running in The Palace! Evidently I was correct about the tree lying on the wires out on Astor, because when I came home from Bible study and lunch, the tree was removed and Comcast restored to my home----and all is right with the world again!!!!
We had the most marvelous discussion this a.m. in class. Our subject matter was about moral absolutes, which is dear to my heart. It appears that sins of the flesh are high on people's lists of evil things to do, and the conversation covered anywhere from Hallmark now offering cards for same-sex "unions" to couples living together without being married to killing unwanted children. Heavy material to cover on a Monday morning, let me tell you!
So many of us have the same situations in our own lives or in those connected to us, often feeling afraid to rock the boat by pointing out the error or transgression. It's that boat rocking thing that gets in the way of being faithful Christians. We must be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have, and hopefully this class serves us with the answers. One of the participants commented that even though someone pushes us away, doesn't wish to hear the Law and Gospel, we can still serve them through our prayers, which they can do nothing about. We can ask the Lord to soften their hardened hearts and see they are going in the wrong direction.
I was thinking of the Pranges today in Bible study. One of the Bible stories we reviewed was the visit of the Magi to King Herod and how they failed to return to his palace with reports of locating the baby Jesus. Herod ordered all the male infants to age 2 killed, in order to eliminate this new King from being able to steal his earthly throne. Paul Prange preached a sermon on this text the Sunday after Pete and Tarren's wedding and there was hardly a dry eye in the house! It was a marvelous sermon, but personally affected me deeply. I think it had only been two years since Timmy had died plus I'd talked about Timmy at the reception with Pete's family and friends. They were all quite familiar with us and our story, since Pete was at our house when Timmy drowned. Anyway, whew! It was rough leaving church, even Pete's mom was wiped out. I asked Pete to get me a copy of the sermon but he said Paul doesn't write his sermons out, goes from the top of his head, sort of. Or, more properly, from his heart! So, I was thinking about Pranges this a.m.
The manatees are celebrating the departure of TS Fay, too, at the moment. The water is being stirred in the basin and shiny fins and backs catch the sun light every now and again. My family was able to view some manatees when standing on the 5th floor balcony Thursday night. This was before the sea was totally angry, my friends!
Gabe impressed us greatly one morning when he told us about the waves in the river. He said it was really wavy out there, and that the wind was making the waves. Lisa was so surprised to hear him say this, because she didn't know that he knew! A proud mama moment! Unfortunately the boys missed seeing the cherry picker machine which is parked along the building today. The roofers are putting the finishing touches along the face of the building.
One of my neighbors sent an e-mail to us all, asking if we wish to have the roofing guys caulk our windows from the outside. I'd like that, yes, but am wondering how much such a service would cost. The entire building is to be done next year sometime, but I wouldn't mind going ahead and doing it right away. Might help keep the spiders and other intruders from finding their way into my house! To say nothing of the water!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here is some more from me.......

Let's see if I can recall some of the highlights, as compared to the low lights of the water leaking....
Lynn and the family stayed for the rest of the day Tuesday at Magic Kingdom, getting home right before 8:00 pm. I'd left to meet Martie for a margarita and taco salad, and told Lisa I'd leave the door unlocked for them....Well, I very foolishly but automatically locked it up, so when she called me, I had to rush home to let them in. The boys were this close to tinkling in their pants, but it took me less than 1o minutes to get home from when she called me. I felt so terrible about it, and didn't even realize how late it had gotten since Martie and I met right after 6:00 p.m. when she got done working.
They'd driven some in the rain but not all the way, thankfully. Noah showed me a photo of Manny holding up four fingers, which was how many times he went on "It's a Small World". Lisa and Gabe went into the Haunted Mansion and the Pirate ride more than once, but they are too intense for a little guy like Manny. I think they also went on the Thunder Mountain roller coaster which is a wild ride. All had a really good time, and the boys each brought home a stuffed animal souvenir courtesy of their Great Grandma K.
Wednesday was the day we set out for Eagle Harbor where I showed Noah the neighborhoods and homes we lived in. Lisa and gang were behind us all the way but I had Noah to myself---poor guy! The boys enjoyed watching the fella cook our food right in front of them at Koko's but Manny didn't care for the oil being lit on fire and flaring up like it did. The chef did that special just for us, because ordinarily they do the "show" stuff for dinner only. It was really slow business-wise since it was noonish, but I guess that under the circumstances, it was okay.
We stopped at Hang Ups after lunch and the boys really enjoyed petting the dogs and feeding them little treats. The kids were well behaved considering all the breakable pretties in this store, and I was happy Dee and Julia got to see them at their best behavior. All the adults were treated to a brief yet lovely back massage using Dee's glass paper weights, as is her custom. As I'd already mentioned, Lynn and I went back to the condo while the Ellisons went shopping. Lisa bought me a Catch Phrase game as a thank you gift, and I am so glad to have it. We never had enough people to play a round while they were here visiting, or at least, didn't have the interest or enough light!
Thursday was a sleepy day weather wise. Lynn and I watched the boys while Lisa and Noah went to breakfast at Grumpy's and then shopping at the Mall, just to pass some time. I may be off a day or two on these dates but since its not for a grade, it won't matter. The days rather ran together because all it did was rain, blow, and rain some more. Thursday evening we went upstairs to the social which was forced indoors by the weather. I took summer sausage and Ritz crackers for our appetizer, as the function was named "Insteada Dinner". My downstairs neighbor, Tracy, had commented to Lisa that she heard the running sounds from my unit, and thought I must have bought myself a Dance Dance Revolution machine which would account for the racket. She was just kidding, of course, and totally understood about the boys needing to run their legs off now and again.
We watched some TV that night, I think we watched Mr. Holland's Opus before heading off to bed. We still had electricity when we went to bed but shortly before midnight, the house grew quite silent without the sounds of TV, ceiling fans, and appliances. Oh, what? I did have ice and Justin had brought me foam coolers in case we needed to put the freezer contents into them. I'd had the foresight to set both my fridge and freezer on their coldest settings days earlier and had set dishes of water into the freezer to make blocks. This was in addition to the ice bags, juice packets and other frozen hunks to help keep things well preserved for the duration. As long as no one opened the freezer......and no one did!
I absolutely HAD to open the fridge to get out something vital to my existence.......I'm sure you know I'm talking about my soda supply! Simply reaching and grabbing the carton as fast as I could----the kids can live without milk or juice, right? Nah, we did grab some of that, too. I had Pop Tarts on hand for times like these as well as graham crackers and Lucky Charms for the boys' breakfast. One of the days Noah made breakfast for us when we still had power, and it was the first time, I think, that bacon was cooked in my condo. The smell is absolutely intoxicating! Lynn said there should be a candle scented as "Bacon"!!! I'd buy one! He couldn't believe that I could live without bacon but I'm not usually a breakfast eater and certainly wouldn't bother making some just for myself. I made a hot breakfast on Saturday, cooking sausages and scrambled eggs with cheese in them. Yummmmmm.....
On Friday evening we met the Rosses at Carrabba's for dinner, driving to the restaurant in the midst of a tornado warning. It seems Brenda and Carey actually saw the funnel cloud reported on the news, and it traveled down the river toward Orange Park. My friend from church, Gordy, must have called me half a dozen times with church related business as well as trying to keep me updated on the weather reports as he knew I had no power. I did have a battery radio and the little TV but it made him feel better to tell me himself. It was sweet that he called me while I was driving to the restaurant to warn me about the twister. Justin joined us for dinner and came back over to the condo with us for the evening. As we pulled up to the house, we saw Tracy and Jeff loading their car, reporting we had zip, zero, nada for electricity yet and were off to the Holiday Inn. Their friend owns it and offered them a room. As we sat around in the darkened river room waiting for a breeze, Lisa checked on their flights for the next day. All was still a go ahead for taking off. Nuts! Noah wanted to rent a larger car and drive all the way home if the flights were cancelled....I'd have hated that idea! About an hour after arriving home and sitting in the dark, warm house, Justin noticed my computer printer making noise and then, ta-da! All the lights came on and we were good to go! I immediately dashed to the laundry room and started washing the wet towels we'd gathered so far. Yippee! Justin told me he rolled down his window and shouted "thank you" to the JEA guys when he left my house. That's my boy! Lisa and I stood by the doors and listened to shouts of glee going up from the neighbors. She thought we should call Tracy and tell her the power was back on....I figured they'd be settled in for the night. It was nice to sleep with the ceiling fans on and A/C running for those who required it.....
Lisa hadn't seen Brenda N. yet this visit so she came over on Saturday morning. It was great to see her, more so for Lisa. Brenda was able to finally meet Noah, as so many people didn't even believe he existed! Now all can see where the boys get their looks from! Or, at least, some of their good looks----Lisa contributes much to their appealing faces! I have some great photos of the boys which I'll share once I'm home on the desk top computer. Seems like that will never happen....but, of course, it will, perhaps even tomorrow already!
The whole gang packed up and left me on Saturday afternoon, leaving around 2: 15 p.m. for the airport. Their flight didn't leave until nearly 5:00 p.m. but they wanted to make sure there was enough time for the drive out to the airport, returning the car, checking in, and finding the gate. It started to storm again just prior to 5:00 p.m. but when I sent Lisa a text, she replied that it was still okay at the airport, and they were on the plane already. Nuts! I was sort of hoping to keep them another day but that was very, very selfish thinking of me, and I'm the tiniest bit ashamed of myself!

I feel like my arms have been cut off!

This message is coming to you from my laptop where I am writing from Justin's house! My building is yet without Internet and/or cable service restored since some time on Thursday, I believe.
Thanks to so many who wrote, called, e-mailed, or sent smoke signals to me, wondering how we did through the storm. It's finally over, at least nearly so. Today is presently overcast with a bit of drizzle which might not be terribly unusual for this time of day and this time of year. Having had no cable, I've not been able to keep up the weather channel news, other than what the local stations show. I have a tiny black and white (or, as Justin would say, "mother of pearl") battery operated TV to use until we have cable restored.
I am not sure where to begin with this saga. I may jump around a bit in telling my story....I hope you read the previous posting which will catch the readers up to when the Internet was lost. My supposition is that we lost our service due to the rather large tree presently lying across Astor Street. Wires are draped under the branches, and since the electricity was restored on Friday night, it seems the wires must be for something else.
I did still have some leaks in the same old places as prior to the roof being replaced which means it might not have actually been a roof problem to begin with. Lisa and Noah got busy pulling the TV and the love seat away from the walls and put down towels to collect the water. Lisa put a kettle behind the TV to catch the drips which made the most interesting clang clang clang as the water fell into the kettle. Lynn and I made with the towels and sheets to sop up the water in the river room. Once again, I was able to make the remark: 'the thing which attracts us the most to living where we do, is the same thing which causes us the most trouble'!!! Water!!!! I haven't checked my floor in the river room today to see if the wetness damaged the finish or not, because the towels are still in place should we have more rains yet. Someday I'd love to have my ceiling replaced in the family room, and my electrical stuff recessed into the ceiling, although the exposed conduit and boxes looks rather European....
I am not sure whose insurance would take care of such a dramatic repair as that, mine, or the guy who lives above me, or the people who live above him, or God Himself....In the river room the leaks come from the doors rather than from above and I am n0t sure of the solution to this situation. My doors are new so this is not the problem. It could have been the driving rain that forced its way between the slides of the doors. Oh, you know what I mean.....It's nothing a few dozen towels and a CHRISTmas table cloth can't handle!
At this writing, I can hear thunder and see occasional flashes of lightning through the closed blinds. It's like a cave in here, but it seems the boys like it this way. Tonight are the closing ceremonies for the Olympics and I'll have to watch them on my tiny TV in a very non-descript fashion. They'll have to be pretty spectacular to impress me on 4" of television. How did people live back in the old days?
My thoughts are scattered, since so many days have gone by since I last wrote! One of my self-described daily readers told me this a.m. that she thought of me last week as she was struggling with something in her purse while pushing her shopping cart along using her elbows. She said she thought, "Oh, Kim would be so upset with me for doing this!" Jennifer, you made my day!!!! Thanks for being so every way!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Watching and waiting for Fay

The storm is somewhat upon us, although not nearly as fierce as originally expected, or shall I say, predicted. Supposedly the eye of the now Tropical Storm Fay may still pass over Jacksonville sometime tomorrow. not as much wind problems as rainfall in the forecast. Therefore, I have decided to not do anything overly dramatic as far as my glass is concerned. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me at some point but I am trusting the wind speed predicted won't be sufficient to blow my windows out.


Well, here it is--tomorrow--and the storm is upon us! It was not appearing to be terrible earlier this morning so we decided to venture out, after I checked to make sure Hang Ups was open. Julia said my ears must have been ringing because they'd just been talking about me before I phoned them. I wondered if Koko's was open and she thought it was, seeing the chef's cars parked out front. A plan is born! I'd wanted to take Noah around Eagle Harbor to show him the town, where we'd lived and so forth, and then over to Koko's to have an entertaining lunch. This is exactly what did, not driving in the rain or wind. Not the same could be true for our ride home, however!

Wow! Lynn and I came back here but the family went over to the Mall to exercise on the indoor playground, to help the boys burn off some energy. Lynn and I came back to the condo and were thoroughly drenched just getting from the car to the elevator. The plans for our condo social event were changed from the sundeck to one of the penthouse units instead. We might go up at least for a little while to say 'hi' and let my family see the view, for what it is today!

Last night for dinner we ate at home, with me doing the honors! I prepared meatballs with mushroom gravy, corkscrew pasta which the boys loved madly, steamed baby carrots, and tried a new recipe for Vidalia onion casserole. Mmm, that casserole was absolutely fabulous! For dessert I'd made a cherry amaretto pie and served it with vanilla ice cream. Oh, nearly forgot to mention the fruit bowl purchased from Publix. And we all survived eating food prepared in my kitchen---by me! I told Judy R. I'd share the onion recipe with her ONLY if it worked out so watch the mailbox, Judy! It came through Janet's friend, Karen, who is planning to make it for our pot luck on Sunday so I'll get to have it again very soon!

Right this moment, Manny is sitting across from me at the glass topped table playing with the Play Doh which his dear cousin, Justin, bought for them to help pass the time during the storm. Justin also brought the boys some fabulous coloring books but they are really enjoying playing with the Doh.

Above is what I wrote until the Internet got lost on the 20th!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Long time, no writing!

It's Tuesday afternoon and I'm sitting here with Justin, watching the palm trees toss in the wind. It's a waiting game, now, to see what happens with Tropical Storm Fay.

We drove to Orlando using both cars to accomodate the 'peoples' and the luggage. Justin rode with Lisa and Noah, keeping Manny company in the backseat. About half the trip was in rain which neither of us drivers much enjoyed, and it was a relief finally getting to the hotel.

Lynn was thinking it might be wise to stay at the hotel for the late afternoon and evening, hitting the park in the morning. Lisa said they were up for going anyway regardless of the forecast so off we went. By the way, the hotel, which we've stayed at before, was perfectly lovely.

It takes an incredible length of time to actually get into the park even after you've arrived---getting from the parking area to the tram, to the boat, to ticketing, admissions with bag searching, and then into the Magic Kingdom. A surprising number of "guests" remained on the grounds in spite of earlier storms, but we were thankful to only suffer from the humidity instead of rain the rest of the evening!

The boys, and Noah, enjoyed the time in the park starting with the Tiki Room. We also rode on the pirate ride which rather freaked out Manny at first. Everyone thoroughly loved It's a Small World, being able to nearly walk right on. Our longest wait was for the Jungle Cruise but the lines mostly kept moving along.

While the boys checked out Mickey's Play Area, Justin and I waited on a bench. They didn't spend much time there so we headed over toward Main Street on the choo choo train, in order to see the fireworks display. Lisa is a huge fan of Tinker Bell so she wanted a close view to see Tinker Bell soar from the top of the castle.

Lynn and I found a bench near the train station and exit to wait and watch the fireworks, while Justin went off with Ellisons. Soon he came back with a gift for his mama---a Mickey Mouse-shaped tray with a large rice krispy treat face, fudge and peanut brittle making up the ears. He bought it for me because he said it "looked like you (me)!" Justin was correct, I loved it!!!! He stayed with Lynn and me, being able to see the fireworks perfectly from our vantage point. It never ceases to amaze-----the great cross-section of the world which passes through DisneyWorld!

The boys were worn out by the time the crowds thinned enough for us to head toward the monorail for the ride to the parking shuttles. Manny fell asleep in Lisa's arms which ached from his weight before long. We stood in line for what seemed like hours for the monorail but eventually it was our turn. Two men gave up their seats to us, one for Lisa and one guy asked me to take his seat. Wonderful gesture, highly potent body odor surrounding me. Not only a day's worth, either, more likely months! It still was very polite of them to offer their seats for the ride.

We were separated going back to the parking lot so when the rest of us got there, Noah and Gabe were standing by the car, waiting. It felt wonderful to sit down again, and without any delays, arrived at the hotel. We gathered in our room first to have some sandwiches which I brought along in the cooler, leftovers from the pool party the day before. Following our snack, all retired for the evening, washed up and ready for a good night's sleep. Ahhh, it felt great to recline!

Lynn and I watched the weather to see what Fay was doing out there in the Gulf, then went to sleep. Justin slept in the parlor on the pull-out sofa rather than the bed portion. It probably would have been more comfy pulled out but he claims it was fine that way, which may be why he's asleep in the chair as I write this!!!

All of us met for breakfast which was quite tasty, hot to order. Love that Embassy Suites! Justin and I came back home, leaving the rest to enjoy the other half of their ticket value today. I hope they didn't get rained upon all day. Justin and I got groceries at Publix, driving home from Orlando without being rained on. Once inside the store, the heaven's opened!!! No one seemed to be panic buying, only 'normal' shopping as far as we could tell. We got some food stuff for dinners including veggies, as it never even occurred to me to buy any for the boys. They love veggies!!!

Now, we are waiting for them to get "home" here and watch for the storm to do something, besides ruin our pool time!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well, only a few more hours.....

...and I suspect they'll be a little more than tired when getting here! Their flight left Milwaukee at 6:00 a.m. I am not sure if they stayed overnight in MKE to make it easier on themselves or no, never asked the question. We have no plans for the rest of the day except just that---rest!!! Or whatever!
In a few minutes I'll be heading out, first to have my car cleaned and washed, then over to church to finish setting up for communion. After church I'll head to the airport to wait for my peeps to soar in, expecting to land about 11:15 a.m.
Already this a.m. I've worked up a sweat, attempting to clean the dust/dirt from my metal doors. I'd held off cleaning them until after the roof work was completed but wanted them to look half way decent for my guests. First I tried using the dusting tool on the vacuum cleaner but found little results. Then took my long handled fluffy duster thingy and moved the dirt around with it. With some pressure I was able to find the black paint again but they still are going to require soapy water and elbow grease to get them fresh looking again. Since I deliver The Palace Press door-to-door, I can see mine are not the worst looking ones in the building! This coming week a cherry-picker type crane is coming to apply what I call "the ruffle" around the edges of the roof which will delight the boys, I hope, as well as end the mess of the roof repairs. So, the end is near!!!!
Why did I leave so much until the last moment? Why indeed! I'd meant to finish up a few things Friday evening but then, it happened----the phone rang! I was enticed away from my duties to dine with the Hilchey's and other ladies and girls at Biscotti's. What can say? No??? Are you kidding me? Life is too short to miss a dining opportunity with such wonderful folks!
Sharon, my pool friend and skin advisor, and I met for lunch at the Blu Grotto. She got out of her appointment ahead of time so I dashed up there to meet her on the patio. She didn't mind eating outside, there was a breeze and the fans were going. Her other friend, the one who was driving the car when they rolled over, was out and about so she joined us later, and helped me with my pizza. I still had three slices to bring home! Sharon loved her mojito, perfect for a hot summer day! It certainly looked refreshing. I only had a rum and diet since I was going grocery shopping after lunch and needed to have my wits about me.
At Publix, I ordered the sub sandwiches for Sunday's pool party as well as a fruit tray for those who like fruit, plus tried to remember the other things needed for proper hostessing. Justin called me while I was shopping and reported he was leaving the pool party to come help me unload the groceries. I wasn't quite ready but didn't want to miss my helper! He assured me if I forgot anything or need an item, he'd stop and get it on his way over to my house anytime he's coming. He's fairly certain we ladies will be going shopping at least once while they are here!
He carried up all the junque from my car, even my church and Bible study stuff, so I can have the car properly vacuumed and tidied up. Some of the things in my car are so odd, including shingle samples, easels, and discarded electrical fixtures. It was time they were removed from the vehicle!
Thursday night I spent time on the sundeck with my neighbors before coming up to do anything but clean off my desk and table. Anyone have a match????

Friday, August 15, 2008

Something exciting is happening!

Here it is, less than 24 hours until my family arrives! I pray Hurricane Fay or rather, Tropical Storm Fay, stays far, far away from us, especially with my company coming!
In a short while I meeting my friend, Sharon, at Blu Grotto for lunch. She is having a chiropractic adjustment so will be quite relaxed as we dine. Sharon was in the roll-over accident a couple months ago. She asked me to write a Letter to the Editor for her, thanking the Good Samaritans who came to their rescue. I haven't heard whether it was published yet or not.
After lunch I am going grocery shopping to lay in supplies for my guests. Over and over in my mind are rolling the lists of likes and dislikes the kiddlings have, plus my list of necessities which will make me a good hostess! Justin is stopping by after work, wait, after a pool party, to help get my purchases upstairs as well as the sleeping mats from the preschool. Deb gave me 5 mats for keeps, since they wouldn't pass State inspection due to cracks in the surface. I didn't need so many but she suggested the boys can make a fort or something on a rainy day. Great ideas from these teachers! But, I think I'd like assistance lugging them upstairs, because they are as long as I am tall!
Okay, now to the exciting thing: Mona, my sister-in-law in Manitowoc who, with her family, stays with my father-in-law, called the other night asking if my offer was still good to help out. Sure! I'm somewhat flexible and am glad to be able to do something to lend a hand. Being this far away leaves me at a disadvantage helping-out-wise. John and Mona's son is at West Point Academy and has a ceremony of some kind coming up next month. Unable to come up with a suitable solution for Dad-sitting, she's had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and ask me. A couple of his kids who live in town will be able to give me a breather so I won't be 'round the clock on duty. My primary responsibility will be to administer pills and (gulp!!) see he has meals.
I can take my laptop along to Arno's and work at the kitchen table or whereever to keep him company, yet stay connected with the world. I'll have a couple newsletters due by the end of the month and with few distractions out there in the country, perhaps much will be accomplished. Justin thinks the computer is ready to go in order to pick up wireless connections, but must introduce me to it's operation. If not, John can arrange for me to use their home computer. I think I'd rather be where Arno is, although Mona said he sleeps in his recliner much of the time.
My older sister, Lynn, the one who is coming to see us tomorrow, will be celebrating her birthday on the 15th so I will be in town to party hardy with her. Oh yeah, I can see it now............perch! Lynn knows how to have a good time!!! She will be 60 years old this year, as is my sister-in-law, Marian, in South Florida. They were born just a little more than a month apart and graduated from high school together. Lynn is quite spry, walks for exercise and has gotten a bicycle now which she uses to pick up my mom for outings-----are you believing this? Actually, Lynn rides her bike to Mom's house and they use her car to run errands, etc.
Last night Lynn and Mom went to Sheboygan to see little Gabriel in his very first VBS program. He just loved VBS! I can only imagine how much he's going to love attending preschool starting next month. Wait until Christine sees what a big boy he's gotten to be! The first time she met him, he was a tiny baby, and Christine, not usually a baby-lover, fell head overheels in love with Gaby Baby! Four years goes by quickly, doesn't it?
Tommy and Linda have purchased a new home and will be moving soon. I hope that she won't be so busy with packing and moving that she can't go and lower lip is sticking out right now, just thinking about it! They bought a ranch-style home near Lutheran High and I teased her about transferring membership to Grace from First German. I guess Tom threw out the same idea but she shot down the idea immediately. Of course, I was kidding, since she is just two years short of celebrating 25 years in the Church Secretary's Union. And we thought 4 years went by quickly????
Our favorite story about her church secretary days at F. G. begins when my former spouse was Treasurer and 'we' had the job of counting the loose plate offerings. In those days, the money was counted at home and took the money to the bank ourselves. After making the deposit on Monday morning, I'd take the receipt and bank bag to church. Of course, I couldn't NOT talk with Linda, could I?
At one point I was feeling quite draggy, had this hanging-on cough and cold (this was winter!), never feeling rested, tired as could be. Linda was concerned and thought I should see the doctor about it. Well, in late January, after attending the Builders' Convention in TX, my former spouse, who exhibited similar symptoms and had felt sick on our trip, went to the doctor and was told he had bronchitis. He suggested I get checked out, too. Long story short, the tests came back positive for something other than bronchitis and in July, Justin was born!!!!!! I like to tell Justin he's been to the Alamo and San Antonio river walk, but just didn't know it!
So, Manitowoc, you've been warned!!!! Kim, Kim, Kim is coming home!!!