My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Resolve

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in 'plants'.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile!
11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need...
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind others about mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class while the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day do something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything..
28. Spend time wth people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come..
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

While you may not agree fully with all of the above, most of them are really good ideas! I was sent this by my friend, Cindy, and thought it would be good to review as you begin the next decade of your life. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His mercy (love) endures forever!!!!!

Another day older and still in my bed

Yesterday, the anniversary of my birth, was such a flurry of activity that I did not have time to write! The morning began early enough with getting up right after 6:30 a.m. to make sure the men in my household and Justin were ready for departure by 7:00 for Orlando. Justin was driving over from his father's house, where he has been dog sitting. I made some coffee for David to have while driving and Justin put a can of soda in each pocket. It was 38 above zero when they left here but it was expected to warm to the high 60's later in the day. In fact, further south where they were, it did get up to 71!
Once they were out the door, I went back to bed since I could feel more rest was needed. All of a sudden my eyes flew open and my feet hit the floor when I remembered Dee was coming by at 8:30 with a birthday gift for me. There was time before she was expected so I decided to make the ladies in my home a nice hot breakfast. (Yes, Linda, I made breakfast on more than one occasion, the difference being these folks get up 5 hours later than do you!) The recipe I used is for egg souffle which turned out wonderfully, but we had to pace ourselves since we were having lunch in an hour and a half! They really sleep late!!! After all, it is vacation, right?
Dee came and we visited in the river room for over an hour. Her gift to me was wonderful, two boxes of chocolate covered cherries, which she wanted to yank away after we discussed my lifestyle changes coming up after the company is gone. She could not believe that I could pace myself with something like this, but I truly can and do, historically speaking. In fact, I have the little favor from Linda's table at Ladies' Advent Service November 29th, unopened, on my night stand as we speak. I know there is delicious dark chocolate in there but will wait for just the right moment to open the little bag and have a piece. I am so weird!
Once Alayna and Lori got up and had their breakfast (I did not know A. won't eat eggs and cheese mixed together!) we got ready for lunch. In "Lord of the Rings" the boys referred to 'elevensies' which is what our lunch would become, so soon after breakfast. We ladies were meeting Twila and Kathy B. over at The Club where we had a very very nice lunch and excellent conversation. Lots of the latter! Twila gave me a beautiful necklace and earring set which had screamed my name when she saw it; Lori gave me gift bag, which, when she handed it to me declared she had no idea what was in it! David was the designated shopper, that rascal, and now I know why we met him on the street near Great Hang Ups when we were leaving! Dee helped him select a necklace, chain, and earrings for me from there, made by a fellow artist/friend, Sonya. He did good! Kathy had given me my present already at church last week, a long beaded necklace in purples. Brenda N. came by in the late afternoon with a present from me, made by the lady in the Bahamas who received my clothes cast-off. Brenda bought me a matching bracelet to the necklace from Joy, the lady joyfully wearing my clothes. So, my colorful collection of beads and jewels has increased once more before the end of the year!!! What great fun!
My mailbox bore a half dozen greeting cards plus the good wishes which came via the Internet. Sadly, the timing was not right for the boys to meet us in St. Augustine for the tram ride to see the Lights so we ladies went alone. We did not hear the song we longed to, "Dominic, the Donkey" this time which was a disappointment for Lori and me---and a relief for Alayna! The driver of the tram encouraged the passengers to sing along with the songs, which we did once in a while, not as robustly as we could have, but the text messages sent to Alayna's cousins indicated that we did. I defended Lori and me when I heard about the accusation and A. agreed it was not THAT bad, just that there was a young man in the seats in front of us and she was embarrassed in front of him. Or behind him. Manufactured or faux embarrassment, I call it.
We found our family together back at my place and had a bite to eat, every man for himself before playing a few rousing games of "Catch Phrase". Always good for huge laughs, and denials of brain activity. Justin had to excuse himself because he was meeting friends and his roommate at their place to play poker at 11:00 pm. Wow, I was ready for bed and he had walked around Epcot and other parks all day. In fact, he sent me a text message reporting he had a hitch in his giddy-up! I wrote back, asking if he was okay, and he answered me that other than some pain, he was having a great time. Typical Justinism!
As Justin was leaving, he reported that he would be over here for church tonight because it was at 6:00 and his father's party did not start until 8:00. Victory's service is at 6 pm, Good Shepherd's is at 7:00.......oh. I think I might not see him until next year! Justin cannot miss this party tonight as it his father's 'last blast' in this residence, since he is moving out soon. Justin uses his father's place as a playground with his friends, having all the great enticements that young men, and evidently old men, enjoy such as the pool, outdoor kitchen, large-screened TVs in the media and game rooms, etc. Tonight's party will be the fireworks fun boys in their 20's and 50's enjoy, sending hundreds of dollars worth of gunpowder and noise into the air at midnight---likely before midnight. To use an expression from the banned list: whatever!
Those of us enjoying the Eve differently will attend worship at 7:00 pm and then come back here to have Papa Murphy's pizza and play Alayna's new game, "Would You Rather...?", which Justin and I gave her for CHRISTmas. The other night we played Lori's new game, "Cranium", which was a blast once we got passed the directions. They made it seem more involved than it actually was, and David is such a hoot to play games with!! During the day today, Lori and David might go back to St. Augustine to walk around a bit, plus the young folks if they wish to go. The weather might be fine for that, possibly as nice as yesterday, as WI people go! I will remain here and put the final touches on the newsletter as Pastor sent over the information yesterday afternoon, for which I had been waiting.
Lori and I went to get her hair cut after my birthday lunch, going to see Barb, the lady who cuts my hair. Lori looks so cute and coiffed now, making her hair almost bouncy-looking, just by trimming the back. So cute!!! We had intended on stopping at Kohl's to make Justin's exchanges but since we went home a different way, missed that stop. She wanted to see where Twila's house was, since Twila mentioned at lunch that her house is hard to find. We found it, no sweat!! Once home, I decided to take a nap before our big night in St. Augustine and Lori went for a bike ride. Dusty had parked it in my foyer, which is entirely out of our way and safer than parked outdoors (not like I live in a dangerous place or anything...). She rode once more down along the river but came back sooner than she had last time, because the wind burned her face. See? I told you it was cold out!!
We had such a laugh last night....Lori has to wear "das boot" on her left foot to immobilize her Achilles' tendon, for now only 25% of her walking around time. She applied her boot before we left for St. Augustine and away we went. When we were walking from the car to the ticket stand, she complained that her other foot was now also hurting and then realized that oh, my goodness!----she had put the boot on the wrong foot!!!!! What??? After all this time of wearing the boot, upwards of 23 1/2 hours a day, she now put it on the wrong foot?!? She could not switch it over either since she only had one shoe along, on the goofy foot, and could not put a left shoe on her "right" foot! Hee hee, hee haw.......

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why am I still sitting here when my tummy is growling?

Well, because I do not want to make a big noise in the kitchen and wake my sleeping guests. The microwave oven backs up to the room where the Schippers are staying and makes a racket running besides the opening and closing of its door. I will have a spritz cookie instead, brought to me by Alayna and made by her daddy. Thanks, Randy! Not knowing a whole lot about spritz cookie making, I wonder if a drop or two of peppermint extract would taste good in a green cookie---or a pink one???
Being up and about well before my company was allowed me the privilege of strolling the rooms, gathering belongings and trash, dirty dishes, etc. for removal. The pillows have been fluffed, the blanket refolded and draped over the wing chair, the chairs pushed up to the tables (I have three tables with chairs for our uses!) and even swept the kitchen floor this morning. There is more I could do in the kitchen but again, do not want to disturb anyone. I figure at 10:00 a.m., I should be able to resume normal activity without being considered a rude hostess! David is up, I just heard him sneeze really loudly and I about jumped out of my seat!
Marian's gift to me, a massage pillow for my back, is working right now, humming away behind me. I asked for permission to use it before school started because I like it so much. Yesterday I gave her a call to tell her how much I am enjoying the pillow. She made the mistake of telling me that everyone else liked theirs too so that is why she bought them for others as gifts. Okay---who is everyone else? Oh, sure, the people in Arno's living facility! When she visited Arno this summer, she saw the pillows there and the people who were with her said they liked them. Oh that is just great! Me, and the people in supervised-living really like our massage pillows!
Nancy, my sis-in-law, reported that her kids enjoyed their CHRISTmas presents, too, saying it was like when they were little and did not care what they got. What does that mean? Evidently, as they got older, the kids were more difficult to please or were less than grateful for what they got (i.e. the charm bracelets and subsequent charms from Auntie Kim!). But, now, this year when money was scarce in their household, the presents meant much more. Like someone hit the "reset" button on our lives, a new appreciation for what we have and perhaps less focus on what others have. This is a "hmmmmm.......moment" and I was glad when Nancy described it the way she did!
Justin called to say he was on this way over here, after leaving the car wash. I gave David and Justin each a car wash certificate, with David using his yesterday and Justin this a.m. He did not want the kids to ride around in his filthy car, more inside mess than outside. Justin has to use his car to haul work supplies like gas-powered tools and lawn mowers, and often has bales of grass and clippings accumulated in the back of his car. Ew! His pride and joy doubles as a workshop! That is why I gave him his car wash gift certificate early, as he mentioned wanting to get it cleaned before driving the young folks around. I am an easy touch! David told Dusty that he would not recognize their car after having had it cleaned!
Today our plans are to have lunch at Koko's and then I must pay my real estate taxes before the end of the year, of course. Justin is taking the young people off shopping and David thinks he might want to skip having lunch out and stay here to consume his leftovers from Clark's, our dinner last night. He so loved his meal but could not finish it all, does not want to let it go to waste. Lori would like to ride out to Coldwater Creek if we can find a parking place....Man it is busy out there! What recession????

Monday, December 28, 2009

I have some catching up to do

A few days have passed without a "normal" (ha, I love that idea!) posting so lest anyone decide to take poison because of it, I had better get caught up. The poison reference is from the movie, "Julie and Julia" when young Julie laments about not keeping up making the recipes and reporting it in her blog. Her spouse asks her what would happen if she missed a day or two of postings, "would people like take poison or something if you don't post one day?". When Justin and I saw the movie together in the theater, he gave me the elbow at this point because he knows how it goes for me when I miss a day! People want to know why, expect me to be dead or worse, sick, if I do not post! I do flatter myself!
We have watched a few movies since the Schippers arrived, besides "Julie and Julia", we saw "Pride and Prejudice" (yes, finally, Judy!!!) with Kiera Knightly in the lead role. I really liked it, too, and now might one day attempt to read the book again. It was Judy's suggestion to see a movie version first to make reading easier. Actually, for us simple-minded folk, watching the movie is by far better than reading! Even Dustin liked the movie which gives it high marks from someone in his age group. Lori brought a movie with her, "Life as a House" which seemed to have a good story line but I could not get passed the language. We have also enjoyed episode upon episode of "Seinfeld" which I especially find fun because when David laughs, his legs fly up and he does a whole body heave of laughter! Love it!
We played a rousing game of "Catch Phrase" on CHRISTmas Day after our dinner guests had left. It was as much fun trying to remember who to hand the "hot potato" to as it was to answer the clues. Since we had an odd number of people, the game had to be handed crisss-cross at the table and no one could remember who got it next, all the while it is going tick tick tick faster and faster....imagine the laughter! Again, David is such a delight to play games with, coming up with clues that make absolutely no sense, but somehow work. Great times!
The Schippers went to church with me, once they arrived midmorning on Thursday, for the children's service at 7:00 pm. Some of my friends had not heard they were coming early and were surprised to see them with me at church, where they were warmly welcomed. Justin went to Victory for their service, taking his father and his father's girlfriend with him, and then went back to his father's house to open their presents. Afterwards, Justin came back home and attended worship with me at the candlelight service, while the Schippers stayed here to lay low. Obviously they were pooped from the long car ride.
CHRISTmas morning we went to church, with Lori getting ready in less than 5 minutes, doing her make-up in the car. David drove Dusty over in their car because Dusty could not be ready to leave when I had to. Later David reported that he had to iron a shirt for his son, and managed to find the ironing equipment in my laundry room with little effort. They do not teach basic ironing at UW-Eau Claire evidently! Our service was primarily lessons and carols which I really enjoy, and The Maestro sang as well. We came back here afterward and I eased into making the feast which was planned for service at 4:00 pm. Rick called to report they could not make it as Mem was running a high fever so that was three less from the table. Of course, I was sad but what can you do? A bit later, after the table had been set, Olivia called to report that both her folks were coming with her so that meant two more at the table! Yippee! Joanne had called in between Rick and Olivia to say she was bringing her dad along so we were still going to have overflow at the table. Again, yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The menu was honey baked ham and sweet potato souffle (store bought), turkey, mashed potatoes, red garlic potatoes, gravy, scalloped corn souffle, green beans with bacon and mushrooms (yum!), carrots and cauliflower, cranberries, cinnamon applesauce Jello, pickles and olives, rolls, plus dressing brought by Joanne. Whew! I made all the foods listed except as noted. I made much of the food ahead of time, if possible, and simply reheated in the oven or microwave oven, before meal time. The ham bone and some of its meat will make a great kettle of soup one day!
At one point I made some sausages and scrambled eggs with cheese curds melted in them, even taking time to sit down to have a couple sausages with the family. Lori had brought some breads with her, gifts from friends, which I added to the blueberry bread I had made, so there was plenty to eat. One morning I made Pillsbury rolls, hockey pucks, if you ask me. If not eaten immediately they seem to dry out quickly. I might make hot breakfast today again but my guests sleep a bit later than do I, except David, so it is hard to really plan for them. We are having Clark's for supper tonight at Lori's request, with Koko's tomorrow for lunch. Justin is working so might not see him today or tonight. Last night all but me went to see "Avatar" after Alayna arrived but knowing that movie was likely not for me, I stayed home to work on the newsletter.
We opened our presents once Alayna got to my house, as the gang were planning to see the movie at 7:00 pm. (It seems when one makes the comment, "You can see "Avatar" when the family is here in Florida was taken quite literally!) which made me chuckle. Even at this age, kids take you at your word! Funny they even stopped at home with her first! Lori and David went too plus Justin's friend, Jesse.
Back to the presents: I got a lovely, gaily colored ceramic plate from Lori with a coordinating 'postcard' top. Can't wait to display the plate and wear the top! Love it! Justin gave me some wonderful fine tip pens, my favorite, two boxes of dark chocolate (i.e. healthy) covered cherries, a calendar with photos from Greece on it, and a promissory photo of a cover he is getting made for my laptop, a scene of Santorini that will be custom-fit for it. Justin liked his clothes, although one of the dress shirts did not fit quite right and will be exchanged; the Vince Flynn books, the belt and socks, dress pants, his new sheets he asked for, and the pillows that Lori and David gave him. After seeing his room at the suites, I had no idea where he will put yet another piece of clothing! Since he lost weight, he has much that will not fit and needs to be weeded out, donated to the Clothes Closet. I think he needs his mama's help for this! I already mentioned the neat cut-out of Maurice Jones-Drew that David gave me, and it presently stands alongside my desk. The back is a mirror so David said I can use that to see if I have stuff in my teeth.....He is just a hoot!
We gave Alayna a game called "Would You Rather?" which I bet we will play here before she leaves and her mom got her a sweater vest with matching scarf in yellow and burnt orange plus a T-shirt in almost the same yellow as the stripes. I had gotten Dusty a game but found out he already had this one, so yesterday Lori and I went to Kohl's where she directed me to a nice shirt which came with a slim black necktie, very collegiate-looking and youthful. He mentioned that he should have a tie, so his prayers were answered! We gave Lori a lovely bowl, centerpiece-sized, made to look like interwoven twigs and a pair of pretty garden gloves. David liked his GA rub plus the gift certificate for a car wash, which we anticipated he would need. Last time they came for the holidays, he needed to find a car wash badly to remove all the road salt and snow stains from the car, so now, it is already paid for!
Anyway, the presents are opened, the long-awaited movie seen, and some plans made for the week. Thankfully I have my movie basket to choose for viewing as well as the "Seinfeld" collection for when we have down time. David plays his guitar and tracks his on-line auctions of products from his company, for fun. Dusty brought along his game system to play into the wee hours of the morning and Lori enjoys reading. We can all keep busy without being busy it seems and mesh well together. Alayna will enjoy her time with Dusty and the rest of us, once she is caught up on her rest. Tuesday we will be having lunch at Koko's with Justin, as he is off tomorrow, and then that night we will go see the lights in St. Augustine. Justin told us they already saw "Dominic, the Donkey" as they drove to the airport yesterday, as he rode in a sitting position in the back of a truck! We love to hear that goofy song play as the tram rides through the streets of St. Augustine, showing us the lights! "Hee haw, hee haw, it's Dominic the Donkey...."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Four young men

Once more I had the distinct pleasure of capturing these four young men in my camera, on CHRISTmas Eve, at the candlelight service. From left are Mark N., Robbie D. (a.k.a. The Maestro), David S., and Justin. It took about four tries to get them being unsilly and I think this attempt captures their best sides! The four of them, plus David's older brother, all chummed around before graduating from high school, often times having sleep overs and such at our house. I miss those days sometimes.........

Preserving memories and sharing them as well!

If I was patient, I could sneak up and snap a picture of my tree! And I did it! Not all the presents are under it yet but for the most part, it was ready to go!

Our family friend, Olivia, had this lovely center-piece delivered to me on CHRISTmas Eve, only moments before we were to leave for church. The nice delivery man placed it on the counter in the kitchen and then asked if he could give me a hug....of course he can! I wore his aftershave all night...

The dining room table is dressed for the big feast. Lori went in to lie down for a bit and came out to find the table ready to go. Now that I have no cats to mess with things, I can work ahead and pace myself for later...slow but steady get the food made and table ready to hold the dishes!

Everyone----smile for the camera! Even those of us with our knees around the table leg could get into the shot. Sandy and I had to lean back and twist to be in the photo. On the far end is Lori, her hubby, David with the carving tools; their son Dustin; Joanne and her dad, Clyde; me and Sandy with daughter Olivia and hubby, Owen. Justin is taking the photo so missed being captured himself.
Dustin is smiling at Alayna as he opens his present from Justin and me, a black and white small checked shirt with narrow black tie. He said he "enjoyed" his gift....Is that the same as, "I really love this shirt and tie!!"??

Justin is leafing through a book given to him by me, by author Vince Flynn. Justin asked for some of Vince's books by name on the list sent to his family in WI but I had to omit these two as I had already gotten them for him! Bingo!

David presented me with an awesome present----a little stand-up cutout of Maurice Jones-Drew, #32 of the Jaguars. Earlier today on the way to church, I commented that I could marry this guy, MJD, because he is just my size and has big thighs. Something I admire in a person! And here, David had this gift all ready to go for me, from his company in Winona!!! Another Bingo!!!

David is opening one his presents from Justin and me, some GA Red Rub for meat, applied before it is barbecued. David is the king of the grille at his house and hopefully will "enjoy" having something like this for his next preparation.

Friday, December 25, 2009

As the old year is passing away......

Observations On Growing Older

* It's harder to tell navy from black.
* Everything old is new again, but if you wore it before, you're too old to wear it the 2nd time around.

* Your kids are becoming you -- and you don't like them, but your grandchildren are perfect!

* Yellow becomes the big color -- walls need paint, hair need tinting, teeth need whitening.

* Going out is good; coming home is better!

* When people say you look "Great", they add, "for your age"!

* When you needed the discount you paid full price. Now you get discounts on everything -- movies, hotels, flights.

* You forget names, but it's OK because other people forgot they ever knew you.

* The last 2 outfits you wore had spots on them.

* You ask your husband or friend how your outfit looks, and they tell you the truth.

* The five pounds you wanted to lose is now 15, and you have a better chance of losing your keys than the 15 pounds.

* You realize you're never going to be really good at anything -- especially golf.

* The things you cared to do, you don't care to do, but you care that you don't care to do them anymore.
* Remember when your mother said "Wear clean underwear in case you GET in an accident"? Now you bring clean underwear in case you HAVE an accident. Won't they cut them off anyway?
* You used to say, "I hope my kids GET married; now it's, "I hope they STAY married!"

* Who wants to wear 3" heels anyway?

* You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.

* When GOOGLE, ipod, email, modem were unheard of and a mouse was something that made you climb on a table.

* You use more 4 letter words -- "what?"..."when?"
and "where's my"
* Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.

* You read 100 pages into a book before you realize you've read it.
* Notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?

* Many of the people in People Magazine you've never heard of.

* Your concealer doesn't conceal.

* Your lipstick bleeds.

* Your mascara clumps, and your eyebrows are disappearing.

* You don't have hair under your arms and very little on your legs, but your chin needs to be plucked daily.

* What used to be freckles are now liver spots.

* Everybody whispers.

* Now that your husband has retired, you'd give anything if he'd find a job.

* You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet, 2 of which you will never wear again.

* But old is good in some things -- old songs, old movies, and best of all -- old friends!

Sent to me by my oldest sister, Carol. This had my name written all over it!!! Except the retired husband part, of course....

CHRISTmas Joy!

My house is quiet right now but soon will be filled with activity as we hustle around to eat some breakfast before going to church. As I write this, I do not know if Justin is here or not because I had to go to bed before he made his final decision about running back home to pick up some stuff or not. Only Justin and I went to the candlelight service last night as the Schippers had attended the children's service with me earlier and just wanted to sit tight after their long car ride. The candlelight service was very nice, and had the special treat of having our dear member, Gordy, in attendance. I went to see at the hospital this past week, but he had been released to the nursing home. Gordy was the man of the hour, except for Jesus, at church last night!
Another special feature last night was that the four young men who basically grew up together were all in attendance and I was able to capture them in a photo. Mark, Justin, Robbie, and David used to all hang out around my friend, Cindy's, van between Sunday school and worship because she would go to her car to have a smoke and some quiet---right! Her sons are Mike and David, and the kids sort of congregated around 'fun' Ms. Cindy. The moms and grandma's of these fellas have asked for copies of the picture so once I get a spare moment will download the photos and print them off. Twila came to me after we took the picture and said it made her eyes tear up to see the four guys together again....I hope they cherish it as much as their families do! It likely does because Robbie was the one who told me the four guys were in church together...he knows.
Part of the candlelight reading and song service was singing "O Holy Night" as Robbie played the organ. On the 3rd stanza another man, Kurt, took over on the piano as Robbie sang so beautifully. Kurt does not sight read music, plays by memory and also played several more carols and hymns during the offering. For the children's service, I got all choked up when the little ones, dressed as shepherds and angels, came walking down the aisle, holding hands and singing. I could barely see straight after that, Daniel looked so absolutely darling and sings his little heart out. Such enthusiasm at this age! They truly loved to tell the story of Jesus and His love!
It was nice to see and hear the young people being involved in the services this year, with three young men doing readings or recitations in the children's service, and three older young men (huh?) doing readings during the candlelight service. Besides celebrating Jesus' birth, it was just a hoot to see folks I had not seen in a while and just plain greeting folks at CHRISTmas! Even my friend, Wendy, came to church and I got her to sit with us. I had tried and tried in November to track her down, unsuccessfully, so last night I got her phone numbers that work so she can no longer escape!!
It is time to move around in the house to wake my guests. Make coffee, that will work! My family and friends at First German are getting some sort of surprise this morning, and we are speculating that perhaps the former pastor might be stopping by for a visit. He is the man who sang to Mom last year at his going away party, "Now the Light Has Gone Away", in German, as a special tribute to her. No dry eyes in that house that night and maybe they will get to see each other again today! Only guessing that is what the surprise will be....I will let you know what it is when I find out!
Merry CHRISTmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Justin has been here and gone already, having just about finished his list of things to do. There are a couple minor items which needed attention but he can do that even after the guests are here. The more labor intensive task of straightening and wiping the shelves in the tray base and lazy susan, is completed, already for cooking and baking. In fact, prior to his coming I did bake several dozen cookies using my dough from Papa Murphy's. One found its way into my mouth, the smallest one truthfully, because I had taken my fish oil pills and did not want to taste the fish flavor later. Just like my mom, I had to take a cookie for medicinal purposes!
Justin had plans to go bowling tonight with his friends even though his knee was still bothering him. It looks almost like Joanne's did when she banged hers up only she has a clotting problem. Bowling, yes. Kneeling to clean the cabinets out, painful! We sorted out the plasticware, too, while we were at it and disposed of the unmatched plastics so we will have only dishes and covers working together. At least for a while, that is! Oh, besides the chores, I gave him one of his CHRISTmas presents early because he was saying how he wished his car was cleaner for when he has his two cousins in the car....So, I gave him the car wash gift certificate I had picked up for him today when I got my car washed! His stocking stuffer, a day early!
Lori called this a.m. to report they were leaving Holmen just after 8:00 their time and expected to be at my house in about 20 hours. It seems, in watching the forecasts and such that they outran the nastiest of the foul weather, which was the intent. She called earlier this evening to report they would arrive about 3 or 4 a.m. if all went according to plan and I assured her I would leave my kitchen door unlocked for them to make themselves at home, in case I do not hear them come in. Their beds are all ready for them to climb into or onto once in the door and I will see them in the morning, I guess. Unless I hear them come in, that is! Justin said he will stop by in the morning then to say "hey!" to them before heading to his father's house. He will come back here for the candlelight service at my church and then sleep over for church on CHRISTmas Day. He can use 'Alayna's' bed since she will not get here until Sunday late afternoon.
Today Martie and I were planning to see a movie but when I called her this a.m., or she called me, we sort of begged off due to the early arrival of my family and her needing to take care of a few things yet before CHRISTmas plus she has her grandson staying with her these days. I think a two-hour plus movie not really intended for his age group might have been too long for Little Mark anyway. We will plan again for after the company is gone home. We planned to see "The Blind Side", a movie we had wanted to see for some time. Instead of movie watching, I had to go pick up my ham and sweet potatoes from Honey Baked Ham Company. As I was heading out, Twila called to see if I wanted to have lunch since she was already in that area. Sure! We met for soup and salad at the Olive Garden before I went to get my ham.
In the morning I found myself on the phone quite alot because of two separate prayer chain requests, making it necessary for me to call my people twice within an hour! Pastor asked me the other day to include him when I make my calls so he is "in the know" on things. When I spoke with him, he indicated all things were under control in the office, since I offered to come over to lend a hand if needed. The secretary had been out due to illness and even though I am hustling here to get ready for company, the service folders and such still need to be ready for worship. He told me his in-laws were in town and he could press them into service if needed. Great! Lynn, his wife, had successful surgery removing cancer from her breast last Friday which is why her folks are in town. Bet they are so glad to be out of WI for that nasty weather going on!
Once home with my purchases from HBH and Winn-Dixie, where I got David's beer and box of wine, I got busy making my cookies. At the same time, I made a kettle of chili to have on hand for tomorrow in case anyone expects to eat when here! During the day I intend to put together as much of my feast foods as possible so there is less to do on Friday. Rick called to confirm they would be coming, and Olivia is coming but is not sure about Owen yet. Olivia called to make sure I would be around Thursday between noon and three as a delivery is coming for me, from her. That rascal! She is always doing some thing like that...sweet girl! My downstairs neighbor said he could smell my cookies baking but that was likely because my oven still smelled funky from the cleaning the other night! I had my door open and the ceiling fan to move the smell around, but drove Jeff nuts with delicious aroma of cookies baking!
Justin had to use my printer this evening when he was here, evidently something related to my CHRISTmas present. I had to stay out of the room while he did this but did have to help him locate a decent envelope to use. Hmmm....I am curious now! Oh, I am getting so sleepy, I think out of respect for Lori and family driving through the night. Is it the honorable thing for me to go to bed now or is it more honorable for us all to be without a decent night's rest? I opt for one of us sleeping, that being me!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The excitement is building!!

More since Lori let me know they are coming sooner than originally planned, due to the bad weather heading their way. Snow, sleet, and other wretched winter weather might hamper all the CHRISTmas plans being made in my hometown and in Sheboygan, where Lisa lives. While Lisa is glad for me, she is sad because the Schippers were coming to her house before heading south to mine, and now, they will not see each other until after Schippers head back up. Lisa is thinking only the four of them will enjoy their CHRISTmas feast if the weather gets as bad as predicted. Certainly I do not want Mom and Lynn, Jill and Danny, and Alayna on the roads if they are treacherous....I do 'express concern' for all their traveling safety!
When I let Justin know about the plans change, he sent me a text message basically saying how fun it will be to have to put tables together for the feast. I had decided to have a feast on CHRISTmas Day anyway, even if Kerry was not coming and had made arrangements for others to join us around the table. My greatest pleasure is having my table full and now it might be two tables full! The feast from Sunday will be combined with Thursday's and I will make as much of the foods ahead of time as possible. Oooh, I am so 'cited about all this!
Since we were not expecting people now until the 26th, some of the tasks will not be taken care of, which is really fine. The endless dust continues to plague me and my home but it is the worst in the early morning, which Lori won't see! There is no need for getting up except on church days so why not? She is on vacation! David might be up earlier but not notice the dust....There still is time to take care of that if I get at it. Justin was coming over last night but once again had to reschedule, at least not because of doing something with his father this time. He had fallen when bowling on Friday night, throwing his first ball, and banged up his knee. I just thought of this----like father, like son! His father was always running into something or banging something up when he was younger, and now Justin is always hurting himself one way or another! I will have to tell Lori about this revelation! After working all day on Monday, Justin claimed his knee was too sore to bend down into the cabinets (his project for that night) and it was no biggy for me. It still is not but just a task I had wanted taken care of at some point, and that point is getting closer!
This morning I was true to my commitment of not turning on the computer until certain items were taken care of, and I did it. I did have to sneak one peek at the laptop when looking up the zip code for Two Rivers. But, that is all, I swear! The last, I think, of the CHRISTmas cards went out when I went downstairs to get the mail from yesterday. I had a parcel from Marian and Biff plus a couple more cards. Good thing I had some leftover! At one point I was going to make a phone call and when I picked up the phone, saw it was only 7:45 a.m., and I have no idea what time it was when I got up. Fox and Friends was on already so that is my gauge for when I got up and took my shower. I have no clocks in my room except the cell phone and the computer, and, with the computers off, I had no time!
After the cards were done, I got busy with the present wrapping. At first I was going to buy paper and boxes but then remembered seeing my gift wrap Rubbermaid tower in the back room where the ornaments are kept. There I found tons of paper and enough boxes to even have leftovers. Lots of kids' paper, likely from Timmy yet. As I said, normally my presents are wrapped in Manty so it has been a long time since I tapped into that stockpile. It was trip down memory lane. I found a gift tag where Roger had written "MAMA" on the back, evidently for Timmy to copy. Oops, I was doing good up until this point....I can be sad if I want to...for a little while, anyway.
By the way, I finally read through the anthem Rachel had sent home with me a couple weeks ago. It is a hymn intended to be sung when a child dies, a choral arrangement, using a more "carol" melody. I do not read music so cannot even hum it, but there is a paragraph on the sheet music explaining the reason and such for this piece. Rachel was right, better to be read in the privacy of my own home.
Yesterday I went on several errands, starting with Winn-Dixie for a few more grocery items needed for the dinner. When I checked a recipe, it seems I need whole kernal corn besides the creamed corn and some corn bread. At WD, I got their last mini-tree to use at the cemetery, since neither Justin nor I could find our usual tree. I am wondering if it blew away last year when I was gone and I just simply do not remember. This mini tree will do and I will simply need to get a new one after the holidays and redecorate it. I stopped next at the post office to mail some shut-in CHRISTmas booklets for the folks in Keystone Heights.

Next stop was the hospital to visit Gordy, where I found a handy parking place. As I was getting out of the car, a golf cart pulled up behind my car and this kindly older gentleman offered me a ride to the door. How nice is that? When I got inside, the lady at the information desk told me he had left the hospital but had no further info for me. Back to the car, on foot, where I sent a message to Terri, his daughter, to see where he was. It seems he was back at the nursing home so I will try again another time to catch him. His family is in now town so he will need our visits once they have left.
From there I headed toward Blanding Blvd. where the long long ride began. The traffic was bumper to bumper all the way from Kingsley Avenue to the freeway for some reason, perhaps Mall shoppers? But really, this was way too far from the Mall to be a problem, you think? I had to stop for gas part way down the road and feared being able to get back into line. No worries, nice people let me back in so I could continue. Thirty minutes later I was pulling into the cemetery. Justin was on the phone with me part of the time and he was hoping I would get to the cemetery before dusk, but I did. It happened to be quitting time for my "boyfriends" so I got to wave or chat with some of them on their way out. The guy in charge of the cemetery portion of the place, Mike, stopped to talk and said he hardly gets to see me anymore. I explained I no longer come every day, which is good, and he said, "Well, I know, but when you do come, the guys will say, "Saw Ms. Day today"..." I asked if they were keeping an eye on me, jokingly, and Mike said, "They think the world of you, Ms. Day, and so do I!" Wow! Mike was one of the two guys who had to jump into the hole to lower Timmy's casket into the vault, so it seems he has taken a special interest. I think the world of them, too, and it seems odd to not see them daily any longer. A good odd!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ugh! Is this mess really worth the savings????

This morning, having no set plans, to look more presentable during the upcoming holidays, I decided to remove my silver. Well, if anyone saw me while I was doing this, I would have to yell, "Look away! I am hideous!!!", like Kramer did in "Seinfeld". Sorry, David, I had to throw in a reference to make my point....Such a mess! My first mistake was forgetting to put baby oil around my face edges, or ears and neck. Now I look tattooed, could join the circus if I wanted to! Even though I take nearly every precaution to prevent a mess, I still end up with one, including a few spots on the ceramic tile floor in my bathroom. And my sink! And the faucets and the light switches! A comfort is that my hair is short which limits the amount of the product needed, or it could be much, much worse! What costs about $40 at the beauty shop only cost me a tenth of this amount at home, minus the cost of ruined towels and cleaning products to remove the stains!
A couple things passed through my brain today and of course, I developed a leak so some escaped. One thing which stayed was an advertisement on the radio about buying underprivileged children admission to a sporting event, using the prod of "giving back to the children" who may never experience a major sporting event. That burns my biscuits! If I want to treat someone to an event, that is entirely up to me, and my own motivation. NOT about 'giving back', I really dislike strongly this type of thinking. If the children are truly underprivileged, a bag of groceries provided by a generous person goes further than a sporting event. Anyone??
The late night/early morning vote that took place gives me the creeps and I do hope when the elected officials are in their districts over the CHRISTmas break they hear from their constituents regarding this horrendous not-yet-completely-read health care plan. It will certainly compromise our futures, financial and liberties, privacy, all that. Even the CBO thinks it is a bad idea economically and determined folks will still fall through the cracks after this fiasco goes into effect. I am so sad about this, 'let me be clear'!
Ready for more complaints? I am loaded for bear this afternoon! Because my fingers are stained from the hair silver remover, nail polish was required to disguise the ugliness. Since my favorite bottle leaked all over the inside of my travel bag, I had to use a different one from the drawer. As I attempted to stroke it on my nails, the polish was nothing but gummy strings, having outlived its usefullness. Somehow I even got some on my desk and I hope some remover will take care of this stain. But, I got enough on the nails to cover up the other mess and deposited the bottle in the trash, right alongside the remnants of the silver remover. Waste is going on over here, lots of it, seemingly!
The temperatures outside are in the mid-40's with the lows overnight in the 30's, as predicted. My room is snug and warm with the heater on and the doors closed to bottle it up. A bit of sun shines in, not a whole lot, but at least it is not gloomy. It seems the water level is going down after our deluges last week, which wreaked havoc at Twila's house. When the water level is too high, she had troubles with her septic system and drainage so hopefully she is now able to shower and use her dishwasher and washing machine again. My feet are dressed in fuzzy slippers and I am sporting a sweater gotten at CJ Banks when at Lori's house. Counting the days until she comes here to spend the holidays!!!
Saturday night I cleaned my oven, using, of course, the self-cleaning feature. One thing about that is not all the soil, burned-on foods turn to ash in the cleaning process. I ruined a red dishcloth by wiping the black stuff off the floor of the oven and the door, but it did not all come off. I was thinking of my friend, Tarren, when the oven was creaking and groaning during the cleaning process, as just prior to their last visit I had heard about an oven door exploding, one just like mine! This was my excuse for not cooking at that time, but I sort of got over it, until I remembered when the oven was making funny sounds when cleaning itself. I can just visualize shards of black glass stuck in the ceiling and cabinets from the explosion!!!
Everyone I meet is now treated to my saga of shopping on Saturday morning/afternoon. That entire episode took nearly three hours, going first to Wal*Mart for the non-food items and then Publix for the rest. In total it was four trips from the car to bring it upstairs, plus the bag I found in the car yet, in the front seat, Sunday morning. I knew I had bought nacho chips and dip for David plus a half-loaf of bread. By the way, I think selling half loaves of bread are the best thing since sliced bread. Not being nuts about refrigerated bread, having only half on my counter at a time better sense to me, if I eat it before it turns green! My premise of making bras grey to start with, saving me the trouble, works for making bread green, saving me the trouble of looking for mold---right?
Judy C. was asking me about the shopping last night at church, when I explained it is incredibly rare for me to buy in quantity like I did on the weekend. I even got to use a $5 off coupon for purchases over $50! I wish I'd had a purseful of those coupons! The plan was to make sure I had plenty of stuff on hand for my guests so no last minute store runs would be necessary. Once when Alayna stayed a few weeks in the summer, her mom called to ask if she was eating something other than French fries. Alayna told her mom that the only fruit Kim has in her house is either wax or wood. Okay, Alayna, get your shoes on, we are going to the store and you can pick out whatever you want to eat....That child used to eat peppers like apples! Ew! I have some fresh cut green peppers in case she wants a snack, from the pizza bar at Publix! Yes, I do have the Pampered Chef blitz hacker for chopping veggies but when they come already chopped........