My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, October 31, 2016

The moon and stars

It's Reformation Day today, what others consider Halloween. Until recent years Justin enjoyed celebrating Halloween with his friends but I think they may have outgrown it. One year Justin fixed himself up with stage make-up to look like a zombie, complete with fake blood. I do believe this was when Jesse still lived at the Beach and they did a bar stroll as part of the celebration. Thinking that may have been the last time they did something as a group. He's with Ron and Sarah helping hand out candy and holding the baby in the process. 
No one came to my door asking for candy, since the little granddaughter of my neighbors no longer lives here. Oakley was the sweetest thing and I was glad to bestow gifts upon her such as kids' books, crayons, stuffed animals, chalk, that sort of thing. We do presently have three school-aged kids in the building but they go off property for their trick or treating. I'm okay with it, able to come and go freely without having to plan around the doorbell ringing. 

Nancy W and I went to have dinner tonight. She picked me up at 6:05, enough time after "The Five" to get downstairs. She told me the daughter of our friend, Toni, was moving into the apartments so we drove over there to see if they were home. We found Toni waiting for her daughter to get there, so she gave us a tour. It's a cute place, just right for a single lady or even a small family. Two bedrooms and two baths, new carpet, washer and dryer in the unit, new appliances, nice and fresh looking. 

Her daughter arrived at the apartment and was glad to see the work done in it. I introduced myself and wished her well in the new place. My building is visible from her porch so I said if she needed anything, I was a stone's throw away. S. admired my nails, saying they were sparkly, and I told her I raised them from pups. Everyone laughed about that. She asked me, "Are you a Leo?" to which I replied, I am a Lahaie". Toni explained the S. was wondering about my astrological sign and I said something like, "Oh, the stars!" Toni said they didn't really believe in it, not in psychics and all that, but S. was interested. Once determined when my birthday fell, S. said she would have sworn I was a Leo. Then she was trying to determine my moon. Oh, really? I have a moon? Cool!  We talked briefly about our Myers/Briggs scores, and told them mine was ESPN, which made them laugh again. It's actually ESFP, but that's not nearly as funny. Nancy didn't know what we were talking about so I explained it to her over dinner. 

She wanted a salad so headed to Fleming Island to Longhorn. As we drove through the parking lot I mentioned that La Nop has a wonderful taco salad. She said she could really go for a taco so we changed course and pulled in there instead of Longhorn. Cool with me! We both loved our meals (the waiter let me order from the lunch menu!) and we each took home an order of the rice for another time. I should just skip the quesadilla and be done with it, since I've discovered how much I enjoy their rice 'n beans. At this point I also had the opportunity to explain to Nancy about the origins of Reformation. In our small circles we expect that everyone knows, but that is so not the case. Glad to be able to do so in a non-confrontational manner. No margaritas, either!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Such wonderful news!

My friend, Suzanne, has been battling cancer in the lymph glands for about a year. She first of all noticed a nodule in her neck, and after some delay, began treatment earlier this year. Her chemo treatments were two days in a row, once a month, for 6 months. Things mostly went smoothly for her, Suzanne not losing her hair, but only having it change color and texture. I guess a person can live with that. Toward the end here she changed jobs and in so doing, insurances, and there was a snag as regarded a follow-up PET scan. After several weeks it was granted and today she reported good news to us---she is in remission and presently cancer free. Praise be to God!
Suzanne playing her viola for the Ladies' Advent service

This news was texted to Judy, her mom-in-law, while we were at lunch at Longhorn. She was able to report to the table of ladies this wonderful news from Suzanne. We are all so glad for Suzanne and her family. She was blessed to have so many folks thinking about her and keeping her in prayer. Our continued prayers are with her that she remains cancer free the rest of her life. We have a good and gracious Lord!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

Justin and I did everything we could to ready for the hurricane. We laid in food supplies to eat with or without refrigeration or the microwave. Water was stored up for flushing toilets in case we lost water. Plenty of soda was available for drinking. I had a first aid kit put together, baby wipes for washing up, insurance papers handy, legal documents in my custody, car gassed up in case we had to run for it, electronics charged or charging. My most precious things, besides Justin, moved away from the windows in case they blew out or in, and plastic over the windows for 'just in case'. The firemen who paid us a visit seemed to think we'd be okay here and that helped to calm me. Justin wasn't scared for his safety, nor was I. He felt, as I did, that we were better off staying here to protect and defend our belongings should something happen. I am glad we did stay. 
Borrowed photo taken of the hurricane off shore
 This photo was taken by someone else on the east beltway (9A) as the storm approached 
Hurricane Matthew is here! Taken through our patio door. I kept watch over the river as one of our 1st floor residents asked me to report if the water came over the bulkhead. There were waves doing so but never did the river rise to that height. Their belongings were safe!
Prayers were answered as the eye and strongest effects of Hurricane Matthew veered slightly east, away from the North FL coast. No direct hits, mercifully, but yet incredible damage occurred.  
This area lost power right after 2:00 pm on Friday. I was holed up in the back bedroom and Justin was across the hall in his room. The Brooklyn lantern would provide light and my phone entertained me with podcasts of the week's radio programs. At night I was comfortable with my iPad mini playing Seinfeld for me. I managed to sleep even though I'd been snoozing off and on all day. (I think Justin slipped something into my drink to knock me out!) In the morning, Justin came to wake me, saying he thought I would like to see this---Matthew was moving to the north. Good-bye and good riddance!! I was glad he woke me to see this. Justin was already busy taking down the plastic sheets and piling up the towels which protected our floors in the living room. NOT ONE DROP of water found its way into our home. NOT ONE DROP! Yes, I do believe in miracles. 
Justin fixed up this cooler with bagged ice Judy sent home with him and put it next to my bed. He said, "With a cooler of Diet Coke, your Draw Poker game, and Seinfeld, you are unstoppable!"  

We were notified that our power might not be restored until Tuesday afternoon so I asked Judy C. if she had room in her freezer for our meat. She cleaned off a shelf for us. Someone let me know via Facebook that Grumpy's was open, they had power!, so Justin and I loaded up the meat from the freezer in coolers and bags and took it to Judy's. We all went to lunch at Grumpy's which was crazy busy. One side of the train tracks had electricity, the Grumpy's side, but not the other. People were there at 5:30 in the morning for coffee!!!  I had my electronics charging at Judy's so we dropped Justin off at home and then Michael took Judy and me for a drive to survey the damage. Not nearly as bad as the storms of 2004, especially along the river, which is good. When we got back to Judy's, as I started to gather my electronics together my phone went off. Justin was trying to Facetime me to show me the ceiling fans going round and round. The power was back!!!  I was going to take the meat back home but Michael said he would bring it over after church tomorrow so the freezer would have a chance to catch up after being off 24 hours. He is so kind! 
As Justin and I sat in the dinette portion of the living room, the sun broke through and washed across the floor. We had just moved the furniture back into place (except for the wing chair in the back bedroom yet) and the glass items returned to the window. Loved to see the sun again, after days of the nor'easter which preceded the hurricane. Welcome back, sunshine!!
As Justin looked out at the river, there were manatees back in the basin. We guess they rode out the storm in the shelter of the marina areas, somewhat protected. 
My neighbor, Ellen, went to the Dollar Store to secure plastic and tape for covering her windows after hearing that I was doing that here. Her young houseguest had evacuated but thankfully Josh did come back to help her cover her windows and all her sliding glass doors, as she has a corner unit with more glass exposed. Ellen couldn't leave because of having 4 dogs in the house. She put her precious items in the master bathroom shower for safe keeping. I have glass, she has guitars! Eventually she was able to leave as a friend on Fleming Island said she should come and bring the dogs with her.  

It was Josh who told us that one of the local newscasters was crying on live TV, a man, begging people to evacuate. Of course, these TV stations cover a vast area, not necessarily only OP, but Josh took it to heart. I had to simply go on radio and TV silence because they were freaking me out. At all hours of the night the phone was going off with warnings and cautions. My family kept in regular contact, one sister calling twice, something which rarely happens. Yes, it could have been much worse, especially if Matthew hadn't veered east. I think my building survived nicely (as far as I know), Nancy W's place is okay, Bill and Nancy M. lost a tree and had two windows crack when they opened their front door (opposite side of the house from the windows!), but for the most part, good news! Praise be to God for sparing my home and perhaps, my sanity!

Friday, October 7, 2016


I think I have done all that I can, that we can. This includes crying out of fear and uncertainty. Yesterday representatives from the fire department came by to check on who was staying and who was going from The Palace. The Lt. was quite sure we'd be fine sitting it out on the 3rd floor as far as the surge goes, and he didn't expect we would get the winds the beaches area will experience. Hurricane Matthew is causing me terrible upset! Oh, and we know it's all about me, don't we? There are others who stayed in my building, at least 3 on this floor and some upstairs. Boy, I sure wish Dick and Debbie were in town, but again, that's about me. I am glad they are away from all this as they have enough stress to deal with in their lives.

I find myself walking room to room, thinking of what else I should/could be doing to make sure we have what we need, and that things are protected. We/I are sure all about the things. Last month we had a lady at church lose her home and almost all her belongings other than what she could fit in her car. What would I do? My heart breaks for her, and am glad that we at church could step up and lend a hand to get back up and running again. If things go terribly wrong here and I lose all my belongings, my treasures, well, I can't face that right now. Sadly, my testament of faith is not what it should be right, guess I can dish it out but not take it?? Shame on me! One of our readings from last Sunday had the passage where the disciples pleaded with Jesus to increase their faith. This is my prayer as well. 

What do I know? This building is a fortress (at least it has been!) and it also leaks like a sieve. Right now, dealing with the leaks is less a concern than my windows holding. Justin has some finishing touches on the plastic he put up yesterday to better seal it off in my room. We used shower liners, plastic tarp from Dollar Store, and a painter's drop cloth. At first the plan did not work and he got frustrated but I persuaded him to try again using a different method or place for them and it seemed to work. They are in place, at least, which gives me calm. We also have duct tape but he is reluctant to use it, thinking it won't stick to the wood or something. I hope he will try it.

This a.m. I was awake about 3:30 or so and that was it for me. Went to bed early because of not sleeping much the night before and did manage to sleep. I feel like I could sleep again right now, and wish I would sleep until tomorrow. But I have prowling to do, picking stuff up and putting it down again, moving things from pillar to post. My back is bothering me from doing this so it helps to sit for a bit. We have food but I have little appetite, but should have something with my ibuprofen. 

Justin and I are hunkering in the back bedroom for the storm itself so want to have things with me, thinking I will work on stuff. Somehow I doubt that will happen but I have to try to focus on something other than destruction. It's like Justin says, if the house is damaged, it's going to happen whether we are here or not, and if we're here, we can start dealing with it. I went to sleep praying and woke up praying to the Lord for His mercy on us, on all of us. My thoughts are messed up but this is sure, God is our refuge and strength! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Filled with apprehension

My stomach is in knots, even though I plan to meet Terri for lunch today. There is a serious storm coming our way and it's possible to make landfall here, or come very close. Justin and I are charging our devices so we can at least have them for entertainment, even if we have no Internet or other services. I want to ready things for disaster but Justin just let me know he will help me move the glass stuff away from the windows. I pray the Lord that storm goes east and that my windows don't break. 

My next door neighbor said her hubby wants to board their windows but she said it's so coffin-like. They'd have to do it from the inside, of course, which would then require some repairs once the storm passes. Hardly a concern right now, I guess. I have no plywood and am not sure having it inside would do the trick anyway except if the windows break, it would help keep the rain out somewhat. Ahhhh!  I know I should fear, love, and trust in God above things, but I also fear this pending storm. May the Lord be merciful to us and veer it to the east! 

Justin has some ideas for storing water for toilet flushing for when the power goes out. I wanted a bin into which to put my photo albums and precious things, but he had an idea to use them for water storage. His bathtub as well works for that plus the washer. We can use buckets to catch rain water (plus that water which drips in from above into my living room!) for the toilets if he doesn't want to go down the steps to the pool for water. 

Last night we went to Publix and got a few things to hold us over for when we lose power. Mostly snacks and stuff to eat on bread. I hope we got enough of that type of thing. We have food in the cupboard which can be eaten cold or go to Nancy's house and heat it up on her grille. She is equipped and prepared, even has a gas range! I do hope the power is restored quickly so we don't lose everything in the freezer and fridge, like we did in 2004, twice! Several days then without power. If that happens here, I will have to use the steps. Yikes! Might be good for me, not might, will!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Choosing up sides

The other day I heard a commentator make the remark about how people are choosing up sides on every issue. It doesn't have to be political, either. I personally know some people who are Absolutely Apple go up against those who are Absolutely Android. One 'user' looks down upon the other, almost in disdain. Really, it's not the type of thing where taking up sides is necessary. The whole situation is a matter of personal preference and perhaps budget. 

As a joke, to make the point, the guys on the program were going off on each other over their choices in TV viewing. One would never watch, as an example, "NCIS", while the other guy looked down his nose at "Castle". You get one or the other, not both, it seems. You are either Team NCIS or Team Castle, nothing in between. No margin for discussion or compromise or personal preference. Done! 

In following a certain thread online, folks take firm stances on matters of religion, and I fall into line with some of them. I have zero wiggle room when it comes to a few hard and fast practices, but do see how another person would be a little more willing to allow some give and take on things.  I just had that happen recently with a morning devotion I take in daily. Instead of fantastic organ music one morning there was piano, guitar, banjo, and flute. What? No accordion? I might have managed to hang in except for the strings. Does no one play the violin or viola there? How about the cello or bass? Push, push, push. Ugh! Fortunately I can fast forward through that portion, most usually my favorite part, and get to the reading and sermon. Makes me sad to do it, but my tolerance level is extremely low when it comes to worship. I, too, have chosen up sides, and I am on Team Organ!