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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back to the Soup and Sandwich Supper

I was delighted to be in charge of the first annual (and probably last annual) Ash Wednesday Soup and Sandwich Supper at church last night, held before worship. The thought was to streamline the evening for parents with small children and anyone on the way home after work to be able to just show up at church, have a nice supper, worship, and then go home. Seems smooth enough to me! I made a kettle of my famous chili, changing it up by using some dark turkey meat Joanne had bought and wanted me to use. Not my first choice, obviously, but it did the trick. The chili and its assembly was flawless and the house smelled wonderful while it cooked. It is the Bloody Mary mix that makes it so delicious, I believe, as well as the can of beer I pour in. Talk about mixing drinks!!!
My next kettle of soup was a recipe provided by dear friend, Judy R. in MN, for beer cheese soup. Again with the beer! It was really quite easy to make except for the fact that I saw fit to burn some of the veggies instead of sauteing (is there a thin line I was not aware of????) but managed to pick all the black pieces from the pan, transferring to another pot, and soaking the black-bottomed kettle in hopes it would come clean. It did, after I dissolved a cube of dishwasher soap in the pan as it soaked, something I learned from my friend, Jean Nichols. (To my family: I need a new soup kettle for CHRISTmas. My Teflon one is losing its finish.) Can you believe I am asking for kitchen tools???
After I got the overcooked veggies taken care of and the balance of the ingredients mixed in, the soup took on substance, and as Judy informed, it was more thin than I would have liked. I added more flour to thicken and was surprised the recipe did not mention dumplings, which formed upon the adding of flour. No worries, I squished the dumplings with my spoon and moved on. I added a package of shredded cheddar cheese which enhanced the cheesy flavor. Justin came over as planned to help me transport the kettles plus the other food items to church. He carefully packed both containers with towels to protect them from sloshing around as we drove to church, but I still have a wonderful aroma of cheese soup on my floormat in the backseat. Oh well.....
He helped me get the stuff inside, set up some tables and chairs, etc. while I put the soups on the stove and plugged in the cheese soup kettle. I was only away for about 10-15 minutes, putting out the plates, napkins, bowls, etc. When I stepped back into the kitchen, I discoverd the kitchen counter between the two stoves was layered in cheese soup!!!! Oh, my goodness! It had boiled over and made quite the mess. My good soup! As quickly as I could, I grabbed a cotton towel to help stop the run, mopped the floor and front of the cabinets, and used paper towels to start corraling the mess into a neat pile. Sandy D. came in and saw my dilemna, pitching right in with paper towels to wipe the mess. She grabbed the wastebasket and we simply swept the entire pile of towels into the trash, using my bare hand to push the rest along into the can. Whew! I know that someday when the stoves are pulled out for some reason, there will be soup dripped down the sides of the stoves and cabinet!
As mentioned before, only a handful of folks came to enjoy our feast, which included my two soups, plus clam chowder and chicken 'n dumplins' brought other folks. Two other families brought sandwiches and cookies for less than two dozen people including four children to consume. It frosted me when I found out that some people who could have dined at church for free, with "family", opted to have Mexican fast food instead. Here comes my Pharisee-side again! This means I have leftover soup, somehow or another, after all the sloshing and boiling over, in my fridge, to live and die another day!
Jim and Janet sat with me, as I wanted to be in the main aisle in case people came in, so I could invite them to join us. We had the best laughs! Janet was telling how some friends of theirs from MI are coming down on some kind of break from the school where they all taught, and all will be staying in a hotel in Daytona, using their vacation package. When Janet got the confirmation from the resort where their time share is located, the message started: Hello, bikers. What? Here it turns out this group of Lutheran school teachers and their spouses will be staying in Daytona during the most vulgar of all times---Bike Week!!!! Oh, how we laughed at this picture. Jim, of course, as laid-back as he is, was saying how much fun that would be, but Janet warned the guys not to take any binoculars along. I asked what they would use to keep their eyeballs in their heads then? Fists, perhaps?? That is in keeping with recently read Scripture passage from Tuesday night's Bible study about the right eye and plucking it out if it offends you........
Being a good friend, I offered to lend Janet my leather chaps and halter top, and she believed me. Poor Jim couldn't eat another morsel after that! Fortunately they are only staying there a couple nights before heading to Orlando for more fun. Janet said the one lady is someone with whom she attended DMLC so they go back many many years.
Janet gave me the President's binder for the Ladies' Group meeting on Monday as they will still be traveling. Twila should be good to go for heading the meeting again so I will have to make sure she gets the book and such again. No rest for her, she has already missed one meeting this year!
Well, tonight is yet another Building Committee Meeting. Like someone told me the other day, "and this was the "easy" project!", as we go into nearly six years from conception to this point. It is getting to be "old" but we must press on toward the goal, no good for us to get weary now. The temperatures are warming up nicely, with the high reaching 72 today so far, and hopes of 80 by the weekend. Sorry, you folks in the upper midwest who are awaiting yet another snow/sleet/wind storm. I pray Linda and Tommy have safe travels to Madison to see their grands! Am anxious to hear about the visit!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
I want to run for VP of your fan club!!! I will attend any and all meetings scheduled!!! I read your last email today, and I think we need to talk. I am sorry I missed your call today, but we went to Madison to look at a house Jenn & Mason are looking to buy. We got home about 5:45 PM missing most of the bad weather. Mostly rain all the way until we got to Newton, it then turned to sleet and snow. We are not having Bible class tonight, so will be home if you want to call when you get home!!!
Love and winter hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim--I was aghast as I read your blog preparing all that soup for Ash Wednesday's dinner and all the difficulties that went with it, especially the part where the cheese soup boiled over. Felt badly not too many attended. We gave it a shot before Advent services at VOTL; it was a flop. So no food of any kind is being served before or after during the Lenten season. Weather is balmy here also although the weatherman, if you can rely on him/her (must not discriminate), says it will cool down for the weekend. See Ya!

Anonymous said...

It's me again Kim. I've been reading FIC. There is an article on page 22 regarding the Ad-HOC Committee I think that you will be interested in. The committee is to analyze how the synod works and propose strategies to help carry out its mission. Because of budget shortfalls and the economy, some recommendations have to be put on hold. I thought about you and what you want to accomplish at GS.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your soup and sandwich supper. It's too bad that more people didn't come for fellowship and worship. It is not a nice night out at all. It is sleeting, raining and windy. I am glad though that Dan does not have school tomorrow. Yet Jamie and family plan to make the trip up. I am quite anxious to see them unfortunately Hunter is not coming. I have planned a pizza party for any of the family that can make it. Yes Jamie needs to spend time with Grandma. It is almost time for my TV show so I bed you good night and pleasaant dreams. Love and hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda!

Yes, I am up late, or very very early! Even though I swore to Cliff that I would sleep, so far, not so good. I am plenty tired and will try again in a few minutes.

Thanks for having the time to talk tonight, it was great having spoken words instead of only written. Not that I have anything against writing, mind you, but remember that Tommy cautioned about forgetting each other's voices.....

Love and wintery hugs,


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

How sad that only a few were able to enjoy the soup and sandwich time but as my friend, Janet, says, now we know not to try this again! Was it because I was making the soup???? Hope not, although those qualms were not without merit! Thanks for the info in the FIC; I have not allowed myself to crack it open until the rest of the newsletter have left this computer. I look forward to seeing what the ad hoc committee has to report!

Love and hugs,


82 predicted for Saturday here......

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill,

I heard about the terrible weather and hope all made it home safe and soundly tonight. Jamie is going to come? Good! He sounded so sad in his facebook posting, I was wondering what was the problem. Pizza party? Sounds like a great time, hope the weather allows!



Suzanne Chappell said...

Hi Kim!
I must say for everyone reading.. the soup was delicious! I'm glad we opted for dinner instead of going out! Your Taco Bell comment makes more sense now after reading this. I hadn't realized someone had done that. Oh well.. their loss, financially as well as missing a great meal!

I realize it is difficult for a lot of people to put in to perspective where we need to be on Wednesday evenings. It really is a matter of priorities. I juggle my kids, dinner and choir.. and find it sad others can't manage to be there. In the end, I will enjoy my spiritual fulfillment, while they just don't!

Love and CHRISTian hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

God morning, Suzanne!

Thanks for the compliment on the soups! At least I won't be going hungry 'round here for awhile....

We always brought our kids to church for midweek services and rarely thought anything of it. Perhaps we were not being good parents thinking that way, but it established the "priorities" you mentioned which are in place now. Justin said he is the only one in his group of friends who goes to church on Wednesday nights! I asked him about taking some of the guys with him, and he assured me that would not happen---Dave and Busters has half price gaming that night, I guess. Priorities!!

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

I bet your soup was delicious especially the cheese soup (one of my favorites); I can taste it way back here in Houston!!!! I heard there are "Tea Parties" in various parts of the country? Not sure how many but there is one in Houston. Hopefully people are wising & rising up against all the craziness going on in "white-tower" country. Unfortunately I cannot attend as I'm still incapacitated and cannot drive. It sounds like you need some "zzzzz". Blessings on your day.

Peter Prange said...

I've tried to resist posting a comment, but I must write as a Christian friend and former pastor of some of you: Beware, ladies!

The Gospel for Ash Wednesday includes the Pharisee's song: "I thank you, Lord God, that I am not like other people ..." And Jesus concluded, "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted" (Lk 18:9-14).

The Apostle Paul commands us: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs" (Eph 4:29).

If a sin has been committed, the prescription is simple: "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over" (Mt 18:15). If there is no sin involved, then nothing more needs to be said.

The Golden Rule also applies in the blogosphere: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Tread lightly!

In deepest love,

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Rosalie!

I have some undertow of dissent and especially the guy who blew his stack on the trading floor in Chicago.....he's made several appearances on the news programs and was mentioned by the press sec'y. the other day in a briefing.......maybe it will catch on!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Pete!

Thank you for commenting. I will certainly take your admonition to heart, as will the readers, I pray. Emotions and sentiments have been running high, much like my soup boiling over onto the counter in the kitchen the other day, and these same are as difficult to clean up as the soup. To my knowledge most of the head-butting and such has ended, and now the work toward resolution and healing must take place. Thanks for the Scriptural reminders, another excellent mirror held up to show our "ugliness"!

Hope all is going well at your house and church. I really enjoyed the little greeting Lucas sent to his cousins, so precious!

Love and hugs,
