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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Some sad news came my way....

.........Saturday night. Let me preface by saying sometimes I get awfully caught up in my own stuff. Really? This may be news to you! Anyway, as I sat working on the photos for the Flock Board, my friend, Judy R., called. We had spoken on the phone only a week ago, almost to the hour. This was not a welcome call, however, as she bore some scary news. My dear friend, who volunteers in a mammogram clinic, has herself, been diagnosed as having a lump---cancerous. By initial testing and such, it appears to be encapsulated, self-contained, we pray, and it may be a simple proceedure to deal with this beast. We pray. She has great people around her, especially her JerBear plus friends galore, including a man who is a radiologist. He has offered to be Judy's middle-of-the-night person to talk to should fears overwhelm or questions arise.
She asked me if I had had a mammo recently and informed her that only a day or two before a postcard came in the mail from the clinic telling me it is nearly time for my update. I will go! I will run to the clinic. Judy's lump was found via routine mammo and she cannot feel it at all with her fingers. She is already becoming an expert on the topic, reading as much as she can about breast cancer and its treatment, asking the questions that need answers, and taking it to the Lord for His handling. Please, I ask you all to do the same, as next week she will have a procedure to remove the cancer.
So, while I am all concerned and whatever about what my financial future holds, the Lord offers a reminder that there are bigger "issues" or circumstances to be dealt with this side of heaven, and that is the life of my dear friend. I pray the Lord will preserve and heal her on earth, assured that Judy is known personally by our Savior!


Tarren Prange said...

Your friend is in my prayers as well. I hope all goes well and the surgeons can remove everything in one shot. To give you some Grandmother's breast cancer was caught early, and after some chemo, she is now officially cancer free! It does happen!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Dear Tarren:

Thanks for the great, uplifting news on Grandma Ruth! I had meant to write to her this week to see if she is going to the Rally on March 14th. Think I will do that now that I know she is doing great! Thanks be to God!

Judy is my dear friend, usually I describe us as being friends all our lives but were only introduced in 2007! We shared the trip which retraced St. Paul's 2nd missionary journey, and formed a secure friendship. She was here with me in early November and I see her when I go north.

Thanks for remembering Judy in your prayers and good wishes!



Suzanne Chappell said...

My uncle's wife is 62, and she is winning the battle over breast cancer! Last fall she had a double mastectomy, two rounds of chemo and is now enduring radiation.. but reports.. she is doing great!

I do believe, if caught early, it is something we can overcome! (Although not in all cases, sadly) I also wish her well and send prayers on her behalf!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Suzanne:

Oh, how I enjoy hearing good news about this! I certainly do not want my friend, Judy, to suffer nor do I want anyone to suffer! Get your check-ups, ladies!



Anonymous said...

I came from Cat's Meow Blog..I have been reading yours off and on when time permitted. I do get a kick out of you...I hope you don't mind me posting here!

I was forced by my Physician for a Mammogram last month. It had been 15 years since I had one. My initial response to him was "Yea Yea, he's just my Doctor...I'm fine and blah blah blah...

I got my screen shots and was called back the next day..I retook my shots and received a letter in the mail telling me that I am fine. At that moment, I realized that my Doctor wasn't so anil after all...I sent him a note in the mail Thanking him for saving my life...(Even though there was nothing there, it opened my eyes...I praised God and cried.

I will pray for your friend, and I'm glad your going to get yours!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Darla!!!!!

As soon as I saw your name, I knew who you were! Welcome to a Day in the Life of Kim! And, especially, thank you for your comment.

The same doctor at the office where I am going today is the guy who told me he'd rather walk around his home sucking on a stick of butter, but his wife won't let him.....he credits Lipitor for saving his life so that is why I agreed to take it (sorry if this is a re-run!).

So many health problems are preventable, if only by going for these periodic check-ups. Take the time and spend the money (gulp!).

Thanks again, Darla!
