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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What to do, what to do....

As I sit here studying the duty schedule for church, I am still puzzled as to when and if it is my turn to clean. Last week, if you recall, I showed up and began the vacuum cleaning. About halfway through the job, another team of cleaners arrived, after driving quite a distance, believing it is their turn to clean. Our schedule has been, um, re-dated, or shuffled in such a way as to cause confusion in some of us. And not only us older folks, even the younger teams are puzzled as to when exactly their "week" starts. For the sake of erring on the side of caution and risk not having clean carpets for worship tomorrow, I think I will go over and run the vacuum cleaner. We joked the other night at church about how sometimes the church gets cleaned twice in one weekend and then is missed totally the next, because folks cannot figure out the schedule. It used to be okay, don't know why it was "altered"...
Late last night I heard Joanne prowling around in the kitchen so I know she must be home. Her door was ajar when I went out to get my morning can of soda. I threw in a load of wash and am planning on doing my sheets today as well, which I hate to do. Oh, I know, everyone likes to sleep on clean sheets, and I am no different, but I do not like to clean off my bed! The "passenger side" of my bed is piled with books, magazines, my label maker (don't ask!) plus some unopened mail which must be relocated if I strip the bed. It is the same story every time I do this, rarely is the bed free of books and reading material. I guess I could read it once in a while! My Grandma Speaks book is there for morning reading, and Joanne shared a book they were studying at her church, called "The Alpha Course", which she left out for me to look at. Is anyone out there familiar with this?
It is expected to be a lovely day today and several of my friends are taking advantage of it. One family is going camping and another taking in the zoo in Jacksonville. I would like to go to the beach but since Justin and I are going to church at Victory tonight, it would not make sense for all the extra miles. He asked me to come over to go with him and then, to save money, he suggested we eat supper at Taco Bell. Gulp! No, thanks, I am not ready for Taco Bell. We have to do this with baby steps. He loves it, though, but he can enjoy TB with his buddies. We might go to Five Guys for hot dogs and fries, "the best, Jerry, the best!" (Seinfeld reference...)
Tomorrow after church a small group of us will be going to lunch with a young couple new to the congregation, not yet members. The location is yet to be determined but I suspect it will be in proximity to church or Wells Road. The further away from church we get, the less likely long lines will await. I will go where ever the rest wish to go, even if it is Taco Bell!
Don't forget to Spring Ahead tonight when you go to bed!!!!


Linda M said...

Dear Kim,

Ok, spill it, whats your aversion to Taco Bell?!?!??!
I'd be happy to go, but am dog sitting for the weekend.

Surrounded by mud and awaiting MORE SNOW in WI,
Linda M

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda M.!

It's not that I have an aversion to it, but if I am going to have dinner with my son, I would prefer a bit nicer environment than sitting in the car spilling lettuce and such down my front! They do have good soda there, as they were about the only convenient drive-through near my church.....on the "going home" side of the road, that is!

I heard about the mud, and then more snow coming---yech! And yet, I was looking at my friend's virtual tour of her home in Manty and I fell in love with her house again.....



Linda M said...

Dear Kim,

Don't you love that blue soda that have only at Taco Bell!!!!!!!

The kitchen is done and is 99% put back together.

I will have to take pictures and give everyone a "virtual tour"

Keeping a look out for falling snow in WI,

Linda M

Anonymous said...

Good morning,
I sometimes have the same problem with the usher schedule. I don't know what it is, but it confuses me. Like a said before, maybe its time for this chick to retire.
Yes, I did go to the funeral, and it was very... nice? An unusual way to describe a funeral! But Pastor Rosenow has a very good message, and talked about Elizabeth in a very positive way, knowing her faith. the organist was Neil Neumann, a relative of the family, Wally would not have either Darin or Kevin play, he does not like either of them. His loss!!! My coffee ladies just arrived and the popovers are almost done! Talk to you later,
Love and hugs.

Dave Schipper said...

Carpets can never be too clean... we have Irish music in our house tomorrow... got to get to cleaning too.


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda M.!

I never had blue soda there, is it like an icy or something? I never had anything besides Diet Coke from Sonic either but they carry umteen flavors to add to it or icies. I saw some of your photos of the kitchen and so far it looks awesome, fun! Have a good time dog sitting in a snowstorm....



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.!

No, it is not time for you to retire UNLESS that means you moving down here to stay for at least half the time......

Yes, you can say a funeral is nice, if it reminds of the work our Savior did for the young lady and us all, and if the family is comforted in that knowledge. It was good to have a family member play but you are correct, it is Wally's loss and how sad he cannot put aside his rancor on such an occasion.

I remeber when we all came back to our house after the funeral home visitation where Pete had given a devotion, Harvey remarked that he had never felt "good" about a funeral like this before, but it made sense to come away "good" in knowledge of what Timmy was experiencing...

Anyway, go have breakfast with the ladies and say "hi" from me, please!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi David!

Are you having a house concert with the Irish music? That is too cool! No, carpets cannot be too clean, that is a fact. Do you remember when Lynn and Lisa would come to help me clean for parties or whatever and they'd never be able to tell what needed cleaning? Those days are over, sir!

Hugs and kisses,


Anonymous said...

I have a hard enough time getting a good sleep and now we lose an hour. You would think by now we would be used to the time changes. It is nice though that it will will stay lighter longer. At least then I can see where the mud is before I step in it. Love and Hugs!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

I mistakenly was thinking we would get an extra hour of sleep....silly me! Even though I knew better, I was messed up!!!
So sorry that you have the muddy mess to deal with now, and then the promise of sleet on top of that yet!

Oh, for those two weeks of summer....

