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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Friday services and social time

I can't sleep! It is nearly time to get up for sunrise worship and I have not slept a wink! This happens any time I have set the alarm clock on my phone, fearing I am going to not hear it and be late for church, or where ever I am going. Ugh! Good thing I am not tired!
Why fight it? Get up and write something, you big silly girl! So, here I am, ready to fill in the blanks for Friday. After I told Mom I had to hang up, upon arriving at church Saturday a.m., she asked me about our Good Friday worship. I now have time to tell about it! When I arrived at church, the chapel was darkened, no pre-service music playing and barely any speaking. The only talking one would hear is when people came in and did not realize at first that all were quiet---meditative.
I went back outside to await Pastor Kuske, so I could give him a last moment prayer request, called in as I drove to church. My friend Kelly's (a member) father-in-law was suffering from congestive heart failure and was not long for this world, so she requested prayers for Paul, her hubby, and the extended family as they waited at dad's bedside. Pastor's dad led the entire service so he actually said the prayer on behalf of Paul's dad and family, doing a fine job of it.
We sang lovely hymns as only Lenten hymns can be, reflective reminders of the pain and suffering our Savior bore for us, so we do not have to. The meditations led us through the words from the cross with the appropriate hymns in between. As always, we left the service in total silence, the total opposite of the great rejoicing and celebration we will enjoy on Easter Sunday. Such jubilation, the music, the singing, the flowers, oh, I cannot wait. And I cannot sleep!
Anyway, as planned, Judy J., Kathy B. and I went to Aron's after worship and dined el fresco, basking in the warmth as the evening ebbed. The moon was barely visible behind the trees and the traffic a bit noisy at times, but a delightful time nonetheless. Judy and I each had our usual small stromboli, each of us also taking half home! Kathy is a salad eater so that is what she ordered. Joanne and family were invited to join us but Jo's company still had not come back from the beach yet by the time we got to the restaurant, and she was already in her pajamas and working from home. We went ahead without her, obviously!
As often happens, we talked the hours away and before we knew it, ten o'clock rolled around and we decided to go home. I don't know, but when Kathy and I start yakking, the hours disappear, and add Judy to that mix and, well, you can see why we lost track of time! Jo's family was home when I got here and were all pooped out, too, so we retired for the evening. I had accidently locked Lynx out of my room and she was pestering at the door. Joanne opened it enough for her to come in, and Lynx also retired for the evening!


Anonymous said...

He is risen! Happy Easter!! As always another beautiful Easter service with the words, music, and orchestra. Not to mention two of the cutest boys from Sheybogan and their parents. Just a great day! Easter hugs! Fry out was great. we ate too much of course but that is what makes it fun.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

He is risen indeed!!! I spoke with Linda right after church and she told about the singing in the front of the church with the orchestra. She did NOT mention seeing Gabe and Manny, so glad you got to see them and enjoy the fry out. Mmmm, brats!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Hugs and blessings,


Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you that I saw the cutest boys from Sheboygan. they were all excited to tell me about their Easter baskets! They are growing so fast!! Hope you had a blessed day!! Georgia & I tried to watch the Bucket List, but kept falling asleep. Tom took a nap also.

He is Risen, indeed!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.:

I wish I could have seen them telling you about the Easter baskets! That would have been cute to watch...

I hope Georgia and you give The Bucket List another chance, on a day when you have not had a big, delicious meal!

Loving nothing more than people around her table,


Anonymous said...

He is risen indeed!!! Yes,such great services we had to remind us of the great things He has done.Great news from the altar and the pulpit,great music,great food and fellowshipping.....we had breakfast with the Ronnie,Sandy, Katie, Lillian, Arwin Stock family. Lynn and I topped it off with supper at Perkins. Love Mom

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Mom!

I am so happy that you enjoyed your Easter celebrations today---all of them!
How wonderful to share them with the Stock family and extendeds. I have it on good authority that very cute little boys were present part of the time. I wish I could have seen them....

Easter joy,


Anonymous said...

Seems no one invited me out for supper. I made a ham and stuff for Dan and I. He actually ate ham this time. I told him it is the same ham they use at Subway but just not cut as thin. He gobbled it right up. Spent the rest of the day just being lazy. Today it is back to work.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

You broke my heart telling me you were not invited anywhere! If I lived up there, I would certainly have you over for feast days! Like old times!
Glad you had some sort of Easter dinner with Danny, though. Who does not like ham? Owen just loved the ham, ate it like candy. I know what to get him for his next birthday---Honey Baked Ham!!!

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

I was not upset about not being asked out for supper. Just being silly. Then I would ahve had to get out of my comfy clothes to go. Anyway I had already planned to make that ham and stuff.

Kim Lahaie Day said...

I know on Easter Sunday it is sort of relaxing after all the services and such are over, you can relish the enormity of the resurrection!

Maybe I will come up next year for Easter so I can sing the Hallelujah Chorus with you guys! Did Lisa go up to sing, too? She is all broken out in a stress rash, she sent me a picture of it today---it is almost over, two and half days left until Tax Day!

