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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!

I feel sorry for the poor window washer, Matt, as he dangles from my balcony trying to get at my sliding glass doors. Maybe he is not cold as he's working so hard, but having the doors opened makes for a bit of a chill for this hot house flower that is Kim!

Oh, it looks so nice and sparkling now that he's done with the windows! Now, watch, it'll rain and get them all spotty again. Having them done professionally is the absolute ONLY way to go, as there is no way Justin nor I would attempt to climb around on this 3rd floor and wash the big doors from the outside. I did tell Matt that if he fell, he should holler for me because I couldn't stand to watch him work out there! Thanks for your help, Lady! At my suggestion, he used my broom handle to extend his washing tools which was better than having him stand on the railing.......

My sister-in-law, Nancy, showed me how to find misspellings by using the "dashboard" so now I may have a reduced number of errors in my postings. The problem seems to be that I write like I speak, a mile a minute with gusts up to 250 so that opens the doors for mistakes. At least in print, you can take it back.....not so easily with the spoken word. Nancy does website work for her living so knows her way around the World Wide Web.

It's been a busy "Day" in this household so far today---besides the window washer (Perfect Vision for those in Orange Park that need this service), telephone calls, special friends coming over to share some time and counsel, and then communications on the computer. And now it's already time for Rush to start. My little space heater is cookin' away, trying to warm my feet and legs after having the doors open, chilling the air. Using the area heater is far superior to heating the entire house, just the room that I'm in needs to be steamy hot......

While Matt was washing the windows, I washed a bunch of my colored glass items, as they still have residual remodeling dust on them from when my bathroom/bedroom were redone. Now they will sparkle like my freshly cleaned windows! Justin can hang them back up when he comes over the next time. or I can climb up to put them in place myself....we'll see how patient I am or how ambitious. Matt said he'd not seen so much pretty glass in the windows before, except at church! Cute!

No wonder I'm chilly---it's only 54 degrees above zero out there! It would be a safe bet that it's warmer here than it will be on Sunday night for the Packer game. I am going to display my new Packer flag which the Hilchey's gave me, probably hang it on the outside porch railing in the courtyard. I will do that again for the Super Bowl Party even if the Packers don't make it to the Super Bowl (God forbid!) But, a party is a party no matter who's playing.

Oh, last night I had a wonderful time with Cindy R., who asked me to attend a Southern Living party with her in St. Johns County Golf and Country Club. Carol, a cropping friend, was Hostess for the party. When Judy J. heard I was going there she said, "That's like taking an alcoholic to a bar!". Oh yeah, she was correct.....I bought some lovely ceramic pieces that match some I purchased at a Southern Living party last year, plus some colored glass lanterns to hang in my studio by the doors. Even booked a party from her so I can earn some more plus, yes, have yet another little party at my house! The demonstrator also offers her decorating expertise if asked, and to that I ask, "Why not?". My movie outing fell apart as Judy found out she was getting company and Martie was too pooped after her class, so Cindy's call came at just the right time. And what a blast it was!

Lori, I had such a goofy dream this a.m. just before I was due to awaken. As dreams go, I ran into my dentist outside his office (in "real" life my dentist is female) and told him about my emergency root canal I'd just had done. The dental assistant escorted us into the office, put me in the chair while you looked on, and I felt her tape something to my cheek. Thinking she was going to take an x-ray for their own use, I was compliant. All of a sudden I was totally woozy and sort of curled up on the chair, with my head on the foot, whimpering that I didn't feel well and whoops!--I threw up on the assistant! She was not pleased with that, and put an emesis dish tightly against my chin in case it happened again. The dentist came in to see what was going on and he asked why they had tried to put me under, that I was just getting an x-ray taken. We couldn't get out of there fast enough. Now, what does that all mean? Don't eat hull-less popcorn before going to the dentist!!!

One of my duties for the church is serving as Secretary of the Ladies' Group and have some minutes to type up for that, plus some other Outreach materials waiting to be worked on, so, for now, a fond adieu.