The piles on my desk are shorter, progress has been made in getting business addressed, papers filed, and others shredded. That's why it's good for company to come periodically to prompt my desk cleaning. Linda is usually the only guest I entertain in my room and yes, Rosalie came in here, too, but the cleaning is mainly for me. So I like to have some semblance of order in this workshop of mine! As I explained to Justin, there are just some pieces that have no other place to be than on my desk, so there they stay!
The dusting is done, Justin is vacuum cleaning right now, and already some plans are in place for Linda's visit. Some stuff we play by ear while other arrangements are set for us. Thursday is Bible study at Victory, then lunch at Bahama Breeze. That night we are thinking of having dinner at The Club on casual night, steak and seafood. Guess which I'm having...
Today was a busy one, starting with a carpet cleaning man coming by to look at my area rug in the river room. The edges where we walk around the table are showing dirt but Aaron (Brenda's son) said he could do this carpet no justice since it requires more TLC than he can provide. Guess I can live with it being grungy a bit longer. Then, the man came to replace the windshield in Justin's car. It has to be done before he can sell it and the insurance covers it. Hate it that we waited this long to get it taken care of. I should say, 'he waited', because personally, I'd have done it ages ago! That fellow was running ahead of schedule so I was able to keep my lunch appointment with Miss Brenda after all, thinking at first the windshield guy was coming later. Glad he could make it here earlier!
We had our lunch at Steak & Shake, being served in a timely fashion. Often, Brenda is on the run and if they are slow in serving us, well, that doesn't work for her. It was my turn to treat to the shakes (using the BO/GO coupon) for our afternoon snack. They are too filling for me to have with my meal. After lunch I stopped at Winn Dixie to pick up a few things, including buying some chicken thighs, at Linda's recommendation. She told me how to prepare them for our dinner, and I did so without benefit of paprika. Instead I used season salt and they were tasty! Also made baked potatoes and ate our last two ears of corn. As Justin pointed out, all our food was the same color!