You know how much I enjoy playing with color and such, but some of my readers can more easily make out the darker lettering against the white background; hence, the less flamboyant inks...
What started out a rather subdued, ordinary day turned into quite the interesting one for me. Earlier this a.m. I couldn't see much further than the breakwater as the fog was terribly dense. By mid-morning, the fog was burned off when the sun broke through, warming my neck and shoulders. Not that I really needed it (what am I saying????) as the temperatures rose toward the low 80's today--outdoors. It wasn't all that warm indoors so my little heater kept me comfortable. It probably wasn't warmer than the low-70's in the house, which for me is just a tad chilly. Oh, just give me a break, will you?
Much of my computer time was spent researching air fares and hotels for the trip to NYC with Justin. I found many options to choose from-- this air fare, that hotel room--but just couldn't get myself to commit to the package. Ever since I stayed at The Paramount last summer, I find myself a bit gun-shy about any hotels, sight unseen. That particular room was positively minuscule, laughably so. But, I've had quite enough laughs about NYC hotel rooms and wish to avoid a repeat of that experience!
Enough about the surfing and research....this afternoon I got a call from a gentleman who Justin refers to as my "Turkish friend". Saban had been here last fall to move Justin's furniture (he owns a moving company, having relocated my household more than a dozen times!) and grimaced at the site of a Greek flag being displayed. He lamented there was no Turkish "Ay Yıldız" as prominently displayed in my home. I explained that I hadn't found a flag when in Turkey last summer, so Saban insisted he was going to get me one. Couldn't stand the thought of my having only "that" flag in my home! Sure enough, he called to find out if I was home so he could deliver my long awaited Turkish flag.
We chatted a nice while as he filled me in on the travails of having a house built. Seems he has a bit of trouble with the contractor, and can't get anyone to help him handle the situation. Perhaps just talking about it helped but that would be a bit optomistic. He'd called me awhile back to come look at his property but it never worked out. So, anyway, now I have my very own, hand delivered "ay yidiz" to go with my Greek flag!
The evening was topped off by a wonderful celebration with our "family" at the Olive Garden for Robbie's 21st birthday. It was such an honor for us to be included for his special occasion, with his siblings, aunts, uncles and grandpa. Robbie's girlfriend is a maniacal "Phantom of the Opera" fan, like someone else in this room...what fun to compare notes on the Broadway show vs. the movie, our favorite songs, our collection of memorabalia. Great fun! We had a private room in the restaurant with our own wait staff, one of whom recognized me from a different restaurant where she used to work. How funny! Twila, Jean, Judy, and I had lunch after church one day and this young lady took care of us there. How in the world did she remember me?????
Today I was able to order the movie "Across the Universe" for my Justin. We enjoyed it at the theater, Justin twice, and both loved it, already owning the soundtrack. One of the reasons he thought I'd like this movie is because of the Janis-style character, complete with a replica of her Porsche! He cautioned me going in about a certain scene that would affect me as he admitted it had him........and he was correct. I just buried my face in his shoulder to sob and then when it was over, could watch again.
Well, I'm tired and ready for bed so will wish all my readers a good night. I will give thanks, however, before sleep, for the blessings I have in my life, not the least of which are dear, thoughtful friends and my precious boy!
"Good night, Seattle, we love you!" (a little Frasier-lingo....)