It happens every time I set my alarm clock---I cannot sleep! It is a matter of trust---I don’t trust my alarm to do the right thing. Justin stayed overnight last night because after he came to do the vacuuming for me, and went to leave, his car battery was dead. As a door nail. Of those in the building I called, none had jumper cables to try giving him a jump and even though we have AAA, decided to just let him stay the night and handle the problem this a.m. He needed some green shirts for work so we went to Wal-Mart and got two for $3 each, and a set of jumper cables! Burger King provided our dinner and we spent the evening watching TV in my room. He sprawled on my bed, with me at my desk. Nice!
I tried and tried to go to sleep but you know how that works---it does not! This morning I had a Meet and Eat and Play event at The Club but had to wait for the wrecker to come. AAA phone person wanted the man to try starting it (which it did with a jump this a.m.) but Justin and I wanted it towed in and not risk having it quit on one of the busiest streets in town, on a Friday morning! We would just hate that!
All went well with the tow truck coming for Justin’s car, which he successfully had started with a jump start and moved up the hill into more open space. But then, it would not restart. The tow truck driver had a portable charger along with him which he used to start the car and it stayed running after he disconnected the charger. This meant that the alternator was fine, or it would have shut off. He put it on the wrecker and delivered it to Sun Tire. They knew the car was coming, and, in fact, I called them several times today. Surely they grew weary of hearing from me, but loved it when I ordered the new tires. Yes, I bit the bullet and bought him new tires. He badly needed them, even the tow truck operator remarked about their poor condition. Justin had hoped his father would pay for the tires but when he got no answer on that, figured it would not happen. Since it was a safety issue, I decided to go ahead and replace them, and not let him know I did it.
When Justin and I got over there after he was done working, he asked if he should transfer his stuff from my car into his while I paid the bill. He did not notice the new tires but when I was paying the bill, I asked the man if Justin would get the same deal or warranty I got with mine. Oh, the look on Justin’s face….He got a bit misty eyed and was whispering, “Thank you, thank you…” under his breath. I had wept a bit when I gave the man the permission to put them on, because it scared me that the tires were unsafe. They were thread-bare. And the battery was extremely low and begging to be replaced. It’s like a new car for him---almost!