Last evening a group of us from The Palace attended the weekly Happy Hour event at The Club. The new room was being used for the Spanish fiesta dinner so the HH was held in the "old" barroom and part of the dining room. They offer free appetizers and supposedly half priced drinks but no one ever check to see if that is true or not. The man who attends our water aerobics was there and fell head over heels in love with Ashley Rose. She is in her 20's, and he is near 70 and a married man, so....oh well, he can dream!
The lady I had met a month ago, Sharon, was at HH, and I was delighted to speak with her again. She is a professional photographer, does weddings, graduations, and the like, and is also music director at OP Methodist. A truly delightful lady! She told me about being on a mission trip to SC with the youth group, where they worked to build a wheelchair ramp for a child who had been injured in a car accident. Sharon was so enthusiastic about their work, even about sleeping on the floor in an old Baptist church and using porto-let showers! She is older but not old, if you know what I mean. Such fun!
After the appetizer function, none of us had opted to partake of the overly high-priced fiesta, most of us went to sit on the "shelf" at The Palace. Ashley Rose very nicely offered to go to my car and carry my soda cases upstairs for me. I was only going to get one at a time, a "prn basis", but she hauled the whole works up for me. Such service! She then ran upstairs to Ellen's and came down with a blue glass, which I love, and ice cubes for my soda, and Ellen's. It is a cobalt glue stemmed water glass which is often admired by me, so Ellen forced me to take it home. Mo wanted to know where they came from and Ellen confessed that came on room service trays at the Ritz. When asked which Ritz, she shyly, slyly said, "All of them...." So, now I am a receiver of stolen goods and lovin' every minute of it!
One of our members is a concrete man, no really, flesh and bones, but works in concrete. Rick took care of pouring the approach and porch for the drop-off area for the preschool, this on the west facing side of the building. This photo was taken during VBS last week.
Late afternoon yesterday I had gotten a phone message from Mike K. to report that our new classroom building at church has passed all its final inspections and is good to go! We are done! It is finished! Bravo! Since I could not reach Mike, I called Cliff, our contractor and fellow member, to rejoice with him as well, and offer congratulations. He, too, was pleased and told me that he had a call in to my former spouse to let him know, since the permit was taken out years ago on his license. This has been a long process and now, Mike wants to get people together chop chop to move the church office and the storage building. Once the temporary trailers are emptied, they can be moved off the property and we no longer have to pay for their rent!!!! A huge cost on a monthly basis eliminated. Mike is wondering if the phones are also ready to be moved, because it won't pay to move everything over if the phones and such are not working. Word on that is pending but he asked me to be ready to make calls and contacts to get people there to help with the move. Might be kinda tight to arrange on short notice.......BUT, we are done!!!! Rejoice!