My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"It is well, it is well with my soul....."

Who ever thought that when I left home this morning I would be gone until 4:00 pm?!? My first stop was at Grumpy's to pick up my fresh baked rolls which were expected to be ready for me at 9:00. Sadly, the regular rolls took second place to the fresh baked garlic rolls for their spaghetti special on the menu today so I ended up waiting until nearly 9:30 for them. Talk about fresh! The waitress cautioned me to not close the lid because the rolls were so hot, they would sweat inside the container. Oh, if only I'd had some butter-----they might be gone before I got to Bible study, but oh, the stomach ache which would follow!
We had a full house for Bible study, the subject matter which was again inspiring and frightening at the same time. Making the comparisons with the past and the present, watching the same mistakes being made, power and arrogance before the fall.....good stuff! Pastor Hoyer told us about the funeral he was conducting this afternoon for a former boyfriend of his daughter's who died of a drug overdose. He asked for prayers for the family and friends, and that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of those attending, to lead them to the saving faith. I decided I would stay for the funeral................
The service folder used, folded by another lady and me, was originally purchased by the church secretary for her own funeral sometime down the road, had the words from the hymn "When Peace Like a River" printed on the front. It was lovely, and hopefully healing for the mourners. I was thinking about my nephew, Tommy, whose funeral was also today, wondering if the church where his service was held was as full as this one. Sadly, I will guess not. "It is well, it is well with my soul."
I only got home a few minutes ago from a lovely dinner and visit with Kathy B. She came here after school and we left together to stop at Great Hang Ups to say 'hi' to Dee and Julia. Kathy met Dee this past weekend at a women's retreat. After spending some time chatting, Julia excused herself to go down to see Carol, the massage therapist. Carol told me yesterday that business has really picked up since CHRISTmas, and we speculated that people have the results of stress affecting their bones and muscles these days. I hope that Julia feels the healing hands, as Judy R. mentioned to me today in facebook!
Kathy and I had dinner at Koko's, her first visit, and Hung cooked for us. It was great having our "lady time" and just as we were about to leave, I noticed someone I knew coming in. Sure enough----it was Lonnie and Renee from church! I've seen them at Koko's before so it was not totally surprising but who was with them? It was Janet! And Karen!!! I had just posted an "old" posting about these two ladies today before leaving for Koko's and here they were! I finally got to meet Karen's husband, Bob, plus another couple who are friends of Lonnie and Renee's. It is Lonnie's 65th birthday, hence, the group outing!
Karen was just beside herself seeing me, saying she has been pestering Janet ever since they arrived in town today about when she would see me. I mean it, and Kathy heard it, too, she is President of my fan club or something. Karen said she has told so many people in MI about me, about my house, and such. My head is just huge after spending 30 minutes with these ladies, and tomorrow the fun continues! They are coming over so Bob can see my home and the view, and then we are going to lunch. The group asked me to join them for an outing at The Landing but I had to decline as I've been gone so much the past couple days that I am behind in a bunch of things. Tomorrow night is cropping at church so I really need to not be tearing up Jacksonville with this rowdy group! What an incredible, emotional day it was!
Wish I could have seen Justin in between Bible study and the funeral, but he was working on a rough draft of a paper for literature class. As Pastor admonished us, remember to not leave people with harsh words or actions that you will regret, because you never know if those are the last ones you get to say to your loved ones....Remember to tell people you love them, too, so "I LOVE YOU", and you know who you are!

Changing the name of this posting

Greetings to my newest readers! I am absolutely delighted to have you stopping by to spend A "Day" in the life...........of Kim! By reading through the listings of where readers are from, I have noticed some visitors from as far away as China and I cannot even begin to imagine what they must think of me!?!? Such drivel she writes about (oh, that came out kind of Wisconsin-ish, did it not?)
So, for the sake of new readers and for those who came in after the curtain went up on this show, I will reprint my first postings, from January, 2008. Please note that after many of the postings from this one forward, there are sometimes "Comments" left by readers. Please click to read the comments and feel free to add your own as you see fit. On the left side of this page you will find a place to click for archives which will also allow you to go all the way back to earliest postings, right around the anniversary time of Timmy's death. Thanks for reading and come back again and again and again!

Welcome to my first blog! Thanks to Justin, who helped me find a template, I can write to many people at one time and perhaps avoid repeating myself or missing someone with news or information! Also, I love a captive audience!
This photo of me was taken while standing on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy, when Justin and I visited there in 2006. The garish jewelry was made for me by Lisa, my niece. It's a pleasure to wear the jewelry made by my family and friends. Today I am wearing the necklace and earrings made by Lori, my sister---red with gold and black swirls, sort of blown-glass looking. Looks wonderful with the lovely ruby red blouse which Mom gave me for CHRISTmas.
I'm still wearing my church clothes as this evening Justin and I are joining the Hilchey family for dinner at The Capital Grille at the Town Center Mall. We managed to get the first available opening they had for today.
This is going to be funky week for me (and perhaps my readers as well) as tomorrow marks the 7th anniversary of Timmy's death. I could call it something else but choose to refer to it exactly what it is--death. He left earth, having completed his life's work in the Lord, and now circles the Throne of the Most High singing "Holy, holy, holy" with the saints and angels. Hard to get upset about that, isn't it? What glory he now experiences, while we are left here to carry on the work, to help extend the Kingdom, sharing the Good News of salvation with those who haven't heard yet!
Timmy's story has a happy ending, and I pray that everyone that reads my blog will have that same happy ending on their last day! Later!
Monday, January 14, 2008

So far, so good today
Well, the big day is here---Timmy's anniversary. I've received several cards, e-cards, phone calls plus personal greetings so far today and enjoyed a lovely lunch with the Monday Bible study group. In the arms of my church family, a great place to be today and always!
I had a nice, long chat with Linda last night which was good for my soul, she is so good for my soul and my heart! We can laugh about the dumbest things. She has plans to go on a cruise in late March but that won't work with my trip to MN at the begining of April. Everything has to happen at once sometimes. I'll try to get some time later in the month to do some scrapbooking with her when I'm in Manty.
When I stopped by the cemetery today after lunch, I saw the guys closing up a grave over in the "babyland" section, which always saddens me, but moreso today. Someone else is going to feel sorrow like mine for the rest of their lives, but the good news is that the sorrow softens a bit as time goes on. We got told that often early on when Timmy died and I personally have found that to be true. What is also true is that memories fade a bit, something which no one could have ever convinced me would happen.
What a learning and growing experience this has all been, going to the School of Hard Knocks, sort of. Okay, then, does that mean I've graduated or is there more "homework" required before I can be considered "honed by the fire"? Wait, wait, wait, don't answer that! I learned a valuable lesson back in 2003---don't ask questions you don't want the answer to!!!!
I am also getting quite excited about the pending visit from the Prange family, coming into town next week. As Timmy would say, "I so 'cited!" Their schedule is already packed but they've invited me to share in much of it with them. Maybe I can work ahead on the newsletter and such but can't do much about the meetings and other committments that happen in the evenings. It will be cool to see what a little man Lucas has become and meet Grace for the first time. Last year she was still in utero for Brent's wedding and we didn't go up north for CHRISTmas this year, so missed meeting Baby Grace in person. I have a new nephew born last fall that I haven't met in person yet, either. I'd better get on the ball!
That Joanne! She is tooo much! She just called me from Jax Beach to tell me about this fantastic store that screamed "Kim Lahaie Day!!!" when she walked into it. She saw the most lovely dishware, some which looked like the Amalfi Coast or Greek Islands that would be perfect for me. Oh, she was so excited about her find! Jo picked up a stack of brochures to bring back for me but I'll have to wait to get them, as she's heading to Orlando for a Buffini meeting for a couple days...nuts! Nothing to stop me from taking a ride to Jax Beach myself for a first-hand look, right? Don't answer that, and besides, I am off of dish restriction for two years already. Maybe Justin would like to go with me, or would he get me into even more trouble??!!??
The sky is a lovely blue today, not so overcast as it was yesterday. We got buckets of rain during Bible study but it had cleared up by the time church got out. My car needed a washing anyway! Owen has offered to wash my car and put a nice finish coat on it for me. What a sweetheart he is.....and I knew that before he offered to wash my car! Olivia drives my big red car now and I love being able to get a ride in it every so often.
Anyway, there is a white bird bobbing about on the river, certainly Joanne knows its name but I just recognize it as a white floating bird. I wonder if water fowl ever get sea sickness.........Later today I might be going to the movies to see The Bucket List with some church ladies and perhaps my heart, Martie. We have to see how she feels after her art class gets out. On Wednesday, the 30th, I am going to the opera, Tosca, but no one else from church wants to go. I've approached Christine to see if she'd like to go, I don't spend nearly enough time with her, since she works not far from her home, not venturing into Jacksonville as much as she used to. She really needs to get out more!!!!!
This Thursday I am having lunch with Janet and her MI friend, Karen, at The Club and then coming over here to enjoy the view and spend some time together. They are going to help keep me busy so that I don't "dwell" too much, and there is no one like Janet who can keep me busy! She is a such a joy, a treasure in my life!
You have all probably gotten the e-mail which circulates every so often about how people come into our lives for a Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime. I never want to let go of people, which sometimes adds to my heartache because I CAN'T or WON'T let go, but simply have to believe that people come into my life, personally, at exactly the right time, either for me, or for them! I love the power of the Lord, His mighty, guiding hands!
Speaking of hands, mine are getting cold, so will close this chapter for now. I don't know what to tell you about the "comments" problem, not sure just what has to be done to leave a comment. Linda's came through just fine last night. I'll have to ask her to walk me through it so those of you who have tried can give it a shot. Thanks for trying, though!
...serve the Lord with gladness!