Pastor K. is chatting it up with Emily, as Brenda N. regales Lynn K. and Kristi with the story of her job interview at our business. Timmy was there, playing with some coins and other things in his little office, trying to move things along so his father and he could go get 'ahs cream'....
Brenda's first day of work was the Monday after the funeral. When I thanked Emily for coming, she said, "I couldn't NOT come...", which moved my heart!
Bruce and Pastor H. love to discuss golfing and I believe that was their topic when I snapped this photo.
A group shot across the room, toward the end of the event. Sadly, I got so caught up in the activity and excitement of having my friends there, I forgot to take pictures earlier!!! Jimmie, Brenda, and JD W. were all there, as were Judy J. Judy C., Martie, Robbie, and of course, Justin! Michael, the house boy, was going to come and bring his girlfriend for us to meet but he was delayed helping a friend move and did not come. Rats!