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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's getting late

Does this really look like it is my sized cup of Diet Coke?

Monday nights are the worst for me as regarding TV viewing. It never bothered me, if bothered is the right word, when I used to have more meetings on Monday nights each month. Now that I am down to one meeting a month, I suffer. The good news is that there is always Fox News to tide me over until wrestling or whatever is done. Or watch something on the computer, which is what I was doing until I realized how late it was getting! From this vantage point, I can see into the river room where my newest framed piece is propped on the floor. It is so pretty, if I do say so myself. The framing truly makes it, pops the green out of the work, and looks so sharp!

Oh, we had such a laugh today at Longhorn! Most of the ladies are older than me, some by nearly 20 years, and prefer to order from the children's menu for the smaller portions. Last week I did not want leftovers so I ordered only a baked potato for my meal, and this week, the same situation but instead, I ordered a cheeseburger from the kids' menu. All of us ordered from the same menu, being served by a guy we had never seen before. He asked us if we'd ever eaten at Longhorn before and we told him we are there every Monday.

After taking the orders, he rather curtly brought out the drinks for us, served in small plastic cups with the lids! Judy was in the rest room with her grandkids and did not see the sodas come out. I could not wait to see her reaction to this affront. He told us that it is company policy to serve the kids' menu drinks in these cups and I defended him, saying we did not want him to lose his job over it. Our regular waitress stopped by the table and we asked her what was up. Amber said, "Oh, yeah, when I came in today, they told us the new policy..." It is not really new, the Management is simply enforcing it. The waiter kept our sippy cups full, we kept him hopping!, me especially!

For my dinner tonight I did finish off one container of leftovers, somehow burning my poor tongue even though I found cold spots in my food. What gives???? No worries, I can get myself a bowl of raspberry sherbet to treat my cooking injury, or would that be an eating injury? It sounds windy again out there tonight, which I can hear well through my open sliding doors. It is expected to reach 83 tomorrow for the high temperature which will be great for those enjoying spring break in the area. Up north, I hear that snow expected again this week, but saw none in our forecast here in North Florida. Kids have been out enjoying the pool although I am certain the water is not really warm enough for swimming. Not by a long shot!

Yesterday's Listening Sunday went alright, no fireworks, but there were some surprising suggestions from not so surprising sources. What bugs me, causes me near sleepless nights sometimes, is that folks do not really seem to know the difference. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!

One of the shows I listen to on the radio, the host always says, "Do your own homework" about topics and news stories. Very few people in the group I was with had written down any notes---three of us had---a group of about 10-11. Often they would say "pass" when their turn came around to add something to the lists, and then would say, "Oh, that's a good idea..." or "I never thought of that..." For weeks the questions were listed in the service folder, had been mailed to the homes, and also e-mailed. One week handed out at the door, and yet few had written out anything nor had anything to contribute. This bugs me!

It was not meant for 'give and take' at all, was supposed to not have discussion, but did anyway. Amazingly, it was not me yakking it up, since I had so much to add to the lists! The tone was mainly light and upbeat, but eventually folks would say they had to leave, pack up their stuff, and go. Three of us were left at the end, because we felt it necessary and important. Of course, somehow, our group was the last one done. Terri T. asked me to lunch so I called Judy C. to see if she wanted to come too. She had been to church across the river, sat through a 'concert', so we had plenty to talk about over lunch at Chili's. Judy had given me her list in response to the three questions, plus an extra copy for her Elder, to make sure it gets included in the tally. So anyway, we had a lovely, lively lunch and by the time I got home, it was after 3:00 pm! And another container of leftovers waiting for me to eat! Maybe tomorrow for lunch I will have some sliders but tonight, to soothe my burned tongue, sherbet!