I remember it like yesterday---Justin had made a cheesecake with cherries on top and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner in my room. He had carried one of our wingback chairs in here so together we could watch the election results. The date? November 6, 2012. Upon watching those returns, the numbers coming in, it began to sink in what was happening. We were filled with horror, disbelief, and disappointment. Our celebratory cheesecake went two days before being cut into. It somehow had lost its appeal, nothing tasted good. Oh, my.
Good thing we ate dinner before tonight's results were in from IN. I was so filled with hope, sure that reason would prevail and Ted Cruz would rise the victor. It was not to be. Again. This time a good, Constitutional candidate lost to a ... I can't even say. Words escape me as tears run from my eyes yet again. I was working at my desk on a newsletter when Justin came in to tell me the news. He was sniffling and I thought he needed a tissue, because of his cold. Nope, that wasn't it. I fear, but cannot give up hope.
I know that I will have moments of utter doom but have to beat it back with things of which I am sure, the things I know. I know that my Redeemer lives. I know heaven is my home. I know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him, called according to His purpose. I know the wages of sin is death, I know the strength of sin is the Law. I know goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I know His word is lamp for my feet. I know that I am part of a royal priesthood and holy nation, not a nation of this world. I know the Lord is in control and lay myself back in His comforting arms, praying for mercy on our nation.