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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Meeting of the minds

This morning I skipped going out for exercise class because I had a luncheon meeting to attend right after 11 a.m. I didn't wish to go to the meeting smelling like sunscreen and chlorine. It was a beautiful day, so I sort of hated to miss being out there with the gang. Once a month it can't be helped. 

Before I went to the meeting, though, I stopped at the cabana, seeing some workmen there. One was The Club maintenance man, and the other, an  electrician who used to do work for us when I was in business. Nice to see Jeff again! They had figured out what was causing the 'charge' in the pool and was going to rewire a bunch of stuff which had been done by non-professionals in the first place. NOT a good idea to mess with wires and pipes if you're not a pro. Jeff measured the amount of electricity in  the water as being between 3-4 volts, not dangerous but certainly not a blessing either. 

At the meeting today our guest speaker was the State Senator Rob Bradley who represents our district in Tally. He had much to tell us especially since the House and Senate had just come back after their emergency session to settle the budget. He informed us about the cuts which were made as well as how some programs important to our area would be taken care of. One program designated for girls at risk in the gov't schools interested me. Apparently neighboring counties have such programs, called PACE, but Clay did not. Only later did I find out that Jennifer Bradley is the Chairman of this program which I like even better. (I know both Sen. and Mrs. Bradley through my former neighbors, Travis and Jessica, plus their son would have graduated with Timmy last year.) 

This was the first luncheon I attended where Courtney, the dining room manager who recently passed away, was not running the show. It felt strange, odd, which was surprising to me. Everything still went smoothly without her, but I felt like her absence was palpable. Certainly that feeling will pass as time does. I sure did enjoy the meal and in particular the home-baked oatmeal cookies they serve as part of the dessert. The wait staff makes sure my soda glass is kept full, too. I believe I am the only one who gets soda instead of the usual teas and water. This is fine with me!
Before everyone had left after the meeting, Rob asked those remaining to pose for a photo. You can tell which one is Rob, in the center near me, and his wife in the blue dress on the end. Tara Green has her hand on my shoulder. She is Clerk of Courts and my neighbor, Debbie's, boss. A real sweetheart!  I do look forward to hearing more about the program to help the at-risk girls in Clay County and see how I can pitch in.