This morning it was overcast and quite gloomy, a carry-over from last night's storm. Phooey! This meant there would be no water exercise class today, much to my chagrin. It was the birthday of one our friends and I looked forward to seeing her and extending my good wishes to her. Oh well...
Our goofy weather did not deter other excitement here at our property, however. Starting early on, the trucks and equipment we'd been expecting was busily addressing the damaged tree located just behind our detached garage, on The Club property. The crane and other equipment was parked in our parking lot, entirely blocking access to the north parking areas. It seemed everyone who needed to get out did so by moving their cars before the machinery arrived.
Here is the tree as seen on July 4th
The chipper and crane in place, already at work
There are men everywhere, even up in the trees!
It's getting less and less tree-looking...