It's always something! Ugh! On Tuesday morning, my first day back from WI, I woke up and enjoyed (NOT!) cramps in my left leg. More than once! I did everything I knew how to do including leaning against the vanity and flexing my feet as best I could. Wow, that was exciting---jumping madly about, saying, "I'm home!!!" to my downstairs neighbors in such a fashion.
My Facebook friends advised every sort of treatment including taking magnesium supplements which was not new to me since Linda and Tommy use them for cramps. My hope was this was an aftereffect of the traveling and airport strolling, and that would be it. While out on errands, I did buy a bottle of magnesium for 'just in case' plus picked up some milk to have at bedtime too. My former spouse either had ice cream or milk before bed to help his restless legs. Fortunately, I did not have the cramps again that day nor the next morning so it was 'one of those things' after all.
I went to the bank that morning plus stopped at Publix. That was where I got the magnesium tablets. Seems I might have told this story already so I will jump ahead. That night, I went to bed and fell asleep just fine. At about 11:45 I woke up to a back ache. Oh, for heaven's sake! I tried lying on my left side, my right side, my front side, and eventually, by back side, NOT my first choice, in order to get comfortable. After a little while I gave up, and decided to get up. Walking and unpacking my suitcase did not aggravate my back one bit so that normally ignored job was done! I took some Aleve and got the heat pad out, eventually falling asleep when on my back.
In the morning I made myself get up and go to Bible study, though I was wishing for more sleep. I was glad to be in the class though and see my friends again, though Rita and Marilyn were absent. Pastor H. had told me not to worry about catching up the homework so I didn't. Next week I will be where I need to be.
On Thursday, Judy, Justin, and I went to the movies. We were going to Koko's for dinner, and Michael met us there after we got out of the movie. It's a good movie, by the way, for its genre. Justin likened it to a Hallmark movie because of the relationships in it (they figure into the story) and it reminded me of Kirk Cameron's caliber of movie, complete with decision theology. Otherwise, it was good, with the case for God being made. No spoilers from me!
The back-ache returned at bedtime so I took an extra strength pain killer, half of one, and managed to find a comfortable position to have a decent night's sleep. That felt so good!
Friday morning was Breakfast Club with the ladies. I took cheese curds along for my friend, O, and she loved them. I thought about a bag for Nancy but didn't take her one. Good thing, too, because she doesn't care for them! Who doesn't like fresh curds??? She did agree they would be a delight melted in a bowl of chili or tomato soup, just didn't like them 'raw'. I think I need to make some chili!
That night I again took a half of a pain killer and had a decent night's sleep and spent a good deal of time with the heat pad today. Perhaps too much 'down time' was had. I should have used the ice pack too since 'ice is my friend' supposedly but the heat was so comforting. We had serious thunderstorms and rain showers this morning which makes it seem colder out than it is. Another excuse to use the heat pad!