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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Back from another trip

Once more I spent some time in Paris, in the 1920’s, as well as the turn of the century, this time with Martie. She has been unavailable for social things since I returned from WI due to having had pneumonia. I was so glad when she told me she was up for a movie and dinner tonight! Yay!

The original plan was making a turkey pot pie but it seems I did not have the cream of chicken soup I thought was there (it just occurred to me that I did not check in my food storage closet!) so that idea was scratched. My intent is to clean out the freezer somewhat, rotate stuff and restock with fresh, frozen (is that an oxymoron?) food (lovin’ the alliteration! and punctuation!) I had pie crust on hand as well as the turkey pieces from the ThanksLiving bird to use. I must get some mixed vegetables and the cream soup in order to make the pie.

There was a Stouffer’s lasagna in the freezer which I chose to make for us. Justin was going to be away for the late afternoon and evening for a Team Teal event downtown so this lasagna would be enough for us two ladies. In fact, we ate only half of it. The lasagna could be prepared either in the microwave or baked, but I did not allow enough time for oven baking. Earlier in the day I turned the heat on for the entire house, rather than only my space heater for my room, to take out the chill from the air. (I cannot wait until it’s 80 on Thursday!!) but having the oven on would have helped as well.
I served cranberries with the lasagna as well as the green beans I had made on Saturday, using the bacon and mushrooms, like Suzanne taught me. Yummy! It was wonderful to catch up with Martie and then we got into the movie, “Midnight in Paris”. Yes, it was the 4th time I’d seen it, the third time at home, but it is so fun to watch it with someone who is seeing it the first time. I do hope it wins at least one Oscar from its various nominations.

Martie liked it and suggested we go to Paris. When I told her how Justin had found a place for us to go on our next trip (he told me this on Saturday night), she said, “Not Greece!!, please tell me not Greece…” I assured her it was not, and very, very likely we would also not be going to Tunisia, which Justin had suggested. Apparently there was a movie made there and all the sets remained for tourists to visit. Which movie was made there, I cannot recall. And I won’t ask, either, and reopen that can of worms.

A valuable lesson has been learned since my boy moved in with me---I cannot expect to find things in the cabinets or fridge which I thought were there. One example, for dessert tonight, I was going to serve vanilla ice cream with whole cranberry sauce over the top. I went to check the ice cream and sure enough, there was only enough for one serving remaining in the container. I had not eaten that much of ‘my’ carton. His carton was Oreo Cookie which he consumed alone. Glad I checked, how embarrassed I would have been!

On the weekend, I had mentioned something to Justin that we could make as I had what was needed in the fridge or cabinet (can’t remember right now) and he said, “Not anymore…” So, because of this, I will not make plans for preparations without checking first for the ingredients. I joked with him when he was making yet another batch of cupcakes that I am going to have him sign a piece of paper acquitting me of all charges if he regains his lost weight. I am not the one making the cupcakes nor am I the one devouring them. Now cookies are a different story…
Friday was the day my lady friends and I went to Great Hang Ups. When I pulled into the stall, I looked at the lovely windows of the boutique next door, which features clothing NOT for women of size. One display had a open mesh white poncho, for spring. In that moment I was sad that it was not my size and also pondered again what ever happened to my black open mesh pool cover. I was even wondering if Justin would have done something with it since he is NOT fond of me wearing what he calls ‘fishnet’. Then, I walked into Great Hang Ups to see my black mesh poncho lying on the counter as well as my book about Chihuly glass. What??? I couldn’t believe it!

Julia was cleaning some stuff up and came upon the poncho and the book which she has had for a couple summers. When her hubby and she visit his folks’ beach house, she borrows a swimsuit from me and evidently forgot to return the cover-up. What great fun that was, when I had just been thinking about my missing top! Love when that happens!!!