Perhaps to a lesser degree than in the past, but I'll make attempts to be faithful in posting here. My friend, Judy VSL, a fellow Manitowocian as well as Floridian, has expressed that she misses reading my blog postings. I am touched by that!
For about a week now I've been battling a malady which might or might not be the flu. Starting with a scratchy throat and then developing into hot/cold fluctuations, coughing, and bone weariness. Most of the symptoms have subsided or, at least, lessened in severity.
Saturday I had to miss seeing a stage show "The Lion King" with Justin. The way it hit me, like a ton of bricks, left us short of time to find a replacement for me (I know, impossible!) so he ended up going by himself. He is fine with that, goes to Disney and the movies by himself without a problem. He did enjoy his box seat which was visited by characters from the show but said I would not have made it from being dropped off and then up to our seats. It was quite the climb! And it was freezing cold in the theater, I imagine for the comfort of the performers in their heavy animal gear.
Sunday I stayed home from Bible study and worship for obvious reasons. Hated missing those things but even had to miss our Ladies' Group meeting. I sent the necessary paperwork with Justin and arranged for someone to take Minutes for me. Also Kristi was enlisted to take attendance so all my bases were covered. I stayed home and felt sorry for myself...Not really, I knew I had to not infect others and not wear myself out. Not done lightly does this girl miss church.
When Justin got home, he went to the grocery store and got the items I wanted plus ingredients to make pea soup. He was embarrassed to buy the things I had on my list but made up for it by buying veggies and such. I had a crazy taste for coffee cake or cookies instead of 'real food' and ice cream felt good on my throat. He blessed me with Haagen Dazs ice cream bars, BO/GO, and less expensive than Dilly Bars. I still have every one of those left, however, since Sunday! Guess I just thought I wanted ice cream (I really AM sick!).
Sleeping was a nightmare, ha ha, because the coughing was worse when lying down. Both Saturday and Sunday I spent the day in my desk chair so I wouldn't sleep all day and not be able to sleep at night, plus I felt better there than lying down. Justin got me a night time cold reliever which helped the first night but not as much the other nights. I started taking less, thinking it might be too strong and have the wrong effect on me. Less and less coughing every day, which is a blessing. At one point I felt like a muscle might have been pulled in my side, and I had to hold my side when I coughed. Because of that, I was not able to cover my mouth, which is it's own problem. Justin, that hero of mine, even offered to help me get my old surgical corset on to hold my side but I declined. Might have choked me to death since I've grown some since 2001. That pain has subsided for the most part.
Just last week at Bible study we talked about how we didn't really know of anyone who might have the flu or those symptoms and now both Terri and I have a form of the cold/flu, hers affecting the sinuses. She was afraid she infected me but it seems to me that we likely caught our bug in the same place, possibly while at Metro Diner. Both of us are on the mend and are hopefully over the top of this malady. I'm thankful for Justin and his care for me. He did all he could for my comfort and care. God bless him! And God bless you all as you sleep tonight!