Yesterday I wrote about staying off my knee today unless called to go to lunch. Well, it was not lunch but actually breakfast! Nancy W. knew my house was going to be vacated today and contacted me to go to Metro for comfort food. I needed more knee comfort than anything else. Michael had the CO kids well in hand on their way to the airport (he let me know when they were boarding, as per Caleb's text) so I was on my own.
Nancy came by to collect me and I managed to get down to the car with my leg unwrapped. I couldn't get the corset wrap to stay on and it looked terrible anyway. We ladies enjoyed our breakfasts and then, at Nancy's insistence, stopped at Atkinson's Medical Supply to check out knee braces. My fear was confirmed---my non-standard knee does not match up with the standard braces. The nice lady helping us would try the braces but no go. I explained to her what I was using that helped me, my corset given to me after Timmy died to help hold my tummy muscles in post-op, in case I messed something up that night. She said, "Oh, we have something similar used for ribs..." We tried that, right over my pants leg and it worked perfectly!
It was less than $25 and I could walk like nobody's business. We even stopped at Winn Dixie and got a few things, something I'd have never considered otherwise, since my leg hurt so badly. Wow! I am so thankful she insisted on checking this out and got the help from the lady that we did. Yay for me and my gimpy knee!