Sunday afternoon finds me enjoying some down time in the family room, feet up with soda at my side. 'Tis good to be all settled in after so busy a weekend. Worship was wonderful, the sermon about being champions for the Lord, with Pastor using the Nike swoosh as his object lesson. I have a photo taken in Ephesus with the swoosh carved into rock, after the goddess of victory.
My feet and legs and back were weary after my greeting today, first at church and then at Great Hang Ups for the art show. Not complaining, mind you, simply remarking how it feels good to not be standing for a bit. The art show was fabulous, of course, and the gallery was just packed shoulder to shoulder with artists, their families and friends, and great food! Dee so very nicely stocked up on Diet Cokes, private stock, she called it, for me. I just love her, she is the greatest!
Julia's hubby, Michael, nicely delivered some extremely colorful flags that he uses at times in his color guard routines. Oh, they were splendid, and I would adore having such a flag outside my doors, as they graced Julia's today at the shop. Michael also brought me a great book, knowing I will appreciate it, and no-stop/no-start type of book about stimulating inspiration and creativity. I am not sure if he read my blog or was simply intuitive, but he felt I would certainly enjoy the time spent with this book. Cannot wait to crack it open! My bed already looks like a library with my Grandma book, splashes of joy, and the paperwork from the LES Committee strewn about, plus several days worth of mail! Add one more small book, no matter!
Dee is offering some classes including digital photography, drawing, and art critiquing, as some others are offering drawing or after-school art classes for little ones. I signed up for drawing and digital classes, not sure how they will work out. Melissa, a fellow Art Guild member as well as Club Continental member informed me that the two of us are going to sit poolside this summer and do some type of drawing, using a term with which I am not familiar. She said not to worry, she would show me what she was talking about. I say, "Great, let's do!" Her sons enjoy the pool and I often see her on weekends in summer. I look forward to it!
In the basin I hear a boat struggling to start its engine. They must have been fishing to have been so quiet until now. While at the gallery, some were standing along the sidewalk where there was shoulder room. I popped outside for a bit to chat and we heard a rather ugly sound come into the parking lot. Apparently a man pulling a boat on a trailer, suffered a flat tire on 220 and just pulled in to remedy the situation. He had several young boys with him and I am sure they were going to be quite disappointed if they could not go on. I stepped back into the store and did not see what happened with the flat tire. Hopefully the daddy did not disappoint his boys!
The snacks were ample at the art show but I only tried two almond cookies, as I prefer to talk rather than eat at these events. I know, strange! So, presently, I am a tad hungry, having eaten two mini-burgers leftover from last night's supper at Steak 'n Shake. The Rosses were shopping at Home Depot and when they were done, we met at S 'n S for dinner, as Jen had a hankering for a shake. She only recently discovered their shakes and is totally taken with them. As Jen says, they are cheaper than Maggie Moo's! I had the tiny hamburgers, which come three to an order, bringing two of them home, since I ate one there plus my shoe string fries. It was prom night so we saw several limos cruising the parking lots of the area restaurants. How funny it seemed to have a limo roll through the Steak 'n Shake parking lot!
The wedding on Saturday was simply lovely, the bride as gorgeous as her mother, as I have already noted on the picture page. Kathy surprised me by showing up for worship today in the most beautiful dress, her "Thailand dress", as she called it. She had to get up at 3:30 a.m. to get her auntie packed up and out to the airport in time for her early morning flight to Mississippi, and did not expect to be able to make it to church, but did! Anyway, back to the wedding: Justin came with me and was not quite as taken with the church as I thought he would be, and I had not even talked it up. He had a nice chat with Brian's daughters, both college girls. We also spoke with a young couple sitting near us who had relatives in Green Bay. The wife said her parents' company used to service ice machines and she could recognize the brand of ice machine simply by looking at the cubes! What a gift she had back then!
Once the bride and groom cut the cake and the best man doing the toast which made a tear drop down my cheek, Justin had to leave for church at Victory. Afterwards they were having a "20-Something" gathering and I rejoice that he wanted to make sure he got there for this event as well. Some former members who have moved to Morton Grove were passing through town and going to meet with Hoyers last night, so I do not know if Justin was going to see Duane, Becca, and family or not. The last time might have been when they were here for Brent's wedding a couple years ago. I hope he had a great time regardless if the Vances made it.
It is time for me to do something else right now or I will fall asleep here. My bed, as I mentioned, is piled full as is my desk, as usual so I may just venture in there to make some sense of it. At the gallery, when hugging Dee good-bye, she complimented me on my perfume, saying I smelled good. This young man artist, new to the group, came up and asked if he could smell me, too, so naturally I leaned in for the sniff. He liked my perfume, too, and then asked me to sniff him. I told him he smelled like cigarettes, hey, he asked! We all chuckled and then he pretended to sniff his armpit. One lady saved the day by suggesting we all know what THAT smell is like, and it is nothing like my perfume!