I am listening to creativity as I write, such a day! The episode of "you know who" is quite creative, where Jerry and George are having a terrible time trying to put together three sentences to present to NBC for the pilot, and they are hungry for an idea. They make me laugh, those two guys, actually all four of them. "Finally! My stupidity pays off!!!!" "Everytime I think I'm out, they pull me back in!" There are three sailboats, almost equally spaced, dancing along on the river as the sun is getting ready to set. I should be getting ready for my evening trip to St. Augustine for the pre-Thanksgiving gathering with the Olson's at their beach house, culminating with a bonfire on the beach behind the condo. Can't wait but, as Lisa told me last night, I must go regardless of the "chill in the air"....
Justin stopped by to pick up some donations to Victory's Yard Sale tomorrow. They got rained out last week and have to try again this week. I didn't take a single thing to Good Shepherd's sale but, to Victory's, yes! Justin is moving tomorrow, too, so it's a busy day on Kernan Blvd. When he called me this afternoon, he asked me if I was coming over to "run the move" or if he was going to do it, I told him he could run the show. I have sent my credit card info to the movers to avoid having to give my credit card to Justin and risk having it fall into the wrong hands or have some other evil befall it. It is so much safer to have it floating through the Internet for all the world to see than to let Justin pack it safely into his wallet!!!!
Time for me to head out for St. Augustine so must begin the layering process. Have a blessed evening all, as will I!!!!!