This is a photo taken of me sitting on the ancient rocks in Ephesus, contemplating whether or not I'll make it the rest of the tour. It was 115 degrees above zero, and yes, I was HOT! Notice I am holding a water bottle in my hand, probably one of the only pictures ever showing this. As it turned out, we were at the end of the line for the tour and about to head to the shops area and bus. I bought another bottle of water at the top of the hill, drank some of it, and poured the rest over my head. I was already wet from perspiration so what's a little more? We all kept checking with each other to make sure we were okay and we made it!
Quite by contrast and only six weeks later, Lynn and I are "on the rocks" at the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska. Twila took our picture with the glacier showing in the background. I bought the fleece jacket on the ship and it served me well on the trip, but look at Lynn in her cropped pants. As Linda would say, "It was probably in the 60's!!!" Layers, layers, layers.....
Here is my friend, Judy, standing against the wall at the Palace of Knossos, once more hot, hot, hot. She is making do in her outfit of borrowed and purchased pieces of clothing, since the entire trip Jerry and she were without their luggage. I didn't have much to share clothing-wise but had a shawl to contribute for formal night and some sun screen given to me by the dermatologist. Our group pitched in as best we could for the two couples who didn't get their luggage and Judy has told me that brown is her least favorite color, but what are you going to do???