Justin was here overnight last night, making great strides in reclaiming the two bedrooms. He had a giant box, a moving box, filled almost to the top with cardboard from boxes he'd broken down. I called Connie at home to see where he should put it and her instructions were for him to park it in front of the big dumpster enclosure, as that would be emptied in the a.m. Perfect! She called me earlier to have me thank Justin for being so orderly about his placement of the box. That's my boy!
Because he stayed overnight, sleeping in the room across the hall from his, I feared he would oversleep and be late for work. When I asked him what time he had to leave for work, he said, "...at the butt crack of dawn..." Show me those numbers on the clock, please. At 6:05 a.m. I scurried down the hall to announce the time to him, and he said he had a couple minutes yet before he needed to be up. I still got it!!
You will love this story---the reason he stayed in the other bedroom was so he could use the bathroom. The rushing water toilet (due for repairs Wednesday a.m.) did not bother him. BUTT (no typo), he removed the toilet seat and we put it in the dishwasher to get it clean. All together now---EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! When he suggested this to me, I said, "That sounds like something Kim would do!" I emptied the clean dishes from the machine and we manipulated the seat, which he was soaking in the kitchen sink (again---EWWWWWWW!) into the rack for a more thorough cleaning. I had sprayed it that morning to get the cleaning process started so it wasn't too gross. But, bad enough to require dishwasher cleansing! Boys are so gross!
Since I was awake before 5:00 today, when it was close to noon, I was so very ready for a nap. My eyes were burning and needed to close. However, the housekeepers were due to arrive 'after lunch' so I wanted to be vigilant when they came to the door. Badly I wanted to put my head on my desk for a few minutes but did not. Since the single housekeeper did not arrive until 2:30, I could have had a very nice snooze and been raring to go!
My GroupOn purchase was for a two-hour cleaning and I assumed that two ladies would come, as is customary. As I write, one young lady is here and thinks it will take her all of the alotted two hours to do the floors I asked her to clean. That was the primary need I wanted addressed, vacuum the floors and wash the hard floors, so that is what she is doing. I hope she has time to tackle Justin's bathroom, but my hopes are dimming....
The plumber is coming Wed. morning and in the meanwhile, the water detector is in place and three doors are between that bathroom and me. My downstairs neighbors are in Italy and would not be available to rush back in case of an emergency. The works inside this toilet, installed by the same plumber just over a year ago, might simply need an adjustment, and I pray it is an easy fix.