This morning I was scheduled to take my car to Sun Tire for two new tires and some service work. The young people were going to be picked up around 9:30 to first go to church to ready their assignments and then off to Oakleaf to enjoy the public pool in Pastor's neighborhood. They had to pack a lunch and Jackson said he was going to pack for all of them. That is very kind of him but I thought they should all be in on it to make sure nothing is missed. The day could be long if the lunch is insufficient. Certainly I did have 'stuff' to put into the bags!
Once they were out the door, I went up to the tire place, having made the arrangement on Friday morning. The plan was to enjoy a nice lunch at Aron's while my car was being worked on, but when I got there, the tires were not available. What? The young man at the desk, Alex, with whom I spoke Friday, talked me into getting a different brand of tires, a name-brand versus the off-brand, which were less expensive. I'll bite! Tomorrow I will go back, as they have to import the tires from Mandarin, after water aerobics class, and still have my nice lunch!

As I left the store, I said to Alex, "Well, my whole afternoon just opened up!" so off I went to Publix. There I stocked up more food items to have on hand for the young folks, as I am a bit rusty when it comes to feeding teens. Last year the kids were not big eaters, nor are these kids, only there is one more than last year. The snack pack I bought will be greatly appreciated, for filling in the empty spot between their daily activity and the VBS dinner provided.
My neighbor was just getting home from an errand and offered to help me carry my purchases upstairs. Bob carried the box of snacks and a jug of orange juice, and I took the rest of the 'cold' stuff. Justin would grab the remaining non-refrigerator foods when he came home. Love shopping in the BO/GO bins at Publix!
There was time to go out to the pool when I got home but instead I got busy at my desk working on a newsletter. The young folks got home from swimming and had to shower before getting ready for VBS. They did enjoy the snack box with the variety of chips and the sweet tea Justin made on Sunday.
Speaking of Justin, we all went to La Napolera after church on Sunday, joined by Kari, their teacher, plus Terri T., Judy C., and later, Michael. We were seated in the back room, which Justin called "the Tea Party room" since that's where we meet. I fed 6 of us (the kids plus Justin and me) to overflowing for less than $60, including drinks. With boxes to go, hence, the overflow!
Afterward, Justin headed for home ahead of us by a minute or two, saying he'd left a bit of a mess behind before church. The kids and I had gone to church earlier than Justin had this a.m., to attend Bible study. In his apparent haste to get up the stairs, he stumbled on the steps and hit his shin against the ceramic tiled edge. Ouch! There was a gouge in his flesh, to the side of the bone, and later, it puffed up around the boo boo, and ached him something fierce.
He was taking ibuprophen and putting ice packs on the sore spot, as he needed to be up and running for work in the morning. After a little while, the swelling did go down, and he could walk around again without as much pain. That was a close one! And this is why I always use the elevator!!!