This morning I was surprised that Judy was willing to meet for breakfast with me at Grumpy's. Not long ago she mentioned that Grumpy's was not her first choice of places to eat, but when I mentioned it this a.m., she said she was fine with it. For this, I rejoice! We had a very nice visit and meal together, entirely unrushed. While we were eating, I got a text message from Justin, asking me if I was going to be home today. I said I would be after breakfast and asked why. He answered that a delivery was coming and it had to be signed for. Okay, I can do that. Then he said, "You'll know what to do with it once it comes...." Oh, that meant it was for me! Flowers!
Mother's Day bouquet a week early since I'll be gone next week
I had to search and search for my Princess House vase, eventually finding it exactly where I thought it was, just needed tippy toes to access it. Somehow the closet in the front hall has become catch all! (See the rhyme there?) They made into a lovely arrangement and I can't wait until the sunflowers are open wide. He knows what I like!
For dinner this evening Nancy W. and I went to 4Rivers. She is a good sport dining here with me, because I am so putzy getting my stuff together. For some reason I am compelled to cap all my side dishes right away with plastic lids to take them home, and box up the biscuit to take with me, too. Only then am I ready to enjoy my brisket. She has a more active appetite than do I, and can make quick work of meals. I end up with a nice brown bag of containers in hand when I leave, plus a cup of soda! I'm so glad she called and asked me to join her, I enjoy our time together!