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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

An empty nest again

Justin is gone for the night again, being picked up after work by Jesse and going with him to school. He said, “I will have to ‘occupy myself!’ while Jesse is in class…”, a little play on words! Earlier he sent me a text message telling me to look with the binoculars toward downtown to see if I could spot the blimp. Must still be here from Monday’s game or something. Just this moment, I heard a dull roar and rushed to the window to see if it was the blimp. Nope---it was a pair of giant helicopters making my windows rattle.

Speaking of window rattlers, my upstairs neighbors were having some demo work done in their river room. Due to the leaking which took place during the rain storm a couple weeks ago, which shorted out my TV power strip, they are having to replace their ceiling. A wood ceiling looks really nice but the wetness over a period of time caused mold to form between the wood and concrete. Out it comes! It did not bother me at all, especially since I was away until nearly 2:00 pm today. The repair team is the same ones who came to inspect my damage, wondering what I have done to repair the damage. Uh, nothing, except replace the power strip! I do not wish to tear out the entire ceiling in my family room to repair a small area.

This morning, Justin came tapping at my bedroom door to wake me up. Normally I would have been awake at that hour but instead was in the midst of a dream involving a circuit pastor’s conference and me making a fuss about something being planned. Good thing he woke me or I might have said something I should not have! The second day in a row I served as his wheel man for taking him to work before 7:00 a.m., dropping him at Blanding and Kingsley area. It’s not too early for me to be awake, but it is a bit too early for me to be out and running around. He really needs to get his car checked over and that’s it!

Today’s Bible study, minus Justin because of working, had fewer people but a very interesting subject. The topic is yet the Ministry of the Keys, which prompted some deep discussion. We heard about the days when people in the congregation would make ‘public confession of a public sin’, receive the forgiveness of their fellow members, as well as from the Lord. I wondered if society had influenced that practice fading in its use or what other reasons would there be for this not taking place any longer. Pastor had no sure answer, we just speculated on the reasons, talking about how one determines the seriousness of a sin as compared to another, and so on. Someone brought up the break-down of the family unit over the years, how little is done anymore when people live in sin or bear children out of wedlock, even senior adults who live together without marriage in order to keep their Social Security. It’s as though nothing is black or white anymore, there is ‘fine print’ or a disclaimer attached to sin.

The conversation progressed to the Biblical role of men and women. My remarks were ‘do we really want another responsibility?’ when it came to women’s role in the congregation. Pastor mentioned that often men, left to their own devices, would rather stay home and be little boys. I found that mildly but sadly amusing. His point was if women overstepped, the men would step back, which was my point exactly! It is our role as women to encourage our leaders and let them be our voices, just as takes place in the home. Not a friendly attitude or practice in the world, but I am good with it. After all, I have enough to do already, working behind the scenes, sometimes quietly….

After class I had to fly, or drive directly, to Carrabba’s on San Jose Blvd. for a luncheon hosted by my investment counselor friend, Diane. Justin was originally to be my guest but had to cancel his RSVP when he found out he needed to work today instead. He was so hoping to see Kyle Brady again, after we had shared a table with him at Koko’s a few weeks ago. Kyle is a law student besides handling investments so was in classes today. Justin was also looking forward to the wonderful Carrabba’s food and did miss his favorite chicken dish, Polo Rosa Maria. I had the sirloin marsala which is my dish of choice when we go for dinner. Some nice ladies were seated around me and I had a wonderful visit with them. Some were widows or the divorced spouse of railroad men, as the RR Credit Union was absorbed by the financial company that I work with. Just regular ladies having a regular good time at lunch---love it! Always always always I meet such nice people at Diane’s functions. She will have another one in the spring so I hope they are there for that one, too.

My thoughts and prayers are with my friend, Rita, as she makes a hasty trip to MI to her mom’s hospital bedside. This might be the final time she sees her mom alive, as her diabetes is taking her life little by little. Mom is done fighting and is ready to go home to the Lord. Poor Rita has many details to address here in regard to her son and his getting cared for, as her husband lives and works in Canada. The church family is helping her out until her spouse can get home. Tears were shed and hugs shared, and now prayers requested on her behalf…