Not like there's much difference between week days and the end of the week, except for worship taking place to start it off. Technically speaking, Friday and Saturday would constitute the "weekend" since Sunday is the beginning. Or, who says a weekend is comprised of two days and is not Saturday only? Why do I care? I wonder if this topic is ever kicked around on "Seinfeld" easily could have been! What's happening to me??
I've noticed tons of bee-like creatures hanging on the seedy branches of the palm tree outside my window. I think berries form at some point with the bees perhaps doing their share of the work. I wish birds would come to devour the bees because they bother me being so close to my window. When I came home from church yesterday, there was a mystery stain on the carpet in my bedroom. It does not appear to be cat urine but more like spit up. I am sad it's in my bedroom right where I walk but rejoice that she spared the turkish carpets from her annointing. My regular carpet cleaning guy gave me a bottle of patented spot cleaner made by his father which I've placed on the stain. I guess I'll have to actually get down there to scrub at it--ugh! Tell me again why we HAD to have pets?!?!?!?
Mike C. did a fabulous job conducting worship yesterday, with Robbie being called upon to play the entire service on the piano and organ due to a problem with the MIDI. We are so blessed to have him there, able to step in to rescue us in a pinch. Following worship I went out to Wal-Mart to pick up a prescription and a few other items (of course!) and then went home to get down to the pool. As expected, I was the only one of our group of ladies to show up. One lady is traveling Out West with her mom and sister; one has her elderly parent staying for a couple weeks and mom can't take the heat; one lady is at her boyfriends' farm in Live Oak; and Sharon didn't come. I enjoyed myself regardless, swam a bit, ate my hot dog, and was not chased in by a rainstorm!
Since Justin had a flat tire on his car due to his little mishap Saturday, I had to pick him up for the debutante event. I had to go to the door to get Justin, since he was shaving and didn't feel his phone vibrating in his cargo pants. Both Jesse and Ron were sitting in the darkened living room, each with a laptop in front of them, watching "Family Guy" on TV. When I rang the doorbell, Jesse just yelled to come in. Justin's tire had gone flat so the guys put the spare one on and still had it on the jack, apparently because it's easier on the spare to not have it on the ground until absolutely necessary. Whatever.
The party at OPCC was quite nice. Justin was pleased to see so many of his classmates there, boys included, so he wasn't stuck "talking about purses" with the girls. Certainly they discuss other things than purses, don't they? The guy playing keyboard with the trio was the same one who used to play at Buzzy's when we'd go for the wine tasting and appetizer Thursdays back in the day....which was a Thursday. He remembered us. The father of two of the debs is the same man who delivered Timmy, and Justin's been in school with his daughter since pre-k. Rick and I had a nice chat before all the festivities got underway, and he had to be "Host" for the big event.
The Hilchey's arrived a short while after we did, and later Olivia told us why they were "late". It seems that the ladies hadn't finished their shopping on Saturday when we left them at Kingsley Lake, so had to go back out Sunday to find outfits to wear that evening!!!! Brings back memories of running to the store just before a big meeting or event to buy dress shirts, pulling out the pins and smoothing the front enough so the wrinkles wouldn't show. Not my shirt, I usually wore my same old, same old outfits. Even Owen had a new shirt on, since he had been told nothing he owned was right for the "resort casual" look we needed to sport. I wore a top from my closet which looks like a sheer poncho over a tank (shown on my home page, having a drink with Judy R.), and a pair of new denim capris. Justin wore khaki-colored cargoes and a blue plaid shirt---not over done and not too casual.
The food was good, the entertainment good (but a bit hard to talk over the top of) and the company fantastic! I felt badly for Justin because he was sitting in a poor place with the music coming in from the right, his good ear, with the family and conversation on his left. He and I should have changed seats.
After leaving the party, we stopped at the Publix where Robbie was working and we got to see him for a bit. I'd told Justin how Robbie rescued our liturgy and hymns today. Justin got a few items he needed as did I, but my stuff all fit into one bag!
Saturday evening I'd made a cherry pie from scratch, except for the crust, of course, using some of my frozen Door County cherries. I didn't have any Ritz crackers to crush up with the fruit so used oyster crackers instead. I used only the ones that hadn't dumped all over the kitchen floor and counter when the bag broke open...........mumble, mumble......After getting home last night, I thought I'd try a piece of that pie-----yech! It was so incredibly dry, almost zero flavor at all. Evidently the crackers were too many and soaked up all the taste from the fruit. What a waste of good cherries! I dumped the whole works down the garbage disposal. I am so disappointed to have wasted my good cherries by overdosing on oyster crackers!!!!
I should just stick to making cherry crunch and be done with it. Speaking of which, I forgot to mention the lengthy conversation I had a couple days ago with my nephew, Tommy, who serves in the Army. His mom, Judy, died from cancer on Christmas Eve 2002. The last time I spoke with Tommy was after the Alaska cruise last year after he'd checked his e-mail and saw that his grandmother had died. Since that point I had a phone number for him and he called to give me his new one in Kansas, where he's stationed. Tommy asked me if I had a recipe for hamburger corn pone which I did. He was hungry for it but couldn't remember how it was made and all that. The funny thing was--I knew right where to find my recipe box, so unexpected! He's planning to get married again, this time to a woman with two children but has no date in mind. I asked how long he'd known her and when he said, "three months or so", I 'suggested' he wait a year before getting married. No sense rushing into things, especially when there are children involved.
Justin's car is currently in the shop being worked on, with hopes of the repairs to be around $50 or so. I doubt that but this is what he is thinking. There has to be reason the tire went flat, unless it came loose from the rim or something, but nothing is ever fixed for $50 or less at the repair shop! He send a text message reporting that he didn't go to work today but don't know why he's not saying much to me about the car. He was still quite "nervous" last night yet, his stomach behaving badly and such. I hope that's not what kept him from working today, he can't really afford to be.
Tonight I am meeting with Jessica from upstairs to discuss some plans for social activities (I am NOT the Fellowship lady!!!) for the condo group. We are going to put together a schedule of events and activities for the next few months, which I'll publish in the newsletter. As far as newsletters go, I ran out of envelopes for the Outreach newsletter for church so will have to venture out for some plus stamps before the heavens open again today. I might go 'postal' without them!!!