Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but somehow or another, my original posting from Thursday vanished! I went into the posting to edit a word which was misused and poof!, it's gone! I did not hit DELETE, I only pushed the EDIT button and away it went into the blogosphere.....If you see it, send it back to me, please.
In a brief recap, I mentioned the afternoon storms which occasionally bring high winds. Today's winds broke loose a cobweb from the corner of my window and made it flap in the breeze. INSIDE! Yikes! Guess there is nothing much I can do about that, and am thankful the glass did not break. If the worst of it is having a cobweb attached now to my sun catcher (web catcher!), I am good with that! The wind also opened one of my screens on the slider about half way. Glad it was short-lived!
Justin came in from work late and thoroughly exhausted. He had pretty much decided not to attend the football game and stay home to watch the convention, but his boss sort of made that decision for him. Having two new properties added to the end of the route certainly obliterated any plans to attend the 6:30 game.
We ordered pizza for dinner and settled in to watch TV in the family room. Both of us had our laptops in front of us, and at one point, even my phone was being used to text with Linda. The battery finally quit on that so we switched over to Facebook.
Justin and I were anxiously awaiting the appearance of the "mystery speaker" for the night. I think expectations were quite high but he did okay anyway. Some of the references I did not care for at all, but Eastwood spoke off the cuff, and was not edited by anyone. His point was well taken, and he even made us laugh, providing some needed levity on an otherwise intense night at the convention. The highlight after the acceptance speech was watching the kids play with the balloons. I hope they all went home with the same kids they brought in!
Part of the speech really stirred me, us, when Mitt mentioned how his sons would re-enact a different world war every night, and then expressed his wife's and his desire to once more have those battles in their living room, or wake up to a pile of kids in their bedroom....That stirred in me what I have mentioned in the past, how I miss getting pegged in the back of the head with toys when driving the car! Or, just once more seeing my little guy standing alongside my bed, in his undies, a blanket wrapped around him, sporting a ranger hat. Gulp!
Because I still have Justin, I don't get as emotional remembering his "Justinisms" but a couple came to mind this week, hearing the stories of what it's like to start and run small businesses. I recalled for him the time I opened my eyes from a nap, to see him standing on the dining room table and swinging the light fixture back and forth. Yikes! He was supposed to nap while I did because I had to go to work in the evening at Sprint. Worked in the office during the day and then went to Sprint to rest!
Justin as a toddler
Another time, what seems to be prophetic now, Justin woke me up to tell me he wanted to be a crash dummy when he grew up. I remember telling him I was not going to spend a lot of money on college for such a short career! Another morning he woke us up to inquire as to whether or not our minivan had air bags in it. At that time, vehicles did not come with them, and he was a bit upset about this. What goes on in that little boy's head? Was this a reference to my driving skills or what???
These are the type of memories stirred when listening to speeches made during the convention. Justin is like me in that regard, which is why it's best he watches with me and not elsewhere. Some hit closer to home for him than for me, and visa versa. Hopefully everyone who watched and listened came away with confirmation or assurance that our country can yet head in the right direction and pull us back from the edge.