...or at least I feel that way. Wheeeeeee! Yesterday after picking up some DVDs made from VHS tapes, I watched a couple of them once home, mostly to make sure they actually worked. One other that I had done a year ago had scratches or skips in it but too much time had gone by before it was noticed, to have it replaced. These were recordings done for the church and I wanted them preserved on DVD for posterity. And I know better than to watch this type of “home”-recorded videos without benefit of Dramamine but disregarded my better knowledge. After watching one that was smoothly recorded and not too wild with the camera play, I figured it was ‘safe’ to go on to the next one. Not so much. I had to turn it off because it made me feel quite woozy, requiring me to go and close my eyes for a bit.
This morning I watched two more, again, taking the risk of no Dramamine and now my head feels swirly inside. But the camera movement was not the only thing taking me on a roller coaster---it was seeing the people in the videos that took me on a wild ride. Since they were church recordings, they showed people who have since left our membership for whatever reason; some have had Calls to other congregations; another being installed as our pastor; and a great many who have changed their address to eternal bliss. Some of the people were children in the videos and now are adults serving in the congregation. And I simply cannot believe the types of services we had back in the old days….holy cow! Nope, no holy cows, but some would have a cow now if they saw these tapes. I do NOT want to go back to those days, that’s for sure!
Justin was just a little fella in those recordings, about 4 years old, wearing his bright green Company Store bib overalls and a precious polo underneath in some of the views. One scene shows my former spouse and Cliff, 20 years ago, lifting the TV on its stand, down the steps from in front of the altar after the congregation was shown a video during the ‘service’….boy, you don’t get those days back again. Thank heaven for that! It is also obvious why I do not wear dresses anymore either, because, as Grandma Sickles would say, “You look like two boys fighting under a blanket when you walk….” Not sure if wearing slacks solves that problem or not!
But, wow, what a trip that was! One of the boys who served as acolyte is now a pastor himself in Belle Plain, MN. Another young man, who, as acolyte, in one scene did so in cargo shorts and a polo shirt now wears a snappy airline pilot’s uniform for work. That would be Linda O’s son. Terri T. was Terri S. in those days and quite involved with the youth group which was always busy with some project at church. They had such fun in those days with youthful leaders and enthusiastic kids. I wonder if those kids stay in touch with each other now that they are big…The last group we had like that at GS was Robbie, Justin and Mark, plus Mike and David S. later on, and sadly, that was the end of it. Mark V. moved away and Paul got busy with his own family and there were no other leaders to run youth group. So much has changed since then. Not enough kids in that age group now to even consider a youth group, or so it would seem.
My back is feeling much better today, had been giving me somewhat of a fit since Sunday afternoon. It progressed as the day did and figured into our decision to attend the movie on Thursday after Bible study instead of Mother's Day. Besides doing my household chores on Saturday which included the vacuuming and Swiffer-washing my bedroom floor, I folded wash and put it away, wiped the ash residue from the bottom of my oven (stretch and reaching again!), and polished up my vanity and toilet area in the bathroom. And then, spent the rest of the day inclined on my bed with the laptop, reading. Which of the days’ activities were harder on my back is not easy to determine, perhaps a combination of them all. Sunday night I was able to sleep comfortably if I slept on my side with my knees together, and it seemed on Monday a.m. that I had not moved all night long. Wore the pillow marks in my face well into the morning, too, how about that?
Monday I avoided trying to lie on the bed with the laptop and stayed at my desktop or carried the laptop to the family room. My mouse did not work well in the family room oddly enough so I came back in here to my desk. Eventually I did go to my bed but stayed as upright as I could with the laptop, and found that I actually could sleep in my normal tummy position with no adverse affect on my back. During the day I kept the ice pack in place which certainly helped the ache, as did the ibuprofen. Rest with ice seems to be the best treatment and a fair amount of conversation with the Lord regarding my aching back!
After picking up the DVDs I went to Wal*Mart to get my prescriptions, where only one was ready. The recorded message from the pharmacy indicated all were ready so I was surprised. They were awaiting a phone call from my doctor in regard to one which was expired (rats!) which means I will have to go in for an appointment before I get it refilled. Rats again! I am due for my female check-up and after my scare last December, I am not hesitating to go. Will make the appointment today!
It is done! Next Tuesday is the soonest I can go in and the nice receptionist is checking on my missing prescription for me. These days I am drinking my 3 bottles of water, for a total of 60 ounces a day, which Linda O. claims is laudable. She likes to drink tea instead of soda, as does Judy J. The water for some reason is going down more easily than it used to despite the fact that I am out of ReaLemon to squirt into it. As long as it’s cold, it will go down! I also have lemonade to mix into the plain water if I so desire but I am not sure if it negates any of the healthful benefits of plain water. Anyone?