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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 is the Year of Debunking!

Such a funny word--debunk. There is a "Seinfeld" episode where one of the guys, likely George, kept saying "debunk" and the other guys were getting after him, telling him he only used it because he liked how it sounded. This a.m. there was a segment on 'debunking' myths regarding women and their care, such as drinking water does nothing for your skin moisture (oil, either from internal or external sources will, though), crossing your legs will not cause varicose veins, and if you have cellulite, you can thank your mom for it, not necessarily your diet or exercise. The other 'big' debunking came this week as the study done linking children's vaccinations to autism was found to be faulty. The scientist in Great Britain did not conduct his testing or run his program properly. It was again on the TV news this a.m. and on the radio programs much of the week. Emotions run high on this subject, partly due to the parents being so very frustrated and desperate to try to find an answer to this mystery. Last year the big 'debunking' was in science, with the global warming theory being exposed for showing false data. When is data not data? When it's fabricated, I guess. One of the ladies at church (GS) is totally convinced the polar bears are dying, because she saw it on PBS!

There was supposed to be a seminar at Victory today regarding finances but it was cancelled since fewer than ten people had signed up for it. It might have been the cost that prevented folks from coming, or just too close to the holidays yet, but I hope that it is offered again. I did not sign up either but was going to on Thursday. An e-mail came yesterday saying it was postponed but instead folks are invited to come and undecorate. This congregation, or some of the members, anyway, decorate for Christmas right after Thanksgiving but I am glad they leave the decorations in place until after Epiphany. The e-mail also reported the baptism tomorrow for Tori, a young lady who watches the pre-k kids in the afternoons, who was never baptized as a child. Also, six new people are being welcomed as members, all by affirmation of faith. Pastor Hoyer reported over 250 people in church for the CHRISTmas Eve children's program. Victory is growing by leaps and bounds, due in no small part to their opening the preschool.

Justin stopped in on his way to the office yesterday to drop off some of my groceries which went home with him on Thursday. He came into my room, asked me to pause my radio program, and placed his iPad in front of me. (He got this 'want' for CHRISTmas from his father...he knows it is not a 'need'). Thursday he had me listen to a tune/song and it was running through his head, couldn't figure out if it was French, or New Orleans-flavored, or what. Well, he found it on and hit the PLAY button for me. The music video was done in Mykonos, Greece, and was just like being there!!!! My photographs seemingly came to life, and the memories of my times there flowed back, as tears ran down my face. The music and 'actor's only got in the way. The musician was Romanian, not even close to French, by the way. He could show it to me in High Definition, which was simply gorgeous, and in some of the views, cruise ships were visible in the harbor. I saw 'my' cafes, 'my' doorways, 'my' urns, 'my' white with blue or red trim structures, the blue-domed churches...Oh my! I asked Justin when he found the video and was surprised he had not sent me the link the night before when he located it. He said, "I wanted to show you in person....." That's my boy!!!! The link was then posted by me on Facebook, where I offered to take folks with me on vacation via the video! Almost like being there, except, no jet lag coming back! (Along the left column of my homepage you will see a photo or two of Mykonos).

A year or so ago, one of my friends from Victory loaned me a book about birth order but, since I stink at reading, never got around to cracking it open. Someone else was waiting to read it so I gave it back, saying I would borrow it again another time. This must be typical behavior for middle kids, or would I actually be the oldest? I can go either way, since my older sisters came from different moms or dads than did we three younger ones, of which I was first. An author is on F & F talking about his book on birth order, mentioning famous folks and their birth order, and of course, the fact that "onlies rule". (Justin would qualify in the "oldest child rules", which the author described before "only" children). Everything he said about the oldest child was true times 100 for only children. They rule! Allison was beside herself as an only, with the male host, Dave, being the baby in his family. He was 'privileged' compared to his siblings, it seems, according to the author, and would exhibit more artistic leanings. Interesting! The reason my friend had the birth order book and was sharing it was because she was taking her mom into her home, Miss Betty, and was the child who basically was NOT the favorite. But was the best choice for offering care and a home to her mom. Interesting, again. Her sisters or brothers were not the natural choice, somehow. I never did find out where in the order of birth Audrey fell, though.

There was a shocking story in the local news on-line yesterday regarding robbers taking the brass vases from the cemetery where Timmy is buried. Somehow I did not get in my car to head over there, however, but might do that today. Justin had taken the little CHRISTmas tree to the site for me, since I was so ill, and removed the tired bouquet from the vase, but am not sure if he put the vase upside down into the marker or not. Since they are made of copper, folks can sell them to be melted down. Would these be grave robbers, without taking the bodies? I have some purchases to be returned to the department stores so can make a stop at the cemetery on my way through. It was nippy out yesterday, and quite windy here although it was bright and sunshining. Jessica, my upstairs neighbor, called me to go to dinner with her last night so I eventually did go out, going to Aron's for our meal. She and her little guy, Beckham, had cheese pizza, and I had my stromboli. It was his first taste of pizza and he liked it! He also had some homemade baby food and some mango puree but liked the pizza better, it seemed. Me, too!