Here it is--Timmy's birth date. He'd be 12 years old now, which almost makes me sound younger than I am. That was the plan, after all....not really, but a lady at church told me when I had Timmy that having a daughter late in life kept her young. Now, we'll never know if that would have happened in my case! This cold weather ( a relative thing, I realize) is making me feel old today---I need some sunshine, please!!!!!
The house is beginning to smell wonderful as my roasts are doing just that in the slow cooker, bathing in golden mushroom soup and "a little wine", as Justin Wilson used to say. Sauerkraut is in the oven, slowly cooking the flavor of the pork through it. Some would say that sauerkraut cooking is not a pleasant aroma, but I disagree. It sort of reminds me of when I worked at Shady Lane Home, in Manty. Those were the days.....
Oh, wait, I have to watch this big news story on TV---okay, I see.....I am supposed to program my fitness regimen according to my astrological sign. Oh, please! First of all, there is no fitness regimen to speak of and secondly, Satan has so many cunning ways of infiltrating our daily living with what appears to be an innocuous method. Watch out everybody! Must be a slow news day, or something to counteract the caucuses in two states today.
Shortly I'll be heading off to Cindy's for a card making class. For lunch, Martie, Justin, and I will be eating at Timmy's favorite restaurant, Sweet Tomatoes, as we've done traditionally on his birthday ever since he died. The first year after he died was the day we put in the pond in the backyard of The Preserve house, with the help of some of the Rosewood staff and Joel, a member over at Victory. He was our Boss, as his brother and he had done this type of thing before.
At the end of the day, as tired as everyone was, we did our ceremonial birthday balloon launch down by the big pond on the edge of the property. Got cleaned up and then off the four of us went to Sweet Tomatoes. No, wait, I think it was only three of us, as Mom couldn't get herself to go. She might remember that better than I am. I was still married at that time, which makes for the three......
The practice of having the balloon launch sort of started when St. Johns held a memorial service for Timmy with the pre-k and kindergarteners a week or so after his death. The chaplain had a brief service, many parents of the kids were there, and we had filled our car with helium balloons, courtesy of one of our neighbors in Waterford Landing, who was in the balloon business. The Eagle Harbor club staff blew them up with their machine for us. So nice of them! The parents and children dedicated a tree and a concrete bench with Timmy's name on it, and then the kids were given a balloon to launch to celebrate his birthday.
We went back inside and served cupcakes and juice, Blue's Clues as the theme, as Timmy's missed birthday treat. He'd wanted a pajama party for his birthday party so I had gone out to buy some pj's so that I could attend. Usually I wear nighties so was going to be excluded. I kept those unused pajamas as a rememberance of Timmy's missed birthday party. It's funny the things that bring back memories, something which would have been insignificant if he was alive today...............
How blessed he is to be celebrating not his earthly life, but rather eternal life, bliss, with the Heavenly Father! The tears are for ourselves, not for him. God bless, everyone!