I am incredibly thankful to have the water detectors Justin gave me for Mother's Day, and have, in fact, pressed one into service in his former bathroom. It seems that periodically I hear water running in his toilet, though nothing in the bowl nor in the tank appears to be moving. Oh, now what??? The works were replaced just over a year ago around the same time we had the leaks from the broken water softener pipes on the 5th floor (the first time it happened!) so it's not worn out yet. I wouldn't think they wear so quickly, right? I wonder how long this has been going on....
Thankfully Justin will be here tonight, right after work, to finish cleaning out his rooms so I won't be too hesitant to attend my church meeting. My tummy is in a knot from this, as is expected under circumstances such as this for me. Besides that, now my dryer is making a strange noise as it attempts to dry my clothes. Perhaps a coin or something is caught in the drum thing but I cannot see it nor make it stop.
We have a building committee meeting tonight and it wouldn't be life or death if I did not go, but since I take the notes for it, should be sure to go. Also, I might be a distraction to Justin who needs to be entirely focused on his project of emptying the room. Oh my! When I expressed to him that I would not be here to "help him", Justin said, "That's okay...." I am sure it is! By the way, the dryer has now stopped making the racket so whatever it was scraping has worked itself free! (Just dug everything out of the dryer and found a quarter...mine!)
The same weekend as the big storm, I noticed a problem with my light switch in the kitchen. One is next to the fridge and one by the door, a three-way switch. I sometimes have to wiggle the switch to get the light to turn on. Oh, great! In order for an electrician to access the electrical box, he has to move the fridge out. Problem? There is a water hose connected to the ice maker, which I do not use for fear of a problem. Yikes! As I told Mike Kelley yesterday at church, "I don't really need a light in the kitchen....." We shall see what I do about that.
Closer to the pole is the alligator, and further out by the sandbar are the manatees
On Facebook the other day I noted that our resident alligator has become a regular visitor to the basin, keeping company, or not, with the manatees. They sort of keep themselves apart, which is probably a good idea. I looked out a bit ago and saw the gator had moved to the area usually occupied by the manatees and they have moved off to the center of the basin. By agreement, I am sure.
In other water news, I don't think I ever mentioned the damage experienced on this property during the huge storms the early part of May. My place and those above me were not the only problem areas, as others in the building experienced intrusion. The force of the wind-driven rain caused the problems to become evident in several other units in my building. This does not please me but does bring to light future problems we might have during the official hurricane season.
In the building next door, the condo garage and storage cubbies were flooded. There is a four inch curb the water had to breech to the storage area, and it did so that Saturday night. Over at the hotel, guests on the first floor had to evacuate as a waterfall of rain water gushed down the driveway to the hotel, over the edge of the flower bed and into the rooms. Karrie reported as much as 10" inches of water in the rooms at one time.
The guests were NOT happy to have this happen, but hey, what can be done? Karrie was lamenting to me a couple Fridays ago about the tangling with the insurance company. The night security man told me that some people were VERY upset about having to move out, being relocated to an area hotel (above water level!). Harry told me that one lady was terribly upset, calling him "everything but white!", an expression I never heard before, but made me laugh. I feel badly for everyone involved, in particular those who have to try to put things back to right again.
Karrie has to find invoices for the purchase of the carpet, bedding, and other items used to furnish the rooms. No wonder her staff is pulling out their hair, trying to scare up the receipts. I think the insurance company is a bit nit-picky as they will likely only reimburse the pro-rated amount anyway. I would like to ask her how it's going but hate to open that can of worms. What a storm system that was!!