My little laptop is plugged in with the old power cord attempting to charge the new battery which arrived via the mail yesterday. Justin installed it for me and said it should have about a 10 hour lifespan when fully charged. We shall see! Twice now I have had to go restart the computer because for some reason it shuts down, even when the battery has some power in it. Hopefully that is not a really bad sign…am I falsely accusing my power cord of failing when in fact it could be something else? Wouldn’t that just figure?
Once charged and will hopefully stay in the ON position for me, I can then recline on my bed with the little laptop for my evening TV viewing. Justin told me about a new Roku, in purple, coming out in December for ‘only’ $50 which would then enable me to watch my Internet programs over the TV. Another feature, a subscription thing, would allow me to watch movies and such offered but I do not think I want that…I have plenty of stuff to watch, thanks!
Last night’s sleep was a short one for me, although, unlike my mom the night before, I did not go to bed angry. I think I dropped off before 11:00 pm but found myself awake with a very dry mouth (snoring??) and coughing before 4:00 am. Not good. Even though I tried, I was not able to fall back to sleep, so then got up to use this desktop computer. Poor me! Later, I went back to bed and slept about another couple hours, not soundly, but at least my eyes were closed. My mom had a bad night Wednesday because her favorite TV program, a syndicated one, was preempted by a baseball game. This happened twice in a week’s time and is really pushing her buttons!
Today I went errand running, my first stop being the bank to deposit my check. Then I went to Sonic to get my Happy Hour diet Coke for half price and then stopped in at Great Hang Ups. Helen, Julia’s sister, had made a red glass slump vase for me and left it at the shop for pick up.
As we talked, I mentioned my friend, Lee, and the ladies’ got excited. It seems that Lee won the drawing for receiving one of Dee’s paintings. They were going to have me do the drawing but Dee’s hubby did it instead, and pulled my friend’s name! Julia had me call Lee to let her know she was the winner. At first I got the answering machine and left her the news. Less than 10 minutes later she called back, and Julia let me answer the call. Instead of saying ‘hello’, Lee asked, “Are you teasing me???” By this time Kris had come into the shop and they all heard Lee ask this question, and laughed. No, it’s not a joke, you win, girlfriend! What great fun that was!
From Hang Ups I went to Publix as I needed soda and a few other items, and then headed out to Brenda N.’s house in Eagle Harbor to deliver her chili. When I pulled into the driveway, I could hear her wild beasts inside the house throwing themselves against the door and sidelights. Talk about scary! She has a houseful of dogs, all shapes and sizes. I left the chili on a table next to the door and was about to call her, when she pulled into the driveway. She was driving!!! Otherwise she does not drive but her son with her and they took back streets to Winn Dixie and her daughter’s house. Glad I caught her and the chili didn’t have to sit out too long.
My soda is restocked at least for a few days and I have plenty of food, since I have a diminished appetite with this stupid cough/cold situation going on. And those sugar cookies purchased at the bakery yesterday---just okay. Definitely NOT as good as Copp’s, which means I still need to go north for my favorite cookies!