This evening, in a few short minutes' time, I had packed up my belongings, most of them anyway, for my trip across the state to visit Lori. Lynn is working a few hours tomorrow and then we are heading off. We should arrive in time for dinner, and since they eat fashionably late, I will be right on schedule again!
Mom and I are meeting my Auntie Marie and her daughter, Barbie, for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and I swear I will not shut off my alarm without getting up first this time! My niece, Alayna, is stopping by in the morning before school to say 'good-bye' and Jill will be coming up to help Mom with her eye drops so I will have more farewells. I already had to say 'good-bye' to Linda tonight which was difficult, as we really had more time than ever this visit and enjoyed it so very much. We are both so thankfull for e-mail, the blog, and Facebook, plus the telephone for keeping in touch between visits. Gosh, I am going to miss her! I am going to miss them all actually!
Mom and I sat around much of the morning, in the gloomy light of overcast, rainy skies. I read my book but eventually had to turn on the lamp in order to read because it was so dark outside mid-morning. Linda called me around 11:00 a.m. to see if I had lunch plans....I would love to meet her for lunch!!!! Mom opted to stay home so I met Linda at The Harborside Restaurant, where the chef very nicely made us each a perch sandwich, not on the menu for lunch. Great customer service indeed! Linda needed some help in the office yet so I accompanied her to the nail salon across the street and then to church. I did not help one bit but instead had a great conversation with Pastor R. He knew the Hoyers from MN where they both served and we share a few more people besides them. He is a dear man, as Linda describes him.
At the appointed time, I swung back to pick up Mom for church, where Linda and Lynn joined us. The pastor from St. John, Newtonburg, was the preacher tonight and I had a chance at the supper afterwards to thank him for his care for my in-laws and my cousin, Rochelle. He is not a really chatty fellow but we did have a nice visit nonetheless. The area pastors are sharing pulpits with each other, easing their prep time since they preach the same sermon six times, going from church to church the six weeks of Lent. This allows them to become a bit familiar with other congregations, and them with the pastors.
Mom and I are so lazy this evening we might go to bed early (must be the cruddy weather!) and since Alayna is coming so very early, I have to make sure I am up to greet her, or rather, say "good-bye" hoo hoo!!!!