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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Jerry, my rods and cones are all messed up!"

Does any one besides me simply LOVE the TV commercial with the little boy and his dad dunking Oreos together, with his dad halfway around the world? It makes me smile, sadly, thinking about how they are together without being in the same room, doing this seemed ritual of dunking Oreos. *Sigh*
A short while ago I had a phone call from Judy J., calling to commiserate a bit and to discuss a luncheon invitation we both received. Our shared friend, Linda O., asked us to meet for lunch one day this week with her mom, Frieda, and her. Her mom lives in Minneapolis and comes down for several weeks every winter, this time with a wedding thrown in. Linda's daughter, Lisa, was married last weekend, and which, according to Linda, "went off without a hitch...". Wait, what kind of wedding is that, with no hitch??? I missed the wedding shower which took place the first weekend I was gone to WI but they went ahead without me. It will be great to see Frieda again and I promised to bring my camera so I can take a picture of her to show Mom.
For supper tonight I ate my leftovers from Aron's Pizza, the balance of the stromboli from last Friday. I also reheated the marinara sauce, making sure this time I had a cover on the container so I would not mess up my microwave again. This afternoon I went to get my haircut and it feels so much lighter up there on my head. When I got out of the chair, Barb had to take first the hair dryer to blow the little whiskers off of me and then brushed me rigorously all down the back of my legs to get the loose hairs off. Who would think it would be such a mess to get one's haircut!
Before going to the booty shop I stopped at Wal*Mart to pick up a prescription and a few other things. Somehow or another I found myself out of butter! Oh, the horror! I also got some cut up onions to use in making Suzanne's delicious green bean recipe. Unfortunately I could not find my chocolate crosses that I usually buy for Easter, and the lady stocking the shelves, her first time doing it, said she had not seen any this season. She said they are not getting as much candy for the holidays like they used to. I wonder if Walgreens might have the crosses. When I was looking for them, I could not help but remember the time I bought them and then went to Great Hang Ups for a visit. The sun was hot and melted my chocolate into globs. I had to go back and buy them again, so no more going visiting on the day I buy the crosses or, if I do, must take them in with me. No worries right now about them melting since it was drizzly and overcast again today.
This morning was Bible study at church, with only seven of us there. Twila had a medical appointment this a.m. but came by church so she could go to lunch with us. Evidently there had been conversation last week or so about going to the Olive Garden but we ended up at Longhorn. It was good to have my standard fare of chicken tenders, with mashed potatoes, for a change. I did not really care for the mashed but will remember that for next time. It was also wonderful to be around the table with my lady friends again and will hate it when we are recess for Holy Week, Easter, and the Pastor's Conference. I told Pastor I was going to starve!!! He did, however, invite us to the church at Keystone Heights for the Conference because the author of "The Theology of the Cross", Deutschlander, is going to be presenting. I told Pastor how I started reading the book and was enjoying it greatly so he suggested I come hear the author and what he has to say. I think I might and will take others with me if they wish to go. Pastor is going to post the schedule so we know when to go out. I made them laugh when Pastor said Deutschlander was going to speak both days and I said I would have to get a hotel room if I was going to hear him both days! Perhaps I should just sleep in my car or drive the two hours round trip......
Finally I have my laundry put away and have two empty baskets in the hallway. Of course, there is a fresh pile to be laundered in the closet but it will keep. The baskets need airing! Tonight, while watching/listening to one of favorite of all time "Seinfeld" episodes, "The Roaster", I dusted the furniture and such in the dining room. Now it smells nicely of lemon although it seems the can in nearly empty. The living room will be next, perhaps tomorrow if the spirit moves me. My bathroom vanity and such needs polishing as well, I am still having red/purple lint on the vanity and even on the mirror. That is without me wearing that nasty sweater since the end of January!!! It is just hanging there and still is making a mess. A plastic bag might be the answer to that lint problem. I showed CJ Banks who is boss----I did not set foot in their store on my visit to WI and Minneopolis! So there!