My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Can't wait to warm up

This morning I had a lovely breakfast with just the ladies at The Club. I ventured over without benefit of a coat this time, but yet wearing layers. It was above freezing with hopes of getting into the 50's. But not at breakfast time!  I invited a lady who was dining alone to join us but she opted to eat alone and read her paper. She confessed to eavesdropping on our conversation so she should have just sat with us and been done with it.

As the staff cleared away the buffet foods, one of the waitresses brought me a to-go box with the leftover bacon in it. Sondra doubles as a housekeeper, too, but keeps me fixed up with the leftover bacon. As Justin said, "It's tastes better when it's hot..." but I appreciate her kindness. I figure Justin can probably chop the bacon into some recipe or another. I can always get more next week!
The cold around here is beginning to lift, and we hope to see the sun at some point today.  I am glad to be in for the day, and don't have plans to go out again until tomorrow late afternoon. There is a concert at church, a duo from WI who play hymns and songs on a variety of instruments. I know, not my thing, but Sue, one of the ladies in charge of the meal afterward, called to schmooze me into coming even if just for the food. I told her I would call Judy and talk to her, which I did, and she told me that she'd already changed her mind about going in order to make Sue feel better. She was stressing about the event, fearing no one would show up, so we agreed to go. Not 'til 4:00 pm so I have some time to stay at home and get the newsletter out the door (or over the airwaves, as the case might be!) Waiting for the warm on Saturday---hopes of 80 above!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

After the birthdays, a funeral

We have had remarkably cold weather here in N. FL this week, with some folks seeing tiny flakes in the air. The rain felt icy when it hit but I cannot confirm or deny it was flakes or even sleet. It didn't affect our driving at all. 

Last night my sister, Lynn, called me to find out if everything was okay in our area, as the local news in WI showed we were having snow or icy conditions. All was well, and I thanked her for letting me know what was going on, because I had no idea about it. Justin keeps up with weather stuff because of having to work out in it and he saw nothing like what Lynn mentioned, though the local weather maps did show what she was talking about. Schools were closing the next day in advance of the icy travel, being extra cautious, I'm sure, after what happened in Atlanta.

This morning I checked the local radio station's website and it said all the bridges and roadways were free of ice, so Justin and I could safely make our way to Bible study. Pastor had lined up the chairs around the tables more tightly than we usually sit in order to not have to add more table space. He didn't want to have us sitting too far apart (adding another table) and not be able to communicate as well. I like that about him! We all had elbow room so it was no problem. It was again an excellent class.

The ladies invited us to join them for lunch but we declined, deciding to just head home since we were attending a funeral in the afternoon. My nice boy heated up a bowl of turkey soup for me (I'd made it on Monday from our ThanksLiving bird) and served me a summer sausage sandwich with it. Who's spoiled in this house???

Justin, Kathy, our neighbor, and I headed over to the Methodist church just a couple blocks away for Orien's funeral. We left with plenty of time so he could drop us off and then find a place to park. He managed nicely to find a close place. We had to stand in line to sign the guest book and then easily found a seat with some more from our building. 

As we sat there, the church was filling up. It reminded me of Timmy's service with standing room only. Just before the service was to begin, a line of firemen came in in their dress blue uniforms and looked so good. It moved me to see them standing along the wall...this was a big deal for them to get all dressed out for Orien. 

The service began with a hymn, where we stood to sing, one I am now familiar with since it's in our CW hymnal. Oh, I just remembered---"How Great Thou Art". Then the pastor read a couple of psalms after which he invited some family members to come forward to speak about their loved one. First was his daughter, who did a fabulous job without getting all broken up, followed by his granddaughter, who was Justin's classmate, also doing a fine job. 

Then, an usher walked around with a microphone for people in attendence to share their Orien stories. I told Justin he didn't need to do that at my funeral service, save it for the party afterward. It wasn't too bad, and I don't want to say much more about it here, other than to report we sang "Amazing Grace", again standing to sing, at the close of the service.

From there we went home, and walked to The Club where the reception was held. It was an amazing spread of appetizers, some exactly the same as those served the night before for the Member's meeting. The place was absolutely packed! Justin asked me if it was appropriate to have an open bar for a funeral and I had to confess to not knowing the answer to that one, except that Orien would have had it no other way! We had the most amazingly delicious chicken salad which I enjoyed on bagel chips---oh my!

When we went home, I was so full that I couldn't believe Justin was getting busy with starting our dinner. I asked him to please plan on at least an hour before we ate because I was so full. He had shrimp cocktails there plus lobster bisque shooters, some other sort of seafood goodies, but he was ready to make our dinner. I was still about to bust from the chicken salad (no thank you to the seafood and fish stuff!). When we did eat, it was delicious, and I appreciate his patience with getting started.
Something funny happened, though---while he was prepping his ingredients, Judy C. called to see if we wanted to go to dinner. I couldn't believe my own words when I respectfully declined because I was so full from the reception and he was excited about his recipe. Rarely do I decline, and she was as surprised as I was! Our dinner was quite good, breaded thin chicken breasts and tortellini with vodka sauce. Again, I am so spoiled!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meetings meetings and more meetings

Tonight was the annual meeting of The Club, an opportunity for the members to be introduced to the Board of Directors and the management of The Club, and for us to get a "State of the Club" report. This is one chance I get to see many others I don't usually see because they are not pool people. There is a big Members Mixer party before Christmas but it's on a Wednesday night which is Advent service time. I've never been to one of these gatherings so this is it for me!
Carpaccio like we had tonight
Appetizers were served, some butlered ones and others we had to stand in line to get at serving centers. Very attractive displays and tasty treats, particularly the special meats the Chef does. Tonight he presented carpaccio and salami, fresh out of the curing room. Not being a fan of the fish/seafood stuff, I had to pass on most of the other offerings, but I sure didn't starve! 

On Monday night I was there as well, this time with no appetizers and bringing my own soda. It was for our annual Owners meeting of The Palace and this place is large enough to squeeze us all in. We have some new or different faces serving on the Board this year, and I am so glad to say I am not one of them. That job would be terrible to have and I am so thankful to those who do volunteer to serve for us. The best part of the meeting was hearing no increase in our monthly dues this year, and no foreseeable assessments. Whew!

One good thing about each of these meetings was getting to talk with folks I don't often get to see, especially since several of our Owners don't live on the property. One couple has been renting out their unit for 5 years and plan to be moving back in again in March. I hate to say to good-bye to the next door neighbors, tenants Ed and Karen, but they are welcoming retirement and moving back to Charleston. 

At The Club member's meeting, I thought I would have a chance to address the group as regards the pool and the summer activities but that opportunity was not presented. The owner gave her State of the Club update, asked for questions, and only one man raised his hand to speak. I thought the meeting was just getting started but it was then adjourned! Let's eat!  No worries, I can talk to those folks on the Board any time as I see them more often than probably they would like (ha, ha!) and I never hesitate to let them know how much I enjoy everything. Not a fan of the fish appetizers but that's no big deal, as I said, I'm not starving!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

...and yet, one more birthday!!!

Monday, the 27th, is my mom's birthday. On Facebook, three of her girls posted a status update mentioning her birthday and many greetings from our FB friends were garnered. I gave Mom a call and sang to her as is my custom. My sister, Kerry, had done the same thing earlier in the day, telling Mom she'd been rehearsing all night. So funny! Later in the day I had to call her back once more to tell her Alayna was having phone problems and couldn't get through so was sending an e-mail greeting instead. At that time Mom had heard from all her girls except Lori, who generally calls at night. Mom is now 89 years old...

In 2003, when she still wintered with me, Mom insisted on NO surprise parties and NO going out to expensive restaurants for her birthday. So, okay, I invited a few ladies from church to come to dinner at my house where I prepared Mom's favorite meal for her. The first and only time I've made liver and onions!! June and she liked the liver, and the rest of us enjoyed meatballs instead. I asked the ladies to wear their most sparkly clothes (no fancy restaurant but yes to fancy clothes!) and most complied. It was a very nice little party and the ladies all loved it. 
On the sofa are Jean N., Mom, and Twila N. In the back row are me, June H., and Jackie V. 
(Mom is now much, much thinner than in this photo, and I am not!)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Another birthday!

Sunday was Bible study and worship, like any other week. The exception was watching a movie, or a portion of it, projected on the wall during the sermon. The movie is part of a series released by a branch of our church body, titled "Come Follow Me". It was "Come Follow Me" Sunday which was the reason why this was done. Only once a year, right?

After church our group went to lunch at Chili's. We got there before Mike and Michael did, so Judy got a chance to tell the waitress it was Michael's birthday. She promised us that he would be given the royal birthday treatment, complete with singing. Just the way he would do for our birthdays!! I had a change in my order this time, ordering double chicken tenders and a single order of potato skins. Just to mix it up a bit! The tenders were simply giant, so four home with me, plus two potato skins. After the birthday singing, they presented him with a dessert complete with spoons so we could all get a taste. 
From the restaurant I run up to Great Hang Ups for the SoMMA opening Julia told me about. I walked in the door just as the awards were being handed out---perfect timing!  This medium is not my preference but the work was quite good, given that it was mixed media. Very striking collage and 3-D pieces!

I didn't hang around Hang Ups (ha ha) for very long but did get to say "hi!" to a bunch of folks I hadn't seen in some time. That's the fun of attending the openings---renewing acquaintences, plus getting to spend some time with Dee. Not the best time, but I promised her I'd come back next week when we can spend some time and they are not so busy. I really miss hanging out at the store all the time like I used to.

For our dinner tonight, needing to warm the house a bit, I made us a home-made chicken pot pie. Oddly enough, I had all the ingredients needed to throw a pie together.  Justin and I enjoyed our dinner while watching reruns of "Last Man Standing", my new favorite TV show. Still in production, which is extremely unusual for me, since I live my life in the past. He has the previous seasons on NetFlix and oh, how we laugh! Such a good show and good fun for us!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Celebrating a birthday

Friday morning at the Breakfast Club, my friend, whom I'll call "O", was giving me a little bit of business about all the outings I'd been on the previous week. She follows me on Facebook and marveled at my adventures and outings, asking if I ever ate at home. I assured her that of course I did eat at home, but often it was leftovers from the meals out. That morning we four ladies were joined by Bob, the same fellow who'd taken me to lunch the previous week. It was his birthday so he came over to have breakfast with us. He hadn't seen "O" since pool season ended and was glad to see her again.

Nancy W. was not going walking with the other two, Pat and O, after breakfast as she has been some yoga-style exercises to ease her aching back. I do my walking by going over to The Club and back again, several times a week. It was nice to have Bob join us and he seemed to like his breakfast from the buffet.

We would be seeing each other again that night for dinner as Bob, Nancy M., Bill, Justin, Nancy W., and I were going to have dinner at Koko's (I got to choose the restaurant!). It was Bill 'n Nancy's idea to do this, it being Bob's 70th, and I am so glad we did it. They all loved the place, the personal touches we got there, and already at the soup course, Bob was blown away by the place! Whew!, I was sweatin' it! 
This is something like what Justin ordered for his meal at Koko's on Friday night

While we were there, Nancy W. was telling about her sore leg, which she'd mentioned already at breakfast. At first she thought it was eczema acting up but Saturday morning she called to let me know that she'd been admitted to the hospital with cellulitis. Oh, for goodness sake! 

As it turned out, she didn't have to stay overnight, after she made cross-my-heart promises to take the medication and do everything they told her to do, at home. She'd had an IV of antibiotics to get her started and she was keeping the sore leg elevated as ordered. I am glad she decided to see the "Doc in a Box" as she referred to the walk-in clinic and got the attention needed right away. Cellulitis is nothing to mess around with. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A busy week

Monday was Bible study, going back to finish the uncompleted study of Church Fellowship. We did a review and made little forward progress but in my opinion, the review was important. Our non-member attendee was absent so it's good we didn't make too much progress in order for her to keep up. We likely have a couple more week's worth of study, but are off next Monday due to a pastor's conference. 

Since there was no school due to MLK Day, Judy had her grands with her. Instead of the more expensive steakhouse, Michael and she took them to DQ while the rest of us went to Longhorn. I am guessing we had leftovers for dinner that night but don't hold me to it!  Justin spent a couple of hours 'working' for the upstairs neighbor, Dick, on his Internet/TV problems. In his happy place!!

Tuesday, after he was done working and cleaned up, Justin and I went to Men's Warehouse.  It was the deadline day for getting himself measured for a tuxedo for his friend, Michael's, wedding, which is in June. I know, it seems like that is a long way off but I guess the details must be attended to. While we were there, Jesse came in to be measured. Ron and he were added to the list of groomsmen recently. I understand there are 11 bridesmaids...oh my!
Justin asked me to go with him for the measuring and said he'd treat me to dinner at the Panda Express. It was just delicious, with me having the spicy orange chicken with white rice. Justin had something else but I shared some of my chicken with him. I would recommend this restaurant very highly and look forward to having it again.

Wednesday was a meeting at The Club, my first time as an official member of this political group. It was there that the sad announcement was made about Orien. Other than the sad news it was a great gathering of ladies. I had the privilege of meeting and being photographed with a candidate for office for the 5th District, on a national level. I don't know how come I got picked to pose with this lady but I did, for several different pictures. That night was Sad Hour, already mentioned in a previous posting. 
The candidate is standing next to me, and on the far end is a lady who is running for a local office, school board member.

Thursday was Bible study at Victory with Justin able to join us again. Pastor always asks him to read, likes his 'young voice' and fortunately for Justin, it was a shorter chapter in Isaiah. Short, but packed with good stuff. We had two new 'students', visitors here from MA for three months, staying with their son in JAX. Originally from MN, the good doctor and his wife, extremely nice folks, were a welcome addition to the class. 

A large group of us went to their local Longhorn for lunch. The service we had there was extremely slow, and in fact, one lady had to leave without being able to eat more than her soup. Over an hour for mainly soup/salad orders was just a bit long. It really puts a pall over the group when this happens, since we felt so badly that Marilyn couldn't eat her meal. Rita and she were sharing a coupon so Rita asked the waitress to take Marilyn's meal off the ticket. I shall assume that happened. Too bad, not good customer service at all.

That night Justin and I joined Judy J. for dinner at Koko's. She'd been wanting to go since I got back from WI and it finally worked out for us to go. We had excellent service and their full attention, as always. When we left, we said, "See you tomorrow!" as we were coming back Friday night again with other friends!  

Before we went into the restaurant to find Judy, Julia spotted us and motioned for us to come in at Hang Ups. She gave out hugs and said she'd been thinking about us last week, knowing it was 'the week'. It made me wish I'd gone to the shop to see the ladies, but it was probably for the best, as they were getting ready for a show which opens on Sunday. I will see the ladies and others on Sunday then and make up for lost time. So glad Judy enjoyed her dinner as did we!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Got some catching up to do!

I must take a backward look at this past week. Sunday would have been Timmy's 18th birthday. To commemorate, Justin stopped at the store on his way to church to get a balloon for the cemetery. I had requested a bouquet of flowers for worship in Timmy's memory which I would take to the cemetery with us. 

Here are the flowers, first displayed to edify the worship and later to decorate Timmy's gravesite. The balloon is not shown, but Justin assures me that Timmy would have loved the Justice League, if he was alive. No Thomas the Tank Engine balloons available at Publix, and thinking about it, he would have been too old for Thomas now anyway.

After Bible study, I explained to Judy C. that due to Justin watching football with his friends in the afternoon, we were going to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch instead of later, as was originally planned. She told me she had already talked with Michael about it, and they wondered if we minded having company for lunch, or if we'd rather be alone...Of course, we'd be pleased to share this special time with our friends! It turned out not only Michael and Judy, but also Betty, Mike S. and Terri T. 

This was Mike's first visit to this place and when he sat down with his two salad plates, he said, "This makes me really hungry for a steak!" I explained to him that besides the salad items there were soups, baked potatoes, a pasta bar, bakery bar, and yes, ice cream. He told me he would be fine eating here once a year, for me. What a sweetheart! He even dressed for the occasion, sporting a 'new to him' suit that Judy had modified for him. It had been Michael's and now is Mike's. He said he can sign up to usher since he has a suit to wear. Love it!
Justin did spend the afternoon with his friends watching the playoffs game and I spent the afternoon at home. Later on I gave my mom a call. She said heard a wonderful sermon that day which prompted 'water eyes' in her pew. Pastor's theme was about the "if onlys" in life which really struck home that day. My family went to breakfast with Tommy and Linda, and I am so very glad about that, too. We all had good friends with whom to share this day...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Still sad but getting better

This photo was taken at The Club for Halloween Trivia night. Only one man in the picture is dressed for the occasion, however: Orien! His wife and he came as Frankenstein's monster and his missus! They won first place for costumes. In this shot you can see Betty's cheek, Justin, Orien, and Arnie. Arnie was one of those vacationing with Orien and Jacque when the accident happened in the British Virgin Islands. 

Those who were closest to Orien seem to be taking it much better than those of us not as intimately connected. Most of those are men, which might mean they can secure their emotions better, or it hasn't quite sunken in yet. Justin was greatly struck by this news and wrote a very nice FB note to Orien's granddaughter, his former classmate at St. Johns. He told her how he'd gotten to know her grandparents better since Halloween and that we'd just played Trivia with them the week before. 

At Bible study, we mentioned the terrible news of the loss of our friend, and Pastor remembered this in his prayer. He spoke of how we all must be ever-vigilent because only the Lord knows the day and hour we will be called home. He also spoke of the comfort only the Lord can give us. What a good reminder!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A funk has fallen over us

Last week was expected to be a more, oh, let me see, "funky" week due it being the anniversary week of my son's death and his birthday/funeral service. Thanks to my thoughtful son and caring friends keeping things busy, something to do every day to avoid wallowing, it was a good week. Many people sent messages of remembrance and consolation, sharing their own memories of Timmy with me, or even mailed Justin and me a card. Always a lovely touch.

Today I attended a meeting at The Club, the monthly one of a politically-themed group I have joined. As part of the meeting, announcements were made and one lady stood to report that a man many of us knew had passed away on vacation the day before. When she said his name, I gasped and my hands went up to my face. Orien is on our trivia team and we'd just played on Wednesday night. The next day this group of four from our team were going to the British Virgin Islands on a boating trip. 

From initial reports and from what the newspaper from BVI tells us, Orien and his dear wife, Jacque, had jumped from a catamaran and were swimming to shore. When she got there, he was not with her...More details will be forthcoming but it's horrifying to think of what happened. He is in his late 70's and she just retired from a long nursing career. She and I share having lost children, hers a toddler, lost to a fast-moving illness (possibly meningitis). She is just a sweetheart and my heart hurts for her.

The four (or now three of them) have to remain in BVI for the rest of the week pending the outcome of the investigation and the release of O's body. Tonight at Happy Hour (I called it Sad Hour) there were only a few of us and Karrie had laid a fire in the formal dining room fireplace for us. The garden room is being used by the movie people. I was glad to be in this more intimate setting. O was on the Board of The Club so it is particularly hard-felt by those there. Hugh and Maureen did not come over (he is very good friends with O and the other man who is on the trip, had actually been notified by Arnie the day that it happened, from BVI, with the terrible news). 
Karrie says The Club will be standing by to serve the family in whatever way is needed. O was extremely involved in the community and county, my having met him 20+ years ago at the Chamber of Commerce, but actually got to know them here at The Club and at the pool. 

Justin had told me that he was doing some research to help Arnie with a tech situation at his home, to sync his head phones with the TV so he doesn't blast Janet out of the house. Justin also told me tonight that he had been asked by Jacque to work on something for her, but I expect that is a long way down the line for her now. 

I was talking with Kathy at Sad Hour tonight, saying I almost feel like something happened to Janet and Arnie, and then realized that something had, something horrible. What they witnessed and are experiencing on their once fun vacation...Last week when Janet was leaving after trivia, she came up to me and cupped my face in her hands, and rubbed noses with me, saying, "You are just so......" She didn't finish her sentence to me but I got the picture, and I feel the same way about her, and Arnie. Such sweet folks, trying to enjoy their later years, and now this. So, yes, a funk has fallen over us.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Problems with my bedding

The other day I related the story of Justin's helping me with my bed flipping and such, telling me my mattress pad was waving a white surrender flag. I have a padded mattress cover over the top of my pillow-topped mattress (no wonder my back aches when sleeping on Mom's day bed!) My previous comforter set fit perfectly, with sufficient drop on each side and end to cover the mattress, and not expose the sheets. This one, however, falls short (ha ha) of the task. 
So, when Justin came in here last evening, I started to tell him there was a problem with my new comforter....He said, "Don't tell me about it!", thinking we were going to have to take the whole works apart again and repack it in the bag it came in. I assured him it was here to stay, but that I had to make up my mind which side of the bed I wanted to see covered up. Very thoughtfully, but comically, he said, "Well, you have all those gentlemen callers coming through here...." What??? 

He was mocking me because this would so not be an issue for a man, you know? But it would bother me (it already does!) to see my mattress exposed when I turn around in my desk chair, so I yanked the comforter to cover up the sheet/mattress on this side of the bed. No one sees it except me, and him, but this stuff matters to me! When a person buys sheets, the manufacturers take into account the thicker mattresses but this might be why the comforter set is less expensive than others. When you see the photo, it might look exactly like the previous one, but there are some slight differences, other than the drop, such as this new one has buttons stitched into it, and is more glossy a fabric. Otherwise, the pattern is very much the same.
On Friday night when Debbie, our upstairs neighbor, came to dinner, she brought me with potted plant of tulips. Since then the tulips have opened even more, seeming to like their place on the river room table. At first I had them in the kitchen but Justin suggested they might like the river room better. So, I have the brightly colored flowers to see by day, and the sun jar from Linda to see at night, from my room. I am delighted!


Yesterday we got a notice about a movie being filmed on The Club property, an independent filmmaker, intended for presentation next year at the Sundance Film Festival. The theme is something like a "Christmas Wedding Baby". I could see Christmas decorations in the windows of The Club, which is sort of funny since they just took everything down after New Year!
 This must be the 'bride' and a perhaps a ring bearer, walking around between takes.
Some of the equipment is being moved around for the next scene. Lots of people over there, just not in my shots.
This is shot straight ahead of my vantage point at The Palace, looking across the lawn at this giant tree, probably hundreds of years old.
I just rotated myself a bit to get this shot of the pool area, looking over at The Villas condos, cabana, and pump house. It doesn't look very inviting today, because it's a bit nippy out there, for FL, that is!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Got some more photos today!

A good friend of Linda's (and mine!), Angie, attended worship the day Linda retired so she could be present for the recognition event. She took the following photos of Linda and me plus others, and sent these to me today. The one above is Linda reading the speech I wrote for her, which is apparently moving Pastor Schaefer, behind her. This photo was taken by Pastor Hoppe and doesn't enlarge very nicely. Sorry about that! 
This photo Angie titled "Besties" and I love that! I found it cute that the photo of Pastor Otto peeks over my shoulder---is he a photobomber???
Linda's granddaughter, Cassidy, is trying to show me a confirmation photo which is presented in this display.  It might have been mine, but I can't be sure. Cassidy is one of the twin grands Linda and Tom have, with Madison being the other. 
 Here is Linda and my sister, Lynn, plus me (in case you didn't know) 
This shot shows Linda and me at the table, with Karen W., one of the teachers, behind us. She is a friend of my pastor's wife from college days. Small world!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A reprint from 4 years ago....


I have a new normal!

Bible study today was a bit tear-provoking, but for another reason other than it being Timmy's birthday/funeral day. We got to hear Pete sing on the Come Worship Christ video again! In a foreign tongue, German perhaps. Loved to hear him singing once more...
After Bible class six of us headed to our haunt of Longhorn for our repast. We all had something totally different than our usual, which really messed up Patti, the waitress who takes care of us weekly. I told her, "So much for using the pre-printed forms" she uses for us, jokingly. We are no longer predictable. Twila and I shared the prime rib sandwich, as I did with Chris on Saturday, perfect sized for us.
Kelly T. asked me if I was going to the cemetery after lunch and I told her I was going Michael's for supplies for the ladies' group brunch. She was attending a funeral at Jax Memory Gardens so when I got done at Michael's, I drove over there, hoping to catch her before she finished working on her sister's gravesite, changing out the floral arrangement. I did find her and she joined me at Timmy's site. We spent some time together there as I waved to the guys coming and going on their carts and in their trucks. Even the mortician stopped by to chat with me, as usual, and we talked after Kelly left for her funeral. Damon is always quite nice to me, and expressed, in front of Kelly, that he had never experienced a funeral service quite like Timmy's. Nothing ordinary about it, and Kelly said, "Kim doesn't do anything ordinary!", truly lightening the moment. Damon said it was the first one and only one that had "satellite" worship set up. Timmy's funeral brought the most people ever to Good Shepherd, not before or since has our church been filled to overflowing!
Damon asked how I was doing and asked about Justin and I told him our plans to have dinner as usual at "Taste Tomatoes" tonight. He made the comment that I had to go through a lot of stuff in a brief period of time and said he admired me. Great, Damon, give me a chance to explain how all this is possible----but he already knew how the Lord enabled me to survive and then to flourish under the adversity. Seeing these guys, "my boyfriends", at the cemetery, even the two who had to jump into the hole to lower the coffin, was a good thing to have happen today.
Wednesday, the 14th, when Justin and I were at the gravesite for lunch, he had leftover windshield fluid which he put into my car while we sat there. Mike, the head guy of the grounds, stopped to say 'hi' and see if all was okay with my car. I explained that Justin had extra fluid and was putting it in my car, and Mike exclaimed, "That's your boy??" 

He couldn't get over what a big boy Justin was, even though we've seen Mike out and about other places. I told Mike we only put a balloon out so as not to break the rules about decorations, and he said, "You can do anything you want", but it's when other people follow suit that it becomes a problem. Of this I am aware, and I won't press the issue, I am sort of over that. What my sister-in-law, Mona, referred to as "a new normal", which she said I can use if I want to! My new normal is to visit there less frequently, not pile all sorts of memorabilia on and around the marker, not make the cemetery a destination. Take the flowers by when they are available from the church altar and ease on to other things. Eh? A new normal!
I am listening to "In Christ Alone" on my computer and it is such a wonderful piece, peace.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dinner with friends

Justin and I were the guests this evening of our friends Stephanie, Erica and Jean, Stephanie's mom, from Janesville, WI. Jean is going home at the end of the month so the ladies wanted to have us over before she was gone. Jean made a chicken and rice dish for us, candied carrots (wonderful!), dinner rolls, and homemade cranberry sauce. All was delicious and the company great.

We had to leave rather abruptly, however, as we were parked behind Erica and she had to go, too. Erica, besides being a student at UNF and her internship, is also a dog sitter so had to go and tend her charges. Justin had plans to meet his friends later on so it was time for us to head out. 

Justin and I needed a nice dinner out after the big job we faced earlier in the day. It was time to put on my new comforter set (thanks again, Mom!) which also meant time to flip the mattress and box spring. Oh, and while you're at it, the area under the bed must be vacuumed out. I don't know how in the world it gets so dusty under there, but it does. There I go with that dust talk again. 

He is a good sport about the whole thing, though he did criticize the condition of my mattress pad. The sides, where it wraps around the mattress, is starting to break apart ("waving a white flag", as he described it) but the top is in excellent condition. I can live with it! My sheets were washed, then dried, and reapplied, by me, alone.
Glenn Beck and Marcus Luttrell

Justin would have helped me but had gone to see "Lone Survivor" with his friends. He said the movie was extremely good, but I didn't need to worry about not seeing it. He said that since I already know Marcus' story, I didn't need to expose myself to the filthy talk, "cussing", as Justin described it, or the horrors of war. Not sure how much of the movie would be left after the editing for TV was done, when that time comes! But I am a fan of Marcus and will stay that way. Justin said he held himself together well in the movie, until the very end, when the man in front of them stood up and snapped a salute. All three guys were so moved, all wiped their eyes a bit...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Some more photos

Last December had I some friends over to visit, before I left for WI. The next night this couple, Nancy M. and Bill, were going to her work's Christmas party which was going to be unusual. A painting party! My friend, Sonya, works for this place, called Painting with a Twist, and I found these photos on her page. Bill and Nancy have since determined that painting is not their thing!! But he was a good sport and went to the event under protest. He looks cute in his apron!
When I got back home from WI, Justin proudly showed me his Chia Willie I'd given him for Christmas. One thing he determined upon planting the seeds was that he was not to have used the entire amount. Ooops! Those infernal directions!! So, now that Willie grew out, he was beginning to get a bit moldy on top. If Justin had saved some of the seeds, he could have been replanted but alas, Willie will now mold away. I was thinking about this the other day---When Justin was younger, he'd always want to play Monopoly with his father, even though his father played real life monopoly (real estate!) all day long. So what do I get a landscaper but more grass to grow!!!
This is a photo from long ago, probably in the early 1990's, taken by Linda at her home in Manty. Justin has such cute pants on, certainly made by his grandma. I am sporting my large-framed glasses and have short hair. Aren't we cute??? Linda found this in her archives when searching for something else, and now it's mine! What a great Christmas present to get, in addition to my handmade cards.
This is a shot of the ice cream parlor portion of the candy store, Beerntsen's Candy Shop, in Manty. It is in a building where we used to be part-owners many years ago. It still has the charm of years' gone by, the way I remember it from when I was a kid, sitting in those wooden booths and listening to the juke box. The juke box is gone now, but most everything else seems the same. 

Mom and Lynn browsing in the candy portion of the shop, Beerntsen's, where the majority of the candies, mostly chocolates, are hand-made, hand-dipped. Mom was looking for something to get for our friend, Gretchen. What did I buy? Red licorice bits, of all things!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

It was my kind of day!

The morning began with Bible study at Victory. We had a couple fewer folks this week, after having had 15 last time. It was a very chilly FL morning yet one of the guys was on his way to Daytona to golf. Yikes! That is a die-hard golfer! It was just not a nice day for being outdoors, in my opinion.

I was so glad that someone brought doughnuts because I was especially hungry this a.m. but I knew I was going to have a nice lunch so went easy on the treats. Rita was absent due to have a teacher's conference. She was missed. More discussion took place comparing Isaiah's times to our own present day happenings, so fascinating and yet frightening. We're supposed to learn from history, but we do not, it seems.

Anyway, I had to leave right away after class, once we sang "Happy Birthday" to pastor and a couple others. I had plans for lunch, meeting one of my friends/neighbor for the mini-buffet. Bob had told me he was treating me before I left for Christmas and we settled on the date of the delicious fried chicken. I was happy with it, but Bob was less pleased with having to stand in line. The Business Women's group was ahead of us (timing is everything!) and then when we got up there, things were picked over pretty well. 

Of course, the dishes were refilled but Bob was not pleased. Hopefully I influenced him to not be too upset about it, and asked the woman who runs the dining room to please get Bob some green beans. And she did!  The chicken was good and I liked the potatoes and gravy too.

He kept apologizing for being impatient and I explained I have a degree in patience. Bob, who is soon to be 70, a gruff, old Navy guy, informed me that I have had a positive influence on him, and several others. Through our entire meal not once did he use language that would cause me to grimace or correct. This is huge for Bob! Just like with my other neighbor, Randy...not around Miss Kim you don't!

My friends, Jacquie and Mark, were seated in the same area as us but we did not sit together. Nancy W. introduced me to her guest, a lady she'd known since 5th grade. It was a great lunch crowd! I told him the story of having lunch with my friend, Christine, a while back at Pengree's and she said we were having lunch in Bradford County the next time, where no one would know me! Lots of people greeted us there, as you'd expect at a Club like this. 

Justin and I ate at The Club last night, from the mini-buffet, before Trivia started. Hugh picked up Justin's portion of the tab for me, which is so very generous. They (Hugh and Maureen) have taken quite a liking to him! Justin has an appointment with Penny, one of our Club members and a friend made at the pool several years ago, to help her with her computer stuff. First Hugh needed help, and now Penny. Hugh wrote a very nice recommendation about Justin's services and sent it to all the people in our building. Maureen told Penny about Justin and now the word is spreading!

So, anyway, Justin got home after a long, hard day of working and we were braced to have leftover chili from Tuesday night for dinner. Just as The Five ended, the phone rang. It was Judy C., wondering if we were interested in going to dinner. Absolutely! We went to Outback, as she had a coupon to use. I had the most delicious steak with wild rice and we all shared the bloomin' onion. Hadn't been there for dinner in ages, and it was sure was good! 

Outback has downsized some of their menu choices, making several items more reasonably priced. Mine entree was one of those and it was fantastic! I was so glad that Judy called and that I had a nice full day. Folks are so wonderful about keeping the time full this week....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More photos from my trip

There are some on Facebook who complain about people posting food pictures but I did it anyway! This is my first perch plate meal upon arriving in Manitowoc, followed by a photo of my first fried cheese curds, both from The Green Street Tavern. I enjoyed this meal with my mom, sisters Lynn, Jill, and Kerry, plus niece Alayna, nephew, Danny, and friend of family, Jenna.

The first Sunday I was in WI we had a snow storm. And a Packer game to be watched!!! Lynn was able to get to Mom's house where she and I watched the game together (I just love that!!!) and at half time, we enjoyed this homemade beer cheese soup I made, using Justin's recipe. It was divine! And the Packers won!!
Lori and David saw fit to bring us a Christmas tree and a box of ornaments for our celebration, to make the room feel more festive. Shown here are Lynn and Kerry, niece, Alayna, and all three boys: Gabe, Manny, and Angelo, with Mom supervising the project.
Here is a group shot of the room where we celebrated our Christmas gift opening and buffet. From left is little Angelo, Lori, Alayna, Mom, Jill, and Danny. 
Angelo just loved his remote-controlled truck which Lori and David gave to him. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

13 years ago tonight....


From Timmy's Auntie Kerry on his anniversary

Do You Remember Me?

I can't believe after all this time, I can't get over you,
I guess a love like ours is one of a kind, a love that is true.
It's been nine years since you left me to go to God & heaven's immensity,
Do you still remember me?

It's like a bad dream that plays over and over in my head,
Of things I wish I'd done or words I would have said.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you,
Even after all this time, what am I going to do?

Maybe this is the way mommies are supposed to feel,
Perhaps our wounds are never intended to heal.
If I could ask but one question why,
How is it God could need you more than I?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Some of my people and snow....

My sister, Lori and her hubby, David, brought a tree and decorations to make our motel meeting room look more festive for Christmas. In this photo is my mom, my sisters Lynn and Kerry, my niece, Alayna, and the three boys.
 Kerry posed with this cut out of Aaron Rodgers at Festival Foods----too cute!
 Speaking of Aaron, I won this pennant in our white elephant gift exchange!! I gave it to Justin for his room.
 The Sunday after I arrived, we had a huge snowstorm, bringing upwards of 9" of snow as the day went on.  This photo was taken from the church parlor window, looking out at the street
 Talk about snow accumulation! This is Mom's porch railing heaped high with fresh fallen snow
Here is Mom, watching the snow fall on a Sunday afternoon....