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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Remembering Moms today

I am of the opinion that everyday is mother's day but this one day a year 'we' are celebrated as a whole. Now that Justin is older and less trouble, I enjoy the celebration. But when he was little...

He was likely a normal toddler and perhaps my expectations were set a bit higher than they should be. When caring for my nephew, Jamie, who was a dream for us (my former spouse and me), I was sure my child would be just the same. What a surprise we had!

Years ago our church, GS, had the nursery located in the adjacent building and was served by having the sound piped into the room for those attending the little ones. The pastor that day focused his entire sermon on the joys of being a mother and all that, a type of service I had not experienced in church in WI. Not so much focus on the secular celebration of motherhood, you know? Anyway, Justin and I were in the nursery for a reason, as my boy was a wildman. While the sounds of the sermon were lauding my role as mother, I was pulling my hair out trying to manage this child, crying because I was seemingly falling so short.

After church that day we went to Ryan's Steak House, my favorite place to eat, and then home. I don't remember the gifts that year, but do remember feeling such great relief when Justin took a nap---a long nap. Whew! NOW, I could enjoy being a mother...

My spouse and I read the newspaper and watched the Sunday shows, just hanging out while Justin napped, and I was content. When he woke up, we joined my bro-in-law and his family at the swimming pool located in the backyard of our new model in The Village of Fireside. It was not really swimming temperature but we were new enough to FL to think it was! We had a good laugh when we saw what we thought were snakes in the pool, but upon further examination realized the boys' diapers were coming apart in the water!! I never knew what was inside a diaper to make it absorbent, but I do now!
Today's celebration brought tears for another reason, as our closing hymn was "Children of the Heavenly Father". Justin extended his arm to me (how could I have ever been upset with him for being so naughty?) and we linked arms as tears rolled down the cheeks. As my friend, Carol, mentioned after church, " was a listening day..." Those type of hymns remind us of what our loved ones enjoy and remind us of what waits for us as He 'safely in His bosom gathers...'

The first reading today was from Proverbs 31, which I whispered to Justin was about Linda. It turned out the card he bought me used the same portion of readings on the front of it! The card is now a treasure to me for the lovely message it extends to me. Certainly not generic in any way...

Once collected after that hymn, Justin and I headed to Fleming Island for lunch at the former Koko's. As soon as I walked in the door, the waiter handed me a mimosa, compliments of the restaurant. Nice! We had a great meal, even though it was not prepared by our friend, Jimmy. He was busy at another table, lighting things on fire. 

One of the former waitresses from years ago, AJ, recognized us and came over to say hi. She has come back after 5 years (and two children!) being away. The draw of being able to work with several of her old friends was so appealing! We were glad to see her again.
Justin's gifts to me, three in number, were so fantastic. He wanted me to open them in the restaurant 'because of the laughing', wishing our friends were with us to share in the laugh. He got me moisture detectors!!! Like a smoke detector, the first whiff or drip will set this thing off with a piercing shreik to the tune of S0S. I absolutely LOVE them. We tested one in the river room, as he poured water down the wall, setting off the alarm. Yup, it works! 

Another special gift he gave me was working in his bedroom, getting it into such a condition that I can see the floor! He has resorted to loading stuff into contractor bags and hauling it out that way in lieu of careful packing into plastic bins or boxes. 
The end is near and I might soon have the rooms back again! The drop-dead date is May 21st since I have housekeepers scheduled to come and clean. I bought the housekeeping certificate from GroupOn last year, never expecting it to take this long to get the room back again. I think he might make it.