My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A time for memories

Yes, I've been doing lots of remembering these past few weeks. My sister, Kerry, was here the last week in August for a week's stay. It was great having her, however, I couldn't help but remember the time she came down in 2010. That visit was so wonderful, I had fun watching her have fun! It was just awesome. She worked a hateful job at that time (much like this time, actually) and her break in the FL sun was much needed and welcome. Last year's visit shared with Lori and Hurricane Irma brings its own memories, not all pleasant. This year was a do-over for her and I am so glad we had the time together. Still, I can't help but compare the visits.
Kerry watching Hurricane Irma from the river room. Note the wet floor

In the process of remembering, our church is celebrating its 40th Anniversary as a congregation with a special service and fellowship meal on the 16th of this month. Part of my responsibilities include gathering messages from those members not at our church any longer who cannot attend the celebration. I have loved this part of serving on the Committee. As I collect their thoughts and type them into readable form, I get to take trips with them down Memory Lane, some which I recall as well, plus things which took place prior to our moving here to FL. I have typed up a couple memories of my own to be shared, including one particular day in 2001 when our church nearly burst at the seams for Timmy's funeral service. It saddens me to think how if something like that happened today, how different it might be at my church with so much that's happened since 2001. That is a loss in itself.

Terri T. is busily scanning photos for a slide show presentation to be played during our meal the day of the anniversary. She asked if it would bother me to have photos with my former spouse in them. I assured her that would be just fine because, at that time, he was quite integral in many aspects of the congregation life. More memories in those photo albums and packets of pictures!

At present, Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the US, aiming right at the Carolina's. Some of our invited guests are in those areas facing potential damage and are not sure they'll come, hating to leave their homes, or if they come, can they get home again...Boy, that brings back memories of last year's visit from Irma and the old "should I stay or should I go?" quandary. "And, if we go, what happens to our house, how can we take care of things if we can't get back here???" 

The news is also about the memories of the terror attacks on 9-11-01, revisiting those days immediately afterward when the nation rallied in support of the USA. Those "9-12" days have passed, slipped away. It gives me the same feeling of what has gone away since folks gathered for Timmy's funeral, and how the nation rallied for a period of time against our enemies, but now are war weary. I know it's odd to have those two issues compared but the feeling in my heart makes it match up. 

On my one podcast the radio host was talking about the acrid aroma that hung in the air of NYC for a long while after the attacks. The smell was of incineration, burned building materials, paper, bodies, and debris, wet debris. It triggers memories for those who were there in those days every time they catch a whiff of that type of smell. It's a real trigger, not a personal slight, of what they experienced in those days where the attacks took place. Scent is a real trigger. There is even an ad on TV that is meant to be funny of a younger lady being approached by a senior citizen in the grocery store. The older lady compliments the younger lady because she smells just like her late husband! Who doesn't love that?? You must get the muscle relaxer that doesn't smell!! Every time I go down the baby aisle at the grocery store I look to see if they have Mennen Baby Bath which is what I used for my kids. It's not made any longer but yet, I look for it. I just want to smell it again and be transported to those special bath times. Ah, those are fond memories....

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Can't versus won't

A few days ago I was thinking of something my friend, Kathy, told me about visiting old folks' homes. She said she could not go along Christmas caroling because she "can't go to nursing homes". Her mother-in-law actually lived in such a place and apparently Kathy never went to see her. Perhaps her husband brought his mom to their house for visits since she was quite able-bodied in those days. Anyway, somehow Kathy would spend time with her mother-in-law but not in the home. In all honesty, it wasn't that Kathy could not go into the home to visit her, she wouldn't do it. As you know, there really is no reason to think you cannot go into an old folks' home, you simply don't want to!

How much in our lives do we claim we cannot do when what we really mean is that we don't want to do it? I think of myself with certain foods which I claim I do not like but have never tried. What is up with that? Justin recently coaxed me into trying a cheesy seafood dip one night at dinner, thinking I would like it. Out of character, I did give it a taste and wow!, I loved it. Now I get some every time I am at Publix (has to be Publix brand) and enjoy it on a cracker or five as my afternoon snack. How long have I gone without this delight in my life, simply because I don't like fish???  The seafood in the dip is actually the 'fake' crab meat which is tolerable, not fishy at all. I really needed one more food in my life, right?

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Filling my head...

...with nothing but topics about which to write! So many things have been buzzing in my brain lately and I guess it's best to have this cooling off period before I hit the keyboard with them. My CO boys have come and gone, no girls this year. Maddie was expected to return but, sadly, her dad suffered a stroke and she needed to stay close to home. 

All three boys who did make the trip, Ryan for his third time, stayed in one room for sleeping. The rest of the time they were awake and at home, two of them spent in the living room, with phones firmly in hand. There was little interest in doing much else with the down time than movie watching or game playing. One day when nothing else was planned before VBS, I got them out to the pool with me but Ryan stayed only an hour or so. The younger two guys seemed to really enjoy their pool time which made me quite happy. When they were less enthusiastic about doing something other than their devices, it made me sad. A few times they did watch movies together, borrowed from Michael, so perhaps they communicated with each other then. 

Vacation Bible School is another subject and that also makes me sad. I am reluctant to say much about it so as not to hurt feelings. As I used to tell Martie about my housekeeper: "If I want it perfect, I'll have to do it myself!" Since I DO NOT want to be in charge, I have to be still. It seemed almost like in spite of ourselves, VBS was pulled off, and the CO kids did a good job with their assigned duties. For the first two days I handled the registration table and was sure to take pictures of each of the forms so we can use the garnered info for future contacts. Last year's forms disappeared which limited my ability to reach out to folks. I had made up my own promotional flyer to mail out since nothing was posted at church or in the preschool. Total number of students all week was fewer than 20 kids, the vast majority from the community. I asked the parents how they heard about us and most said from seeing the banners, which, with prompting, were put up about two weeks out. Who knows how many we missed!?

When I was in WI last month, I told Lynn that the housekeeper was scheduled for right after the CO kids left and before Lynn and the boys arrived. She asked me not to do that, since her grandsons are not tidy and it would be a waste of time. I did cancel Dawn and rebooked for after all the company is gone. When I went to check out the guest room now that the CO kids had left, it felt like I was walking on a beach! When they come home from St. Augustine, I suggested they take a quick dip in the pool before going to their room but only one took me up on it. The youngest, Zach, came out of the bedroom with his clothes changed within minutes of getting back. No shower or anything. Surely sand was where he didn't want it but, okay...Justin swept the floor in the hallway and bedroom to get the sand up and I poured what was in wastebasket into a trash bag to take outside. It was everywhere! 

On the day they were leaving, late afternoon, I asked them to please bring me their sheets, pillow cases, and towels. Colton brought out his small roll of bedding and only the towel I gave him for the beach. I asked if he didn't have any bath towels and he looked at me, quizzically, "Bath towels?" I said, "Yes, the towels used when you showered and stuff." He said, "Oh, I just used the beach towel..." Wow! More than once I had offered to do their wash (Ryan did his own, twice) but both younger fellows refused. I'd have been glad to launder his towel, used for 11 days! 

As I said to both Terri and Justin, I guess it's been a long time since I was a mom to a teen-aged boy!  My skills are rusty and my good humor taxed. I was more incredulous than anything, thinking I must be a poor hostess for allowing one towel per guest for whole visit. But he was fine with it, apparently. When I checked the room, I found one of the beds still wearing its fitted sheet. Why bring me one but not the other? Ha, it was sort of funny as I think back to it, guessing I should have said, "Bring me two sheets, two pillow cases each, plus all the used towels from the room." One must be very specific and not use foreign words like 'bath towel'!! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Pratt's Rules

There was recently an award show on MTV at which actor Chris Pratt received a Generation Award. I'm not even sure what that is, but he was impressed by it, and took advantage of the opportunity to address the audience with a short list of rules for living. I have seen fit to omit a couple of them because one was about giving medication to a pet and the other about having to use someone else's bathroom and avoiding embarrassment. This was his attempt to keep things light. The rest of the list, however, is fairly solid stuff. 
No. 1: Breathe. If you don’t, you will suffocate.
No. 2: You have a soul. Be careful with it.
No. 3: Don’t be a turd. If you are strong, be a protector. If you are smart, be a humble influencer. Strength and intelligence can be weapons, so do not wield them against the weak. That makes you a bully. Be bigger than than. 
No. 6: God is real. God loves you, God wants the best for you. Believe that.
No. 8: Learn to pray. It’s easy, and it is so good for your soul.
No. 9. People will tell you that you are perfect just the way that you are---you are not! You are imperfect. You always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way, and if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace. And grace is a gift, and like the freedom that we enjoy in this country that grace was paid for with somebody else’s blood. Do not forget that. Don’t take that for granted.
I'm glad he took this opportunity to address the age group who listens or watches MTV and show them what a star and father can say and believe. And put into practice. No profanity addressed to the President or anyone else, just some good advice for them to follow!

Shades of Justin

Yesterday at Bible study, the pastor's son, Judah, who is a brilliant three years old, sat in. Like a boy his age he struggles with using his indoor voice, or mastering the art of whispering. He peeked out the blinds and saw the preschool students out playing on the equipment in the yard. He asked his mama why his friends were at school but he wasn't. Wow, tough question! How did mama answer him? I don't know, but sure would like to have heard the response.

When Justin was this age, he would plan his birthday celebration months in advance. He'd choose the theme and all that stuff. Timmy did the same thing when he was turning 5, saying he wanted to have a pajama party for his theme. I wasn't invited because I wore a night gown rather than pjs!  Anyway, Justin talked at length about his birthday party coming up 8 months away. Every year! 

Yesterday, Judah told us all what type of cakes he wanted for his next three birthdays. One year it was a purple shark cake. I could see the cake decorators in the room pondering that, having a few years to get such a cake perfected. How funny this is for a kid to think so far down the road, just like Justin did. I see so much of him and his behaviors in Judah, and it's fun to watch. Judah has a command of the language but his maturity does not always match his seemed age. Sometimes he acts just like a three year old, and other times he sounds just like Justin. How fun!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

My humdrum life

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of sitting through the Town Council meeting, getting to see my newly elected friend, Roland, hard at work.  Unfortunately I was in WI on the night he was sworn in, as I would have loved to be there for that big event. I've been hearing about all his big ideas for our town for months now and am excited with and for him to see things start rolling. However, at the meeting, several topics were brought up about which I had no knowledge or information, and I was quite curious.

Roland had asked me to consider serving on some boards or committees for him and I respectfully declined the opportunity. One reason for my decision is that I have enough stuff to do already between various organizations in which I'm involved. And, due to the Sunshine Law in FL, anytime he and I would be together, our conversation would be limited to food and the weather. That would never suit the two of us and he appreciated my answer. 

So, on a lazy and overcast day like this one we had today, I decided to read the Minutes of the previous meeting to see what the dust up was about that night. Not only could I read the Minutes, I could also listen to the actual proceedings. Cool beans!  I got to hear Roland being sworn in, as Maureen held the family Bible for him. I'd have wept, that's for sure! And then I was able to hear the assignment of various Chairmanships to the Council members as well as the appointment/selection of Mayor and Vice-Mayor.  Okay, that's where things got interesting. The sole female on the dais commented later in the meeting that she felt unduly overlooked for the role of Vice-Mayor due to her gender. Wow! How can you prove or deny such a charge? This vote sort of caught our newly elected official off guard, being the new guy, and he voted with the majority. He had no axe to grind with any of them and walked into a hornet's nest.

During the time when the public can address the Council, several spoke regarding this charge, some insisting offenders step down from their role, and so on. That was a bit over the top and made for much drama in the meeting. This was too bad since the new guy was all prepared to pursue his goals, etc. At least he was able to present all that at last night's meeting, and was teased for violating their anti-filibuster rules! That guy can talk! 

I did have to chuckle at myself for sitting for hours at my desk and listening to such proceedings, just to get myself up to speed. Talk about a humdrum life! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Using their wings

Recently I was talking about driving with a friend from church. She was delighted and scared out of her tree to have her 16 year old son become a licensed driver. Her concerns were not necessarily about his skill and common sense, but that of others out on the roads. I believe this is true for all of us!

The conversation brought back memories of when Justin was old enough to drive. When he was of age, I let him take a turn behind the wheel and pull the car into the garage. Prior to that day he'd been gung ho about learning to drive. Once he had his instruction on how to navigate into the garage from the driveway---avoid the water heater, refrigerator, and central vacuum cleaner and so on---he pulled the car into place. And that was it! He was done, no more interest in learning to drive. 

For the rest of his high school years I didn't mind being his driver, or taking my turn with the car pool, picking up kids or dropping them off. But, when it came time for him to go to UNF, a full 30 minutes away, that trip got old quickly. One day I actually drove out there to find that he'd gotten a ride home with a friend. He 'thought' I heard him making the arrangements but I had not. His father was going to give him a car when he got his license which was good. 

I tried to teach Justin to drive, taking him on quiet roads and practicing in the cemetery and parking lots. One day, driving down a road which is technically only one and a half lanes wide, I had to urge him to hang a bit to the left to avoid mailboxes and trees. I was informed that the manual said to stay to the right. I asked him if the manual said anything about hitting trees or mailboxes...

When we changed drivers to meet friends for lunch, he was quite upset with me, after I said something about how well the outing went. He said I was critical and a few other things. Wow! That was the first and only time I took the Lord's name in vain, and told him I was so upset with him, since I thought he did well, that I was going to take him home instead to lunch!  When I related this story to my friend, Carol, I was still quite upset about the incident with the Lord's name and the anger.  She said something so wise to me: "Kim, you cannot teach him to drive..." Nope, and neither could anyone else either. Friends and church family were rebuffed, no no no to their offers.  

At last, I hired a driver's ed school to teach him how to drive, hoping they'd coddle him like I did. Nope, they took him out on the freeway right from leaving home. He did well, passed his test using our friend's smaller car and became a licensed driver. No more did he need me to take him everywhere nor did he need to accompany me wherever I was going. Justin had wings, a brand new car, and places to go!  I had so wanted him to have wings, and now I was upset because he was using them. Parents do that---give them wings and then get upset when they fly away. I'm so glad he is now often my personal driver, dropping me off at the door when distance is an issue, running to the store for needed items, and getting himself to work and back.  I'm so glad his wings bring him right here every night to this lovely nest we share! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Sharing my books

When I was enroute to WI last November, sitting on the plane in Atlanta, I got an email message from one of our newer members, Kathy. She wrote brieftly: "On the way to OPMC. Baby Lucas was found blue and unresponsive. No more information. Prayers please." Wow! Lucas was her infant grandson, born in August just after our pastor's son was born. Quickly I typed out a prayer chain prayer and sent it off before it was time for our flight to leave. After I'd hit SEND, I looked and another email had arrived from Kathy saying "Lucas is with Jesus." I gasped, and quickly wrote to those same folks that Lucas had passed away. And I wept, apologizing to the man next to me. I explained what happened and he was most sympathetic. He got it. 

Lucas' parents are not members of our church but his brother is in our preschool. Kathy came to our church through her grands being in our preschool. She started out by attending chapel with the kids twice a month and liking what she heard. A life-long Baptist, she took classes and converted to Lutheranism. She even wore a white gown for her confirmation day, something she brought from home. That was the only time I'd seen that done in our church body. It was so special to her to join us. 

I have never heard the official cause of death, am guessing that it was SIDS. Because the young family had no other church affiliation, our pastor did a funeral service for Lucas at the funeral home. Several of our members attended which was helpful for Kathy and for Pastor. 

The next day I called Pastor to see how he was doing and he said he was okay, but that one was a tough one, on the list of hardest things to do in the ministry. Early in his time here with us I gave him one of Timmy's funeral service folders to use as a reference, and I hoped he never needed it. Since this situation was quite different than Timmy's, he really didn't need to do much more than what was in the hymnal. I told him how I wished to have been there for Kathy and he assured me that she will need our help long after the service. Yes, I surely do know that!

A couple days ago I was going through some of my books on the shelf near my desk and chose several to pass along to Kathy. I am sad to report that many went without being read though I am so grateful for the sentiment with which they were given to us/me. Some have messages written inside the covers which made me feel funny about giving away, but did so anyway. Some of the books about loss and grieving were from our church publishing house and others were from secular sources. I boxed them up and took them along to church to share with Kathy and her family. She said she was glad to have them and her family was making their way through some of them, together. 

Now there are empty spaces on my shelves and Kathy's family is benefited by the comforts in the books. Maybe a year ago, if someone suggested I get rid of those books, I'd have been aghast at the idea. They were special to me! Even if I hadn't read them, they were a gift to me/us to help us through our loss. The blessing of having a church family around to offer needed comfort makes a huge difference in dealing with our loss. I've managed without opening even one book for these many years, and now they are being devoured by someone else's family who needs the comfort. That makes me glad and allows me to offer my support even in that small way. 

A few times since Lucas died, their family has joined Kathy in church, even her husband! It would be wonderful to have them become more regular and even to become members some day. I know that would bring Kathy much joy and added comfort after this loss to their family. In the meanwhile, they can read my books and perhaps find some comfort in the Word and words. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

How sad is this?

I recently spent some time with a lady who has a dark storm cloud over her head. When a person talks with her, they automatically are put on defense. Here is a portion of our conversation:

Me: Hey, I was alongside of you on Wells Road today.
She: You were? When? 
Me: We were both waiting for the train but I was further back from you then. Later I was alongside but didn't get your attention.
She: I just hate those people who go 35 miles an hour in a 45 zone!
Me: I wasn't in that big of a hurry, hope I wasn't holding anyone up
She: You know how it is on that road
Me: I stopped at Chick-Fil-A to get a free bowl of soup. Justin gave me a card to use for it
She: I can't eat this late at night, I'd have indigestion
(A little one let loose with a shriek as his family tried to quiet him)
She: That kid needs a pop in the mouth!
Me: Yes, that will certainly quiet him...
She: Well, did your parents let you do that? 
Me: I don't remember, that was a long time ago (trying to lighten the mood) 
She: You know who else I haven't seen in a while? Mary.
Me: I saw her at a funeral here a couple months back
She: I know she's working as a food demonstrator in a store
Me: I'll have to reach out to her and encourage her to come. I'm friends with her on Facebook and she checks in on my postings now and again.
She: I am NOT involved with any social media AT ALL
Me: Well, I am so I can reach out to Mary to see how she's doing and encourage her.
She: Well, (dangling conversation)

Don't we all know someone who is like this, someone who struggles to see even a little bit of brightness in life? In conversation, jumping from subject to subject to find a cause for which to be alarmed, usually from the news. Militant attitude about most everything instead of weighing and measuring things; rather than calmly discussing pros and cons...and so on. Wow, it really leaves a bad feeling after spending time in that realm of upset. Not good for a person's spirit, to hear it, or to have to live in that fashion. There is nothing I can do to change this lady, as long as I've known her, it's been this way. I wonder if she'd come to our Monday Bible study...

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Deep Bible study

Earlier this year we began a study on Mondays called "Christians In Conflict". This is a timely subject as there is rarely a shortage of conflict in our little congregation. This class will hopefully get some of us on the road to being more helpful in healing the rifts and schisms, personal disagreements humans seem to attract. The study is based on a book "A Heart at Peace" which is a greatly appealing subject. 

Over the holidays I was looking at the website of another church and saw that this subject was being covered in a ladies Bible study, a joint study with another congregation. I brought it to my pastor's attention and he made the executive decision (giving us three choices but putting his thumb on the scale for this subject) to use this study. I was thinking my heart was pretty much at peace---it was until we got into this class! Whew, it is powerful and makes a person really think deeply about our interactions with folks.

We are not progressing quickly, which is good, because there is much to discuss, real life scenarios about which to ask questions (abusive spouses, etc.). We got through Part One of the study, talking about the 4 Stages of Conflict, and ending with the reminder to not allow the sun to go down on our conflict, from Ephesians. Oh, so easily said, more difficultly done! 

The next chapter brought to the forefront the topic of envy and how pervasive it is in our society, the root of many of our conflicts. This seems to be exacerbated by the use of social media communications. Everything becomes a contest, or against something to measure ourselves.  It's so interesting to observe and most difficult to not participate in the game of measuring oneself against another. 

Pastor said if he could he would make this study mandatory for the congregation. Might even introduce this in his pre-martial and post-martial counseling. It might require some editing to allow it to flow more quickly. In the meanwhile, we dig deeply into what makes ourselves tick, and what ticks others off!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Scratching my head

Have you ever had this happen to you? I'd had a conversation with someone and thought of something that could be a blessing for them, but not remembered with whom the conversation took place? It happened to me just recently and it was making me batty. I did the whole re-trace my steps thing, putting dates and people together, racking my brain for who it was I spoke with at some length, remembering I had something to share with them. Hmmm....who was that?

Most of my time is spent with the church family and Justin, and I was fairly confident it was not them. Terri is my most frequent dining partner but it was not with her that I had this conversation. Today I was using my scanner and discovered a piece of paper I had been in search of for this friend. Just who in the world was it???

Then, when I least expected it, my memory came back to me who it was with whom I ate dinner. It was my neighbor, Debbie! And she can make good use, I hope, of this piece of paper I found in my scanner. Man, that was driving me wild, trying to figure out who I discussed this subject with (acts of kindness) and who I thought would benefit from a list of 100 such acts. The list was a special gift to me from Gus, my sweet downstairs neighbor, on my birthday, no less. Now I will share it with my upstairs neighbor, to the benefit of the young people in the program for teens she runs for our County. 

Debbie's and my meal together was memorable, just not enough to click what I was thinking of to give her. I get a pass because it was the same night as my tumble in the bedroom. That is my story, and I am sticking to it! 

Now my brain can rest until another such a cramp takes place and I have to exercise my memory once again. Oh, boy, I hate having that happen and hope to not make a practice of it! 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Humpty Dumpty

...had a great fall. Yup, I've joined the club of which my sister, Lynn, is President. In rushing about in my room/bathroom, I believe one of my slippers jumped out in front me and I began my fancy, graceful dance toward my bed, missing my mark. Bang! Down I went on the floor after hitting against my bed and moving it over about 10".  I listened for my ornate fused glass lamp to hit the floor, being pushed over by my bed, but neither the table nor the lamp were knocked over. From the floor I was able to reach up and grab my phone from the lap desk on the bed and message Justin that I had fallen. He texted back that he was almost home and asked if I was okay. I told him to not rush, I was okay. I text Linda, too, who was waiting for me on the chat. (I'd quickly dashed to the bathroom during a commercial when Linda and I were chatting during The Five). She asked if I was okay, and I said I was. At least, I thought I was. 

I decided that nothing was broken and managed to get myself up on my sore knees. From there I pulled myself up to standing, assessed my situation, and then got myself situated back on my bed where I belonged, chatting with Linda! I texted Justin again, telling him I was up and on the bed, but he was nearly home. I am sure he was glad (and a bit scared) that he didn't have to try to get me up, or that I was injured. He is always worried about my tripping over the cord for my computer which runs between the bed and the wall outlet. Nine times out of 10 my foot grabs that cord, or I step on the junction box, causing a fancy two-step or something....Plus, I have a rug that has lost its grip over the years and slides underfoot. He brought that up as well, saying I'm too cheap to replace that rug with one that won't slip. I'd say he was a bit upset. I assured him I was fine, only broke one finger nail.

I'd made plans to have dinner with my neighbor, Debbie, and he had opted to stay in since he was so tired from working. When I got home again after dinner, he came in my room and together we moved my bed back to where it belonged in the room. I'm sure tomorrow I will be achy and sore from all this, my left knee already is, but I am thanking the Lord for the soft, relatively, landing I made. I think that if the bed was not there to stop my running dance trying to regain my footing, I would have ended up in the river, going head first out the window! The last time I fell, that I can recall, was when I was expecting Timmy, which was nearly 23 years ago. Please let it be at least that long before anything like this happens again. I must find a new place to put my slippers! 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Back, by popular demand

Perhaps to a lesser degree than in the past, but I'll make attempts to be faithful in posting here. My friend, Judy VSL, a fellow Manitowocian as well as Floridian, has expressed that she misses reading my blog postings. I am touched by that!

For about a week now I've been battling a malady which might or might not be the flu. Starting with a scratchy throat and then developing into hot/cold fluctuations, coughing, and bone weariness. Most of the symptoms have subsided or, at least, lessened in severity. 

Saturday I had to miss seeing a stage show "The Lion King" with Justin. The way it hit me, like a ton of bricks, left us short of time to find a replacement for me (I know, impossible!) so he ended up going by himself. He is fine with that, goes to Disney and the movies by himself without a problem.  He did enjoy his box seat which was visited by characters from the show but said I would not have made it from being dropped off and then up to our seats. It was quite the climb! And it was freezing cold in the theater, I imagine for the comfort of the performers in their heavy animal gear. 

Sunday I stayed home from Bible study and worship for obvious reasons. Hated missing those things but even had to miss our Ladies' Group meeting. I sent the necessary paperwork with Justin and arranged for someone to take Minutes for me. Also Kristi was enlisted to take attendance so all my bases were covered. I stayed home and felt sorry for myself...Not really, I knew I had to not infect others and not wear myself out. Not done lightly does this girl miss church. 

When Justin got home, he went to the grocery store and got the items I wanted plus ingredients to make pea soup. He was embarrassed to buy the things I had on my list but made up for it by buying veggies and such. I had a crazy taste for coffee cake or cookies instead of 'real food' and ice cream felt good on my throat. He blessed me with Haagen Dazs ice cream bars, BO/GO, and less expensive than Dilly Bars. I still have every one of those left, however, since Sunday! Guess I just thought I wanted ice cream (I really AM sick!).

Sleeping was a nightmare, ha ha, because the coughing was worse when lying down. Both Saturday and Sunday I spent the day in my desk chair so I wouldn't sleep all day and not be able to sleep at night, plus I felt better there than lying down. Justin got me a night time cold reliever which helped the first night but not as much the other nights. I started taking less, thinking it might be too strong and have the wrong effect on me. Less and less coughing every day, which is a blessing. At one point I felt like a muscle might have been pulled in my side, and I had to hold my side when I coughed. Because of that, I was not able to cover my mouth, which is it's own problem. Justin, that hero of mine, even offered to help me get my old surgical corset on to hold my side but I declined. Might have choked me to death since I've grown some since 2001. That pain has subsided for the most part. 

Just last week at Bible study we talked about how we didn't really know of anyone who might have the flu or those symptoms and now both Terri and I have a form of the cold/flu, hers affecting the sinuses. She was afraid she infected me but it seems to me that we likely caught our bug in the same place, possibly while at Metro Diner. Both of us are on the mend and are hopefully over the top of this malady. I'm thankful for Justin and his care for me. He did all he could for my comfort and care. God bless him! And God bless you all as you sleep tonight! 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

From the past!

I found this on Facebook, in my Memories from 2009. Some of my answers made me chuckle and some brought tears. I was more clever those many years ago....

Nope, I am unique 

Tonight, hearing someone sing the Lords' Prayers

Yes, although I print instead of use cursive


Yes, a 21 year old son on earth, and one in heaven

Oh, yes, I am not too choosy!

Yes, too much probably

No, somebody took them!

Sure, that is why one of my legs is longer than the other.......

Honey Nut Cheerios

Nope, too far away

Mint Chocolate Chip

Their height

Red, for vibrancy

My weight

My son, Timmy

No, this is not that much fun

A purple nightie and blue slippers

A re-run of House


Bacon. bread baking, food being cooked with wine, hamburgers on the grille

My son. Making plans for tomorrow

I most certainly do!

Pro-football (is it August yet????)

Dark brown with silver highlights



Italian or "comfort foods"

Happy endings

Last Chance Harvey

Purple nightie



Cherry cheesecake

I could simply die in my sleep and wake up in heaven

38. WHAT (in general) IRRITATES YOU? 
Being cold

Grandma Speaks

Greek scenery

House re-runs, Seinfeld at bedtime

My doorbell, which means someone is here!

I do not own a Beatles 'album' but have a couple Stones lps

Alexandria, Egypt

I like to sing, and write

Smalltown, WI

Morning, because it starts all over again!

On the school bus in 1970, when he thought I should give up my seat---no way!
He was no match for me!

49. Monty Python or SNL? 
"'tis merely a flesh wound.."

50. Would you take an around the world cruise if money were no object? 
I'm already packed and ready to go!!!