Some have been looking for me today but time escaped me, in a good way. Earlier today I had to go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning followed by the finishing of the tooth that had the last root canal. I had to wait in between the two appointments which was fine as I realize the dentist was having troubles fitting a patients' crown. I would certainly want mine to fit perfectly, too, so I waited. When it was my turn, they decided to try a new product on me, calling me a guinea pig. So far, so good!
When I went up front to pay, the doctor gave me her special pricing, a discount for being 'conservative' (just teasing) as Justin and I often see her at political functions. I have known her husband and she since before we built our office buildings on the Island, where she rented space from us in the new building. She takes good care of me when I have my regular emergencies....Justin is going in just before ThanksLiving for his cleaning and I cannot wait to hear how they go nuts, seeing him looking so svelte with his new physique, to go with his beautiful smile!
After the dentist I went over to get a soda because, obviously, my mouth tasted funny from the cleaning and then funky new product they used to seal my open tooth. Ahhhh, that was good! From Wendy's I went to Hang Ups to return a plate prop I borrowed and stay to visit for a bit. A man had brought in his mom's bottle collection, miniatures she collected when living in Alaska, including one tiny bottle used for opium! There were also ink bottles and other pretty colored glass, plus a pan used for mining gold. Neat stuff. Dee is going to photograph them for posterity purposes as he is writing a book about his parents. And Dee will be part of that, I guess, by taking the photos!
When I got home some time just after noon, I sat down at my desk to eat my lunch and work on the newsletter for church. Several e-mails went out in regard to the newsletter but none came back...wait, I had better go and check that tonight.....I have to work ahead due to my trip to WI later this month. Boy, I hope no one feels pressured by this pending deadline!
When my radio shows got done, I decided to rest and do some work on the computer other than newsletters. Kathy B. called to say she was on the Island and wondered if I was home and available. YES, come on up! We had a great visit, enjoying the river room although without sun due to the tropical storm passing nearby. She stayed until just before it was time for me to leave for Bible study. We found out our friend, Gordy, is back in the hospital, and Kathy told me she had gone to sit with him for a couple hours at his house so his daughter could go to work for a bit. Prayers for Gordy's return to health are in order....and for strength for Terri as she tends her ailing daddy!