Much of the day today I was attentive to the pending and present testimony on Capital Hill in regard to the killing of our representatives in Benghazi. I did this while also listening to my radio programs, as best I could. The programs also were tracking the hearings and would add outtakes or soundbites from the hearings as part of their show. The testimony was riveting, reinforcing what many already supposed to have happened.
Then, something occurred which dumbfounded me---Fox News Channel (FNC) which was airing the hearings, switched its coverage to a local news story in AZ. Yes, the Jody Arias trial. Unbelievable! The jury was coming back with a verdict and FNC wanted to be first on the scene or wanted to join the rabble about this gruesome yet tantalizing case. Like the Casey Anthony story here in FL, the eyes of the hungry were on this trial, while no one was watching the other hand, as it were. The media's version of cakes and circuses. Ugh!
The verdict wasn't expected for another couple of hours but coverage went wall to wall, showing old photographs of the young couple, footage recorded in the courtroom, and so on, as 'we' waited with bated breath for the pending miscarriage of justice. (It does seem justice was served but at the time, I was blinded with rage!)
Meanwhile, on the Hill, another miscarriage was taking place. The commitee members questioned the brave folks who came forward to tell their side of the story, the seemingly true side of the story, as to what actually took place "a long time ago" according to Jay Carney, those 8 months ago in Libya. Who knew what and when did they know it? Why was it covered up (as if we didn't know!), and what could have been done differently?
I was able to listen to LIVE coverage on The Blaze radio but found out later that C-SPAN had full coverage. Shoot! I never thought of that, and would not have been subjected to cut-aways for ads or commentary. The whole process might be re-run at a later date to catch what may have been missed.
When Gregory Hicks, the highest ranking official in Libya, was asked what he thought when he heard Ambassador Rice appearing on "the Sunday shows" a few days later blaming a youtube video for causing this 'spontaneous' protest (complete with rocket propelled grenades!), he said, "I was shocked. My jaw dropped. I was embarrassed." "Have you ever been interviewed about this matter?" "Never." "Never?" "No, sir, never." That the highest ranking official on the ground after Amb. Stevens was killed in Libya was never interviewed by his superiors or anyone else is simply appalling. The poor guy who is blamed for this, the video maker, is the only one in jail, for a lesser offense. This is so telling!