Sunday morning we had no Bible study again so we could all go to church together. David was leaving us, however, heading to Ocala to visit his elderly auntie, and then continuing on his way to the Orlando area where he'll be working the rest of the week. Lori, Dusty, and I went in my car, and Justin in his truck, hesitant for Dusty to get all smelly or dirty in his truck. (Later, after lunch, Dusty did ride in the truck, but that was okay).
After church our group went to Chili's and were able to secure the 'big table' which can seat 12. We had Judy, Betty, Terri, Mike S., Dusty, Justin, Lori, and me comfortably around the table. We were missing Michael who was house sitting and needed to attend to the lady in his charge. All of those at the table with me had been great helps with the party and clean up so I treated the whole bunch of 'em. I am that thankful for their help!
The group sang Happy Birthday to me at Chili's (Judy and Betty shown here with the manager and host looking on)
After lunch, Justin and Dusty went over to Miller's Ale House to meet up with Jesse. They were going to watch the Jaguar game. Lori asked me about the shop where Nancy W. purchased the presents our one group gave me so we stopped in. She knew I wanted to watch the Jags game but I can sacrifice for the time with her. She loved the store, located only a block or two from home.
Right inside the door to the shop is this giant chair. Lori told me it was a Kodak moment so she posed for me. She looks regal, don't you think?
Here Lori is modeling a conquistador helmet, standing next to a bust of David. I am so glad I didn't tell Nancy I liked that giant head or she would have gotten it for my birthday!!
For my birthday, I had ordered a veggie tray from Publix for those who eat that type of thing. We left it at church Saturday for use today for a memorial service being held for one of our shut in members who passed away. I was glad to be able to contribute though we had very few family members/mourners who stayed to eat after the service. One of the family members helped with putting the table cloths away and folding up the tables, etc. He was waiting for the rest of his family to be ready to leave so pitched in. That was a great help to this than able bodied lady. In no time things were cleaned up and we were out the door. And still veggies were left for me to take home. I wonder if Nancy would eat them....