Tonight I had a very nice evening around two different tables at The Club. Our group at Happy Hour grew and grew and grew requiring a second table to be added. As it turned out, folks made little circles with their chairs and had separate conversations all about the room. Maureen prefers all around one table but that just was not possible this time.
I had invited my upstairs neighbors to join me as my guests to thank them for keeping up with the water collection during the most recent TS. Dick and I walked over together, with his wife joining us later. At the bar, I reached for the ticket to sign my name but Dick took it away from me and signed his name. They had joined The Club the day before, using me as their reference, and tonight was his treat!! So much for my idea of treating them! BUT, his using me as his reference got us each a $100 credit on our accounts! Yay!
We had such an enjoyable time around the table, my neighbors getting better acquainted with folks and meeting new ones. One lady Debbie and I talked with, Micky, is Swiss, and quite interesting. She said something about speaking French and Debbie asked her how many languages she spoke. Micky sort of laughed and said, "Not that many...." but confessed to speaking English, Swiss, German, French, and some Italian...." Not very many??? As Debbie said, "I have enough trouble with English!" I think Micky was a war bride and so darn cute for a little older lady. Such fun to talk with her.

This morning was my first time at water exercises this season. Even though I paced myself, I can sure feel it in my arms and legs. As soon as I got back up here I had a bottle of water to replenish my liquids as it was hot today---almost 90! Now that's more like it!