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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'll be baaacckk!

My end of week was just a mess time-wise and I lost one entire day (Saturday) with the LWMS Rally and then not feeling well in the afternoon and upon getting home. To head off the struggles of the time change, at least I think I can, I went to bed extremely early last night. 

When getting home from the Rally, I went to sleep for about an hour and then woke up for a bit when Justin came home from work. He worked almost 11 hours to make up for the rained out Thursday. He left to go play board games with his friends, though he was quite worn from the long day's work, and I got myself ready for bed. First, I reset the clocks in the kitchen to make sure they were ready for the lost hour.

We had Bible study and worship this a.m., Justin riding with me and going for coffee while I was in Bible class. After church was a quarterly voters/congregational meeting which went a bit long, looking at the proposal from the vision task force. We got to Chili's late, only 5 of us today due to the meeting. Guess Justin will enjoy my leftovers...

Tonight, Justin made a little dinner for us, not wanting our last meal together for a few weeks to be leftovers. I would not have minded but it meant something to him, and who am I to disagree? We watched the 2nd half of a documentary together as we ate, which made me sad to watch. 

I will be less able to update the blog being in WI unless I get access to my sister's WiFi from her apartment in Mom's building. Otherwise, it's a bit of a challenge for me to post. You might remember from my Christmas visit that I would write the blog on Word, e-mail it to myself and then post it from the e-mail to the blog on my cell phone. It's doable, just not a simple process. Hope I can do it, though, otherwise, look for me on Facebook!  I will be at a hotel in Oshkosh for the retreat with Linda which might have Internet available so I can post from there possibly, or from Linda's house. See you around, y'all!