Today I enjoyed very much my lunch with Linda O., Frieda, and Judy J., although I am not sure how much Frieda got from the whole thing. She has lost her hearing, not entirely, but wears aids in each ear. Her throat is quite husky and sounds painful when she speaks but that is caused by a condition she has affecting her throat. In March she had taken a fall and after going through rehab, it was determined she could not live by herself any longer, which brought her now to Jacksonville. And soon, they go to CO to work at the home for unwed mothers---how cool is that?
My goodness! I am so sleepy today due in part to having had a wakeful night. Drinking all that water during the day takes its toll on me as I find myself taking a walk more than once during the night. Normally I drink my sodas most of the day and into the night with little problem but then adding the water, well, complicates things. But I am going to do it! And that’s it!
The reason I was wakeful stems from being concerned about sleeping too late and having then to hustle when the window cleaners arrived. Justin came by on the way to work to take down the glass shelf in the living room window as well as helping me move the work center from next to my desk. The window guys helped me put them back and I even got them to take down some of the lanterns so I could dust them. Certainly it is easier to clean the windows without these things dangling in their faces. So, now, all things are nice and clean. It must be going to rain now that the windows are washed!
Manatees are having a great time in the basin today, enjoying the lovely day. The temps today were expected to hover near 90 but thus far has not soared that high yet. It might only get to the mid-80’s which is still quite pleasant. It was a great day to have the windows done, as the guys remarked about the nice breeze as they scrubbed away. They got the patio doors done from the outside, setting up their 40’ ladder in order to reach my doors, and used an extension wand to apply the soapy water, then squeegeed it off. No more bird poo on my doors! My nice neighbor on the first floor gave me permission to have them set their ladder on his patio for easier access. Mike is going to the hospital today to have his knee replaced, and Gus was going to be there with him. I wished Mike the best, telling him I would keep him in my prayers, and Gus started to cry. He is so emotional and such a sweet man, a good friend to his next door neighbor!
Yesterday I successfully completed the newsletter for my building and today I printed off and addressed prospect mailings as my contribution to outreach. I wonder if anyone actually reads what I send them---I sure do hope so!