Even the washer has stopped for the day, having done several loads of sheets, towels, and other items from the guests. The folding can wait, but not too long. I am always in a funk when my guests leave, but it was good to be with the church family today to help me recover.
Here is a shot of last night's super moon. I had told my sister, Kerry, I likely wouldn't get a good shot because I stink at moon pictures, but this one is pretty good!
Thursday at Bible study at Victory we heard some very sad news about our friend, Marilyn. It was discovered that she had some sort of growth on her heart and had surgery to remove it. Not knowing what the growth was, cancer or whatever, they couldn't treat until it could seen/removed/treated. During the procedure, another surgeon was called in (not good) to check it out. It was determined to be cancer, and it had spiraled itself around the heart and in the tissue. There was nothing they could do.
Her first few days afterward were rough, as you might imagine after having ones chest cracked, and then to find out they couldn't help her....well, it was truly heart-breaking. She is well loved by her family and her friends, and we feared for her survival. I even put her on our church's prayer chain, so tenuous was her situation. We got word today via Facebook that she is doing much better, and hopes to soon have the ventilator removed. Reports are that she is alert and reacts to family when they speak to her. Thanking the Lord for sparing her this long, at least until her brother and family can get here to see her. Prayers for comfort for Marilyn and peace for her family will be greatly appreciated.