There is a half-written blog posting waiting for me on the gas-powered computer but I do not feel like waking up that sleeping beast any more tonight. The information will be good yet tomorrow afternoon when I get home from Bible study and lunch with Justin. In fact, I had lunch with Justin today at Mojo's, as he was hungry for brisket. Me, too! Love their brisket! He suggested I call Twila to meet us since he did not get to speak to her at church on Easter Sunday. She was tired after being there for breakfast and then for worship so left just as quickly as she could afterward, with Aunt Jean being her driver. Today, she drove herself, the second time since she got home from the hospital, to meet us. And, she loved the brisket, too! Unfortunately, just as Justin dug into his plate, he got a phone call indicating the ATT people were coming to the new 'old' office to hook up the Internet so had to gulp his food down and run. In the meanwhile, Twila Squared joined us at the restaurant, but missed seeing Justin.
Twila Sr. was planning to go to Wal*Mart after lunch but then decided to just go back home, feeling a bit weary. It will take her a while to get her steam back, baby steps. I asked her if there was something I could pick up for her and she told me she was going to buy "The King's Speech" dvd. Twila Squared said, "Don't you watch it!" because they plan to do that together next week when they go to the time share at Sanibel. I am so happy those two have each other. I was going to Wal*Mart also and offered to get one for each of us, but she declined my offer saying they would go shopping next week to get supplies for the trip, etc. However, I DID go to get my copy plus I was looking for new cropped jeans since my old ones look that way!
Before lunch I stopped at Great Hang Ups to drop off some of the paper bags left here by Cindy when she cleaned out her scrapbooking supplies. Julia was happy to get them and I was glad to drop them off. The ladies said they had not seen me in awhile, not counting the Art Guild show on Palm Sunday. Since I was meeting Justin and Twila, my stay was shortened but I will go back again another day when I can stay. They did have a minute to tell me about the lady that helps out in the shop periodically, off now because strangely enough, she had gotten a virus in her ear! Just like Justin had, only Penny's has instead affected her balance. Justin's manifested itself with both the deafness and the vertigo but fortunately the vertigo abated. The ladies said that Justin should be thankful to have 'only' deafness resulting and not have the terrible problems learning to live like Penny has. She has a steady horizon with one ear, and a 64% 'vision' with the other ear. Therapy is taking place right now but for her to try to see straight, she moves her head either up and down, or side to side, and talks as though she's inebriated. It is hard to believe that Justin is considered 'lucky' to only be deaf...
More tomorrow, okay?