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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ooooh, I so 'cited!

After Bible study today, some of us went to Longhorn to have lunch. Bonnie came along this time, and was treated for her birthday, approaching this week. Before we left church, though, Twila asked about the memoir writing workshop, and I started my sales pitch, Bonnie said, "I knew you were behind that!" We hashed it all over at lunch. I think both Twila and Bonnie are interested and Jackie is already on board. There is no Monday class in June so away we go!!! We just filled up our Monday mornings!
Bonnie is also interested in the Reading Club so that may be a "go", too! I've picked out the book "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks for us to start with. I have to start small and build up to the level the others are already at! It's best that we not venture into books political in nature (my type of reading material) or dealing with matters of doctrine, as doctrine would require some participation from Pastor. I certainly do not wish to put one more thing on him, particularly since we're coming up on the summer months, meant for playing, not adding to his work load. It's also important to stay away any reading that ventures into New Age stuff, and, as you might know, that thinking permeates so many of the books and music on the shelves these days. People have worshipped themselves almost since time began and, as is stated in Ecclesiastes 1, there's nothing new under the sun!
Whenever I think about the Reading Club, the ad from Publix comes to mind: it opens with a group of ladies sitting around a coffee table with their books. One lady says, "I didn't read it!", another, "I read it, didn't like it" and another one has a comment, and then someone says, "Let's eat!" It's an ad for a sinful looking chocolate cake called "Decadence" and that's all the ladies cared about. Skip the reading part and dive right into dessert! It's funny, you have to see it to appreciate it.....or you have to be in a book club to appreciate it! Maybe that was my inspiration to start a Reading Club! Nah, it was something just as sweet, though--my MN Judy!
After lunch, I headed over to get my hair cut. My regular lady is on vacation but her partner was willing to tackle the job of cutting my hair. And, it looks good! Of course, once cut, it looks much more silvery than it did before! Oh, how I wanted to go sit on the deck at Whitey's and have a nice drink but instead came home to do some work. It's quite pleasant outdoors, the shore birds are having a feast picking up whatever from the exposed sandbar. It's often exposed during the full moon, looks yukky, but it's still worth it to have the moon reflected on the river at night.
Work has begun on the roof of the condo, and some people had to relocate their cars due to the machinery and work going on overhead. Praise be to God, the chosen bid isn't going to cost as much as we thought. We are assessed based upon our square footage and my blessing of having lots of room here comes back to bite me for these assessments! Thankfully, the market is so slow right now that the roofing companies were bidding tighter and tighter just to get work.
Sometimes I say "thankfully" for the market, but most of the time I pray for the housing market to pick back up---soon! Not only for selfish reasons but because many of my friends and associates are experiencing the trickle down effect of the sluggish market. Many of my neighbors here are in real estate and to be hit over and over with these assessments is absolutely brutal. Of course, the end result will be an up-to-date building, in good repair, but it's hurting on the front-end for everyone. Some are upset that previous owners and association leadership didn't have a fund set aside for these major expenses but it's water under the bridge now. At least, with the new roof, we won't have water in our units!